Swift TableView pagination with async API request.



Swift TableView pagination with async API request.

Output UML

Create puml file.

$ cd SwiftTableViewPagination/scripts/swiftuml

# DataSource
$ find ../../SwiftTableViewPagination/DataSource | grep .swift | xargs -L 1 sh plantuml.sh | grep -v @enduml | grep -v @startuml >> output_`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`.puml

# Presentation
$ find ../../SwiftTableViewPagination/Presentation | grep .swift | xargs -L 1 sh plantuml.sh | grep -v @enduml | grep -v @startuml >> output_`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`.puml

puml to png via Visual Studio Code.

shift + cmd + p

> PlantUML: Export Current File Diagrams





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