An extensible logging framework for Swift

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Logging Log

Travis Status CocoaPods compatible Carthage compatible Platform

Log is a powerful logging framework that provides built-in themes and formatters, and a nice API to define your owns.

Get the most out of Log by installing XcodeColors and KZLinkedConsole

Usage β€’ Installation β€’ License


The basics

  • Use Log just as you would use print.
let Log = Logger()

Log.debug("Who is self:", self), objects, here)
Log.warning(one, two, three, separator: " - ")
Log.error(error, terminator: "😱😱😱\n")

  • Disable Log by setting enabled to false:
Log.enabled = false
  • Define a minimum level of severity to only print the messages with a greater or equal severity:
Log.minLevel = .warning

The severity levels are trace, debug, info, warning, and error.


  • Create your own Logger by changing its Theme and/or Formatter.

A suggested way of doing it is by extending Formatters and Themes:

extension Formatters {
    static let detailed = Formatter("[%@] %@.%@:%@ %@: %@", [
        .date("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"),
        .file(fullPath: false, fileExtension: false),

extension Themes {
    static let tomorrowNight = Theme(
        trace:   "#C5C8C6",
        debug:   "#81A2BE",
        info:    "#B5BD68",
        warning: "#F0C674",
        error:   "#CC6666"
let Log = Logger(formatter: .detailed, theme: .tomorrowNight)

See the built-in formatters and themes for more examples.

Tip: Log.format and Log.colors can be useful to visually debug your logger.

Nothing prevents you from creating as many loggers as you want!

let Basic = Logger(formatter: .default, theme: nil)
let Short = Logger(
    formatter: Formatter("%@: %@", .level, .message),
    theme:     .tomorrowNightEighties,
    minLevel:  .info

  • Turn off the colors by setting the theme to nil:
Log.theme = nil


Include a custom Block component in your formatter to print its result in every log message:

struct User {
    static func token() -> Int {
        return NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults.integerForKey("token")

Log.formatter = Formatter("[%@] %@: %@", .block(User.token), .level, .message)



Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that automates the process of adding frameworks to your Cocoa application.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate Log into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "delba/Log"


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects.

You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate Log into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:


pod 'Log'


Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Damien (

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


  • Update to Swift 3 and recommended project settings

    Update to Swift 3 and recommended project settings

    Just tried out my project using Log with Swift 3 in the Xcode 8 Beta. Looks like there's currently no Swift 3 compatible branch here. It'd be great if you could merge this into a currently non existent branch on your repo or make the changes yourself if you want and close this PR.

    Thanks 😊

    opened by kiliankoe 7
  • Fix Xcode 10 cannot show logs in console problem

    Fix Xcode 10 cannot show logs in console problem

    Xcode 10 cannot show logs in the console, that's because of the level comparison failed in log function (level >= minLevel always false), fix it by using raw values type "Int" for "Level"

    opened by ming-chu 5
  • Consider Removing XcodeColor info from log

    Consider Removing XcodeColor info from log

    Hi, Unfortunately Xcode won't support plugins anymore and we are left with no XcodeColor. Log still tries to add color info to console logs and that makes an ugly (and sad) console.

    I thing the colorization should become optional (with room left for possible future support for XcodeColor)


    opened by mohpor 4
  • Log messages not being displayed in XCode debug console

    Log messages not being displayed in XCode debug console

    Hey @delba, are you still maintaining this library? I am having odd issue now where logs print inconsistently, I can't tell if this is an issue newly introduced in XCode 10, or if it happened due to me updating iOS. Have you seen anything similar in any of your projects?

    opened by jakerockland 3
  • Logger instance

    Logger instance

    Hi Damien, the library is great, thanks. I have one suggestion for the last line in Logger.swift: public let Log = Logger(formatter: .Default, theme: .Default)

    First thing is, the name of an instance should not be capitalized? Would public let log = be better? Also, what do you think about leaving the responsibility of creating a Logger instance to the user, by deleting that line?

    opened by yichizhang 3
  • Add support for Swift Package Manager

    Add support for Swift Package Manager

    Xcode complained about some missing symbols which were resolved by the Foundation imports. Besides that it seems to work fine now for use with Xcode 11's SwiftPM support 😊

    opened by kiliankoe 2
  • Log severity with Emoji

    Log severity with Emoji

    I want my logger to include the following emoji symbols with the log: ERROR: ❗️ WARNING: ❕

    In other words, whenever an error is logged, the logger will also include "❗️" in the log.

