Faces Vision Demo
iOS11 demo application for age and gender classification of facial images using Vision
and CoreML
This demo is based on the age, gender and emotion neural network classifiers, which were converted from Caffe
models to CoreML
models using coremltools python package.
Age classification
Gender classification
Emotion Recognition
- Xcode 9
- iOS 11
git clone https://github.com/cocoa-ai/FacesVisionDemo.git
cd FacesVisionDemo
pod install
open Faces.xcworkspace/
Download Caffe model and deploy.prototxt. Links can also be found here. Move downloaded files to Covert/EmotionClassification
cd Convert
python age.py
python gender.py
python emotion.py
Download the Age, Gender and Emotion CoreML models and add the files to "Resources" folder in the project's directory.
Build the project and run it on a simulator or a device with iOS 11.
Vadym Markov, markov.vadym@gmail.com
- Age and Gender Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks
- Emotion Recognition in the Wild via Convolutional Neural Networks and Mapped Binary Patterns