A utility that reminds your iPhone app's users to review the app written in pure Swift.

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Utility SwiftRater


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SwiftRater is a class that you can drop into any iPhone app that will help remind your users to review your app on the App Store/in your app.

SwiftRater is written in pure Swift.

iOS 10.3 〜


For iOS 10.3 devices, SwiftRater uses SKStoreReviewController.

〜 iOS 10.2



iOS 8.0 or later, written in Swift. Xcode 8.2 or later.



SwiftRater is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "SwiftRater"


SwiftRater is compatible with Carthage. Add it to your Cartfile:

github "takecian/SwiftRater"


1.Setup SwiftRater in AppDelegate.swift. After setting up, call SwiftRater.appLaunched().

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        SwiftRater.daysUntilPrompt = 7
        SwiftRater.usesUntilPrompt = 10
        SwiftRater.significantUsesUntilPrompt = 3
        SwiftRater.daysBeforeReminding = 1
        SwiftRater.showLaterButton = true
        SwiftRater.debugMode = true

        return true

Property Description
daysUntilPrompt Shows review request if daysUntilPrompt days passed since first app launch.
usesUntilPrompt Shows review request if users launch more than usesUntilPrompt times.
significantUsesUntilPrompt Shows review request if user does significant actions more than significantUsesUntilPrompt

You can set properties you want to apply.

Property Description
debugMode Shows review request every time. Default false, need to set false when you submit app to AppStore.
showLaterButton Show Later button in review request dialong, valid for iOS10.2 or before devices.
daysBeforeReminding Days until reminder popup if the user chooses rate later, valid for iOS10.2 or before devices.

2.Call SwiftRater.check() in viewDidAppear of ViewController where you want to show review request dialog. If conditions are met, SwiftRater will show review request popup.

    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

3(Optional).For significantUsesUntilPrompt, you need to add SwiftRater.incrementSignificantUsageCount in siginificant action for your app.

func postComment() {
    // do something ..


4(Optional).Call SwiftRater.rateApp(host:) to let your users to review your app on the App Store/in your app directly.

func rateButtonDidClick(sender: UIButton) {
    // do something ..

	SwiftRater.rateApp(host: self)


This example states that the rating request is only shown when the app has been launched 5 times and after 7 days, remind 5 days after if later selected.

SwiftRater.daysUntilPrompt = 7
SwiftRater.usesUntilPrompt = 5
SwiftRater.daysBeforeReminding = 5

If you wanted to show the request after 5 days only and remind 7 days after if later selected, you can set the following:

SwiftRater.daysUntilPrompt = 5
SwiftRater.daysBeforeReminding = 7

Customize text

You can customize text in review request dialog for iOS10.2 or before devices. Set text in following properties.

  • SwiftRater.alertTitle
  • SwiftRater.alertMessage
  • SwiftRater.alertCancelTitle
  • SwiftRater.alertRateTitle
  • SwiftRater.alertRateLaterTitle
  • SwiftRater.appName

Country code

If your app is only avaiable for some coutnries, please add country code at Setup phase.

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        SwiftRater.daysUntilPrompt = 7
        SwiftRater.usesUntilPrompt = 10

        SwiftRater.countryCode = "fr"

        SwiftRater.debugMode = true
        return true

App ID

Optional, you can set App ID explicitly. If not, SwiftRater will get App ID from appstore by bundle ID.

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        SwiftRater.daysUntilPrompt = 7
        SwiftRater.usesUntilPrompt = 10

        SwiftRater.appID = "1104775712"

        SwiftRater.debugMode = true
        return true


You can find Demo app in this repo.


takecian, takecian@gmail.com


SwiftRater is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Significant event trigger

    Significant event trigger


    Does this framework fallback to the new iOS 10 rating api / rules? Awesome I see that it does.

    Does it support uialertcontroller?

    Also when say 5 significant events occur, can the rating dialog be shown instantly regardless of days or uses ?



    opened by JulesMoorhouse 24
  • What happens when display limit is reached?

    What happens when display limit is reached?

    On Apple's developer documentation for SKStoreReviewController it says "the prompt will only be displayed to a user a maximum of three times within a 365-day period".

    What is the procedure with this? - say if you call SwiftRater.rateApp() does it just take the user to the app's page on the App Store rather than showing the prompt?

    opened by TomWFox 12
  • No known class method for selector 'incrementSignificantUsageCount'

    No known class method for selector 'incrementSignificantUsageCount'


    I'm using SwiftRater with Objective C. I've just updated my pods from 0.2.1 to 1.1.0.

    Now I'm getting an error.

    No known class method for selector 'incrementSignificantUsageCount'

    This is how I'm calling the method

    [SwiftRater incrementSignificantUsageCount];

    I've looked at the SwiftRater Code and I can see that, that methods is public.

    I'm not that familiar with Swift, can you advise please.


    opened by JulesMoorhouse 11
  • Issue useing SwiftRater.check()

    Issue useing SwiftRater.check()

    When I click on button to show RatingView, it logs me but nothing prompts

     [SwiftRater]  will check daysUntilPrompt
     [SwiftRater]  will check usesUntilPrompt

    My code is

     DispatchQueue.main.async {
    opened by BhavinBhadani 10
  • Feature Request: App title parameter

    Feature Request: App title parameter


    I would like request an app title parameter.