    Is that possible by customizing the formatter, or does it require a deeper change?

    opened by noamtamim 2
  • Type of expression is ambiguous without more context

    Type of expression is ambiguous without more context


    Since Swift3 update I have this strange behaviour Type of expression is ambiguous without more context with that simple code:

    import Log
    let Log = Logger(formatter: .Detailed,
                     theme: .TomorrowNight,
                     minLevel: .Trace)
    extension Formatters {
        static let Detailed = Formatter("[%@] %@.%@:%@ %@: %@", [ //Error is just here
            .Date("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"),
            .File(fullPath: false, fileExtension: false),
    extension Themes {
        static let TomorrowNight = Theme(
            trace:   "#C5C8C6",
            debug:   "#81A2BE",
            info:    "#B5BD68",
            warning: "#F0C674",
            error:   "#CC6666"

    Any help would be appreciated. Vivien

    opened by VivienGiraud 2
  • Possibility to attach log handler

    Possibility to attach log handler

    I am wondering whether there is a built-in mechanism for attaching additional code that handles a log. I've recently started using a cloud logging framework and would like to attach the frameworks logging call to all my existing Log.*("...") calls. Is there an intended attachment point that I have overseen or is there no option without modifying your code?

    Thanks in advance Benno

    opened by bennol 2
  • codebeat badge

    codebeat badge

    Is it fine to add codebeat badge to README?

    codebeat is automated code review tool for Swift,Ruby,Go & Python that helps get instant feedback on code quality.

    "Quick wins" suggested by codebeat could be a nice candidate for a pull request and help other developers become contributors.

    FYI. To be fully open and honest. I'm co-founder of codebeat.

    opened by korzonek 2
  • Carthage + Xcode 10.2.1 : Task failed with exit code 65

    Carthage + Xcode 10.2.1 : Task failed with exit code 65

    Step to reproduce :

    Run carthage update --platform iOS on your project Get this error :

    *** Building scheme "Log iOS" in Log.xcodeproj
    Build Failed
    Task failed with exit code 65....
    This usually indicates that project itself failed to compile. Please check the xcodebuild log for more details:

    Did someone found a solution ?

    opened by JoseTovar94 1
  • Log statements don't have different colors

    Log statements don't have different colors


    • Swift 5
    • Xcode 11.3.1

    Problem: I implement the logger using the various levels of severity however all the log statements in the console are still white. I have tried changing themes and yet I still cannot have TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, or ERROR to appear in the console with the proper colors.

    Example Logger Setup:

        // MARK: Logging
        private lazy var log = Logger(formatter: .default, theme: .tomorrowNightEighties, minLevel: .trace)

    Example Console Output:

    Screen Shot 2020-01-16 at 1 14 28 PM

    opened by adamisrafil 1
  • 2.0 can't be depended on with SwiftPM

    2.0 can't be depended on with SwiftPM

    Hi, unfortunately SwiftPM is currently unable to depend on this package @ 2.0 due to the naming of the version numbers.

    The previous ones are all prefixed with 'v', v0.5, v1.0, ... And then it's just '2.0'. Obviously this should be improved in SwiftPM, but it would be a quick and easy fix here until that happens 😊

    opened by kiliankoe 1
  • Add support for Emojis

    Add support for Emojis

    As you know, Apple removed support for XCode plugins in 2016, and we need some way to color code the logs. So I have added a provision to setup emojis for log levels. Please go through the code, and let me know what you think.

    I have not updated readme or version number, yet. I'll update it, if this change is merged.

    opened by surajthomask 0
  • Logger instance hook for logging to different locations.

    Logger instance hook for logging to different locations.

    This is definitely one of the better and more flexible logging frameworks for client side swift. Awesome work.

    It would be great, however, to add an abstraction which will allow you to assign multiple output locations. E.G., Instead of just logging to standard output, it would be nice to be able to take the same record and just send it to another logging service via https.

    Happy to open a PR for this when I get the time.

    opened by thedodd 1
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