A simple, but efficient CSV Parser, written in Swift.


CI Status Code Coverage Latest Release License Swift Version


CSV.swift is a powerful swift library for parsing CSV files that supports reading as [String], [String: String] and Decodable, without sacrificing performance.

CSV.swift also supports the new async/await functionality of swift 5.5.


There are already a few CSV parsers for Swift, but I was not able to find one that had support for high-speed parsing, while still offering convenience features, such as parsing Decodables.

Speed Comparison

[Coming Soon]


Swift Package Manager

CSV.Swift is compatible with Swift Package Manager. Simply add it to your project's Package.swift.

dependencies: [
	.package(url: "https://github.com/benkoska/csv.swift.git", from: "0.1.0")
targets: [
		name: "Project",
		dependencies: [
			.product(name: "CSV", package: "csv")

After the installation you can import CSV in your .swift files.

import CSV


Docs avaliable at https://docs.benkoska.com/csv


let string = "joe,doe,28"
let parser = try CSVParser(url: url, header: ["firstName", "lastName", "age"])

Get next as array

parser.next() // => Optional<["joe", "doe", "28"]>

Get next as dictionary

try parser.nextAsDict() // => Optional<["firstName": "joe", "lastName": "doe", "age": "28"]>

Decode next from Decodable

struct Person: Decodable {
	let firstName: String
	let lastName: String
	let age: Int

try parser.next(as: Person.self) // => Optional

Create parser from URL

let parser = try CSVParser(url: url)
let parser = try CSVParser(url: url, delimiter: "|")
let parser = try CSVParser(url: url, delimiter: "|", hasHeader: true)
let parser = try CSVParser(url: url, delimiter: "|", header: ["firstName", "lastName", "age"])

Create parser from String

let string = "joe,doe,28\njane,doe,21"
let string2 = "joe|doe|28\njane|doe|21"
let string3 = "firstName|lastName|age\njoe|doe|28\njane|doe|21"

let parser = try CSVParser(string: string)
let parser = try CSVParser(string: string2, delimiter: "|")
let parser = try CSVParser(string: string3, delimiter: "|", hasHeader: true)
let parser = try CSVParser(string: string2, delimiter: "|", header: ["firstName", "lastName", "age"])

Create parser from Data

let parser = try CSVParser(data: data)
let parser = try CSVParser(data: data, delimiter: "|")
let parser = try CSVParser(data: data, delimiter: "|", hasHeader: true)
let parser = try CSVParser(data: data, delimiter: "|", header: ["firstName", "lastName", "age"])


Until Swift.CSV reaches version 1.0.0 the API is subject to breaking changes between minor version jumps.

The being said, I will try to minimize breaking changes to the public API.


Ben Koska, hello@benkoska.com


Swift.CSV is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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  • Add (very basic) support for quotation

    Add (very basic) support for quotation

    This patch enables parsing data that contains quoted content (which may contain the delimiter or even newlines in a field). By default, the double quote " (0x22) is assumed but a different quotation mark may be specified when initializing the CSVParser.

    Parsing performance takes a small hit because it's necessary to keep checking if the parser is currently in a quotation.

    What's missing:

    • ~~Support for escaped quotation marks inside a quotation~~
    • Probably some more testing :)
    opened by andreasley 1
  • 0.1.2(Dec 13, 2021)

  • 0.1.1(Dec 5, 2021)

  • 0.1.0(Dec 5, 2021)

    This release includes the following features:

    • Reading CSV from URL, String and Data
    • Reading CSV with custom delimiter
    • Parsing CSV as [String], [String: String] and Decodable
    • async/await support using AsyncCSVParser, AsyncDictionaryCSVParser and AsyncCodableCSVParser
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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