Logging utility for Swift and Objective C

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Logging Swell

Swell - Swift Logging

A logging utility for Swift and Objective C.


  • Turn on logging during development, turn them off when building for the App Store
  • Enable or disable logging for specific classes
  • Different log levels allow for finer-grained control of logging within a class
  • Log to the console, text file, or a custom location
  • Log message isn't computed when logging is disabled (thanks to the @auto_closure feature)

##Maintenance Note

I actively use this for my own projects, and every new project I create includes this. It works well for my needs. However, I develop iOS apps only in my spare time, which is not a lot. This can affect my response time to pull requests.

##Basic Usage

###Using the shared logger

The shared logger is the simplest, quickest way to get started using Swell.

class ContactService {

    func getContact(name: String) {
        Swell.info("Retrieving contact for \(name)")

INFO: Retrieving contact for Steve

###Using a named logger

Using a named logger allows for better control over which logs of which classes you want to see during development. A typical name would match the class using it, making it easy to see which class is logging which statement.

class ContactService {

    let logger = Swell.getLogger("ContactService")

    func getContact(name: String) {
        logger.debug("Retrieving contact for \(name)")

DEBUG ContactService: Retrieving contact for Steve

###Logging complex statements Sometimes you need extra code in order to generate the information you need to log, but you don't need to execute the same code when you build for the App Store. Using Swell's closure functions is the answer to this scenario.

class ContactService {

    let logger = Swell.getLogger("ContactService")

    func getContact(name: String) {
        logger.trace { 
        	let city = getCityFor(name)
            return "Retrieving contact for \(name) of \(city)"


The code in the closure will only execute if the statement will be logged according to how the Logger is configured.

###Disable all loggers

Are you building for the App Store? Don't forget to disable your loggers.


See also the next section, which uses an optional .plist file to configure Swell.


For more control over how Swell loggers behave, add a Swell.plist resource file. You can then configure which log levels to enable, where to send the log output, and what information to include for each log.

###Root configuration The root configuration specifies the behavior for all Swell loggers.

Swell.plist example

All keys are optional. However, if you specify "file" for the log location, you should provide a filename for the log file. Any unspecified values will revert to built-in defaults.

###Named logger configurations

You can specify a different configuration for named loggers. As with the root configuration, the configuration details are optional, and any unspecified values will use what the root configuration has for it.

In the plist file, create a Dictionary type, and use the logger name as the Key. The configuration in this Dictionary will be used for that logger.

Swell.plist with configuration for a named logger

In the example above, MyStableClass is configured to only produce logs that are error level or higher, and will use a different log output format than other loggers. Since a log location wasn't provided, it will use the same location specified in the root configuration.

To use this logger, specify its name when you create your Logger instance.

let logger = Swell.getLogger("MyStableClass")


Let's be honest - we have a long list of features for anything we write, long before we're done writing them.

However, my goal is to keep Swell as simple as possible, while allowing the configurability I've been looking for since I started iOS development.

So here's list of To Do for Swell:

  • More documentation
  • Improved Date format in FlexFormatter

That said, the Swell library is alpha software. Things may change (drastically). However, I'm already using it extensively for my projects, so I have plenty of incentives to keep the public API stable.

  • Allow Swell to be used as a Cocoapod

    Allow Swell to be used as a Cocoapod

    Added a podspec file so that people can use Swell as a Cocoapod. I have not added the spec file to the central Cocoapod repo. You add Swell to a Podfile like this:

    pod  'Swell', :git => 'git@github.com:hubertr/Swell.git'
    opened by ordovician 5
  • Create a release using the semantic versioning

    Create a release using the semantic versioning

    I'm trying to reference your project using Carthage and it won't resolve since you have no releases. Would you mind creating a release, even if it's something like 0.0.1?