    I know you can change all the strings, but then you loose the benefit of the localizations.

    I would you also use this in my other apps next update.

    PS. Once live the issues I had about the 10.3 api seemed fine.

    Good job!

    opened by JulesMoorhouse 9
  • iTunes lookup api returns empty list

    iTunes lookup api returns empty list


    The iTunes lookup api returns empty list. If I try to add country code in url then it works. My bundle Id is good.

    Doesn't work : https://itunes.apple.com/lookup?bundleId=xxxxx works : https://itunes.apple.com/fr/lookup?bundleId=xxxxx

    Any idea about that ?


    opened by NameX44 5
  • Pops up everytime

    Pops up everytime

    Hi, the dialog pops up from the first launch even if debug is false and in real device. Swift 4. iOS: 11.3. XCode 10.1 My Settings: SwiftRater.daysUntilPrompt = 3 SwiftRater.usesUntilPrompt = 1 SwiftRater.significantUsesUntilPrompt = 2 SwiftRater.daysBeforeReminding = 2

    opened by HelloDev18 5
  • Submit button hook up

    Submit button hook up

    Hi there, first nice job on making this pure swift...much easier and lightweight vs. Armchair.

    Please can you fully detail and explain how we get the action implemented for the submit button please? For example it is greyed out and disabled. The current explanation and documentation for how to have this submit direct to App Store is not complete.


    opened by karmsingh 4
  • node is produced by multiple commands

    node is produced by multiple commands

    fix podspec to avoid issue with new xcode build system: … 👎 unable to build node: '.../SwiftRater/SwiftRater.framework/Info.plist' (node is produced by multiple commands;

    opened by krezzoid 4
  • App Store Connect Operation Error Invalid Bundle. The bundle at 'BalGuide.app/Frameworks/SwiftRater.framework' contains disallowed file 'Frameworks'.

    App Store Connect Operation Error Invalid Bundle. The bundle at 'BalGuide.app/Frameworks/SwiftRater.framework' contains disallowed file 'Frameworks'.

    I'm getting the following error when I upload to the app store

    App Store Connect Operation Error Invalid Bundle. The bundle at 'BalGuide.app/Frameworks/SwiftRater.framework' contains disallowed file 'Frameworks'.

    opened by JulesMoorhouse 3
  • Triggering the control doesn't work on iOS12

    Triggering the control doesn't work on iOS12

    Hey, first of all thank you for your work.

    We implemented your class into our project and it works just fine for iOS10 and iOS11, but on the latest iOS12 beta the control is not shown when trying to access it (we implemented it when user taps a link).

    Are you aware of this issue? Is there anything that I can help you with to fix this and be prepared for when iOS12 is coming out?

    Thanks, Alex.

    opened by alexppmax 3
  • SwiftUI Support

    SwiftUI Support


    I've used SwiftRater in other older apps in the past, Objective C apps, I've found it works really well.

    I'd really like to use this with SwiftUI now.


    opened by JulesMoorhouse 1
  • Project Issue: found 1 file(s) which are unhandled

    Project Issue: found 1 file(s) which are unhandled

    I get following project issue in Xcode 12.4

    Resolve Package Graph Warning:

    found 1 file(s) which are unhandled; explicitly declare them as resources or exclude from the target.

    opened by Adobels 3
  • Use of check()

    Use of check()

    After calling incrementSignificantUsageCount() do we need to call check() ?

    For example:

    @objc func didTapSave(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
    opened by UlanNurmatov 0
  • Hope to add features

    Hope to add features

    Thank you very much for providing such an excellent tool

    1. Hope to support OSX.
    2. Hope private func rateAppWithAppStore() can remove "private". After all, many useful programs have manual clicks to write reviews. Then the method can be called directly from the outside,

    Best wishes!

    opened by luoxiao 0


    Hi, thanks for your library, can you add a completion handler when user did a review? because for now we cannot know if he canceled or not..

    Thanks :)

    opened by ghost 1
  • SwiftRater.incrementSignificantUsageCount() not triggering rating prompt

    SwiftRater.incrementSignificantUsageCount() not triggering rating prompt

    Hello, and thanks for the library! Everything works great in debug mode, but I can't seem to get the rating prompt to appear when using SwiftRater.incrementSignificantUsageCount(). I've used it to try to trigger a rating prompt after the third time a uses a tap gesture in my interface, but no prompt is appearing while testing. Any ideas why?

        SwiftRater.daysUntilPrompt = 3
        SwiftRater.usesUntilPrompt = 3
        SwiftRater.significantUsesUntilPrompt = 3
        SwiftRater.daysBeforeReminding = 2
        SwiftRater.showLaterButton = true
        // Set to false before submitting to App Store!!!!
        SwiftRater.debugMode = false
        return true
    opened by mozltovcoktail 5
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