📱AutoLayout can be set differently for each device




Carthage compatible Swift CI Status Version License Platform

DeviceLayout is a Swift framework that lets you set Auto Layout constraints's differently for each device

Using only IBInspector of Xcode to set up your constant per device size differently without any CODE :)

@IBInspectable make a migic with outh any CODE

Only 3 seconds you can set design guide and make designer happy 🚀

public enum Size: Int, Comparable {
    case unknownSize = 0
    /// iPhone 4, 4s, iPod Touch 4th gen.
    case screen3_5Inch
    /// iPhone 5, 5s, 5c, SE, iPod Touch 5-6th gen.
    case screen4Inch
    /// iPhone 6, 6s, 7, 8
    case screen4_7Inch
    /// iPhone 6+, 6s+, 7+, 8+
    case screen5_5Inch
    /// iPhone X, Xs
    case screen5_8Inch
    /// iPhone Xr
    case screen6_1Inch
    /// iPhone Xs Max
    case screen6_5Inch
    /// iPad Mini
    case screen7_9Inch
    /// iPad
    case screen9_7Inch
    /// iPad Pro (10.5-inch)
    case screen10_5Inch
    /// iPad Pro (11-inch)
    case screen11Inch
    /// iPad Pro (12.9-inch)
    case screen12_9Inch


First inherit your constraint to DeviceLayoutConstraint


Second Set your own constant per device size and adjust your UI design guide

comparing PSD, Sketch or Zeplin UI Guide

Make designer be happy :)



  • iOS 8.0+
  • Swift 3+, 4+, 5+


📲 Installation

DeviceLayout is available through Cocoapods or Carthage

pod "DeviceLayout"


github "cruisediary/DeviceLayout" ~> 0.5.0


  • Device - Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.

👨‍💻 Author

cruz, cruzdiary@gmail.com

🛡 License

DeviceLayout is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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  • Fix iPhone sizes typos

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    Thanks for you repo. it's really helpful.

    I fixed the typos according to inch display as mentioned in Apple Website.





    opened by Maryom 15
  • Changing deviceSize() to static let deviceSize

    Changing deviceSize() to static let deviceSize

    How about changing

     open func deviceSize() -> Size {
        return Device.size()


    public static let deviceSize = Device.size()

    So you can use deviceSize like this

    if size == DeviceLayoutConstraint.deviceSize {
        self.constant = constant

    This change might boost up performance little bit.

    type: perf 
    opened by purpleblues 2
  • development 0.1.0

    development 0.1.0


    • create project
    • create pod lib
    • set .gitignore
    • set .gitattributes


    • add DeviceLayoutConstraint


    • add unittest for DeviceLayoutConstraint
    type: test type: feature type: chore 
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