Digger is a lightweight download framework that requires only one line of code to complete the file download task


Version Carthage compatible Version


Digger is a lightweight download framework that requires only one line of code to complete the file download task.

Based on URLSession, pure Swift language implementation, support chain syntax call, real-time download progress, real-time download speed, breakpoint download.

The user forces the app to be shut down, for example by sliding off the app. Digger can still resume downloading tasks.


  • Large file download
  • Multi thread Download
  • Thread safety
  • Breakpoint downloading
  • Controllable concurrency


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 9.0+
  • Swift 4.0+



Add to your Podfile:

pod 'Digger'


Add to your Cartfile:

github "cornerAnt/Digger"


###Basic: Download a file in the Digger directory under the sandbox's Caches

   let url = "http://example.com/digger.mp4"

Choose different callbacks depending on your needs

   let url = "http://example.com/digger.mp4"

            .progress({ (progresss) in

            .speed({ (speed) in
            .completion { (result) in
                switch result {
                case .success(let url):
                case .failure(let error):

Config yourself

/// Start the task at once,default is true

DiggerManager.shared.startDownloadImmediately = false

/// maxConcurrentTasksCount,deault is 3

DiggerManager.shared.maxConcurrentTasksCount = 4

///  request timeout,deault is 100 

DiggerManager.shared.timeout = 150

/// allowsCellularAccess,deault is true

DiggerManager.shared.allowsCellularAccess = false

/// loglevel,deault is high
file   : ExampleController.swift
method : viewDidLoad()
line   : [31]:
info   : digger log

// If you want to close,set the level to be .none

DiggerManager.shared.logLevel = .none

// MARK:-  DiggerCache

/// In the sandbox cactes directory, custom your cache directory

DiggerCache.cachesDirectory = "Directory"

/// Delete all downloaded files


/// Delete all temporary download files


/// Get the system's available memory size

_ = DiggerCache.systemFreeSize()

/// Get the size of the downloaded file

_ = DiggerCache.downloadedFilesSize()

/// Get the path to all downloaded files
_ = DiggerCache.pathsOfDownloadedfiles


  1. Fork
  2. Commit changes to a branch in your fork
  3. Push your code and make a pull request


Digger is Copyright (c) 2017 cornerAnt and released as open source under the attached MIT License.

  • Uploads



    Just wondering if you'd consider adding an upload functionality with most of the benefits you've currently got when downloading with Digger (resume even when the user quits the app etc)?

    opened by jyounus 9
  • stopAllTasks() not working

    stopAllTasks() not working

    In the example project, I press the top Stop button, but the downloads keep running.

    I also commented NotificationCenter.default.post(name:NSNotification.Name(rawValue: suspendNotificationName), object: ExampleCell.self) but they still keep running. So it might be something in Digger, not in the example project.

    I'm running iOS 11 Simulator.

    opened by alexandrutomescu 1
  • Install from cocoapods not working

    Install from cocoapods not working

    Hi! Great library!

    In Podfile, I added pod 'Digger' under target 'Digger' do, but I'm getting the error

    Analyzing dependencies
    [!] Unable to find a specification for `Digger`
    opened by alexandrutomescu 1
  • iOS8崩溃


    dyld: Symbol not found: _NSURLSessionTaskPriorityDefault Referenced from: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/******* Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Foundation in /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/********** (lldb)


    opened by seahuai 1
  • 作者你好,看到你的库我很激动


    之前我也花了一些时间写了一个很你这个库很像的下载器,里面的类名,方法名称,链式调用的特点,都很像,可能这就是缘分吧。本人水平有限,你写得应该会比我好,所以打算使用你的库,但是好像有不满足我的需求。 我需要传入一个urlString数组,然后开启下载,下载的过程中我要得到这组任务的总进度,并且这组任务全部下载完,我在拿到回调做事情处理,也就是一个multiDownload的方法。如果你有兴趣的话,请加入这个功能,或者加我的QQ:176516837,一起讨论

    opened by Danie1s 1
  • Is it possible stop and resume download file ?

    Is it possible stop and resume download file ?

    Hi thanks for great plugin and saved me a lot of time research about downloading file.

    Is it possible resume and stop download ?

    thanks for your replied!

    opened by kristoff2016 0
  • Request - Can you please add existing contributors to grant access to this code's repo?

    Request - Can you please add existing contributors to grant access to this code's repo?


    Hi @cornerAnt This is a great library - but colleagues are turned off that it's not been updated in a long time. Please grab the usernames from network that you see fit - and just add them into repo - this will allow Digger to live on. People that have spent the time to do pull request - will have time to fix stuff too.

    I'm finding swiftlint autofix is making the network stuff stop working - I'd be happy to spend time fixing - but if the project is abandoned - less so. Also completely open to suggesting a different repo to use.

    opened by 8secz-johndpope 3
  • Can't change cachesDirectory

    Can't change cachesDirectory

    Anyone else able to change the cachesDirectory? This has no effect:

    DiggerCache.cachesDirectory = "custom_name"

    All downloads end up in a folder called "Digger" no matter what I set.

    opened by jln19 0
  • 'deinitialize()' is unavailable: the default argument to deinitialize(count:) has been removed, please specify the count explicitly

    'deinitialize()' is unavailable: the default argument to deinitialize(count:) has been removed, please specify the count explicitly

    Since upgrading to Swift 5, I get the following errors:

    valuePointer.deinitialize() //'deinitialize()' is unavailable: the default argument to deinitialize(count:) has been removed, please specify the count explicitly

    valuePointer.deallocate(capacity: 1) //'deallocate(capacity:)' is unavailable: Swift currently only supports freeing entire heap blocks, use deallocate() instead

    let message = data.withUnsafeBytes { bytes -> [UInt8] in
                    return Array(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: bytes, count: data.count))
                } //'withUnsafeBytes' is deprecated: use `withUnsafeBytes<R>(_: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> R) rethrows -> R` instead

    When can we expect a fix on this? I see it is out of date and needs some maintenance ASAP.

    opened by dutypro 1
  • progress.fractionCompleted is always 1.0

    progress.fractionCompleted is always 1.0

    			.progress { progress in
    			.completion { result in
    				switch result {
    				case .success(let url):
    				case .failure(let error):

    Testing on ios 9.1 to 13.

    opened by dzpt 0
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