    Carthage apparently will not resolve anything that doesn't have a release. See https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage for more info.

    opened by JeffBNimble 3
  • Function in Formatter contains Optional()

    Function in Formatter contains Optional()

    When using the function name in the flex formatter, the resulting string contains "Optional("..")" text. Based on the code at https://developer.apple.com/swift/blog/?id=15 it looks like that the method signature of https://github.com/hubertr/Swell/blob/master/Swell/Logger.swift#L37 could be changed to use the non optional types.

    Or is there a specific reason why you used the optional? Another solution would be to fix the flex formatter to first try to unwrap optionals before printing them.

    opened by broglep-work 3
  • Swift 1.2 is not supported (Xcode 6.3)

    Swift 1.2 is not supported (Xcode 6.3)

    'autoclosure' attribute is now an attribute of the parameter declaration, not its type.

    Every occurence of message: @autoclosure() has to become @autoclosure message: instead.

    opened by juliensaad 2
  • Make compatible with Carthage and Bitrise/CI building

    Make compatible with Carthage and Bitrise/CI building

    Hey, I shared the build scheme to make it built with Carthage. Also changed the code signing identify of the release build to distribution, otherwise CI systems with only distribution profile installed fail. And finally changed deployment target to 8.0 since that's the earliest supporting dynamic frameworks and silenced the linker warning.

    opened by akolov 0
  • Perform Xcode recommended changes

    Perform Xcode recommended changes

    We did let Xcode Update to recommended settings. A warning was shown during compilation

    Project 'Swell' - Automatically Select Architectures
    Project 'Swell' overrides the Architectures setting. This will remove the settings and allow Xcode to automatically select Architectures based on hardware available for the active platform and deployment target.
    opened by broglep-work 0
  • Problem with Cent with installing via Carthage

    Problem with Cent with installing via Carthage

    *** Building scheme "Cent" in Dollar.xcworkspace
    fatal error: SDK count 3 in scheme Cent is not supported: file /Users/mdiep/Repositories/Carthage/Carthage/Source/CarthageKit/Xcode.swift, line 959
    Caught signal triggered by the Swift runtime!
    Illegal instruction: 4
    Unfortunately, this is probably a bug in Swift and not Carthage. If
    this is preventing you from doing work, please file an issue and we'll
    do our best to work around it:
    Please also consider filing a radar with Apple, containing the version
    of Carthage and any crash report found in Console.app.
    Caught signal triggered by the Swift runtime!
    Illegal instruction: 4
    opened by alec-c4 0
  • Swift 2.0

    Swift 2.0

    Hello there! I have made the necessary changes to Swell for Swift 2.0 compatibility (as of Xcode7b6). I would like to initiate a PR into a swift-2.0 branch but no such branch exists. If you would like to accept my PR would it go into a new branch, or into master? Thanks -Scott

    opened by scottdelly 4
  • formatKey println in Swell.swift

    formatKey println in Swell.swift

    There's a debug(?) println in the Swell.swift which prints the formatKey if Swell.plist is used. Is it really needed? Defeats the purpose of disabling all logging for the AppStore builds.

    opened by akolov 0
  • Adds OSX-Target

    Adds OSX-Target

    I wanted to use Swell with OSX and Carthage. There was only a scheme for iOS so i had to add a new target and it works.

    I added the existing tests to the OSX test target to assure that they are also executed. The last thing i changed was the use of Foundation instead of UIKit.

    carthage update *** Fetching Swell *** Checking out Swell at "9dceb9487d8455b919db81e255ffae9e99d8e070" *** xcodebuild output can be found in ... *** Building scheme "Swell-iOS" in Swell.xcodeproj *** Building scheme "Swell-OSX" in Swell.xcodeproj

    opened by ricobeck 0
  • 0.5.0(May 5, 2015)

    This release includes updates to conform to Swift 1.2.

    BE WARNED: Due to a change in handling of closure parameters, some parameters have been reordered, specifically with Logger.log(), trace(), debug(), etc methods.

    However, if you're merely using Swell (and not extending it), then you shouldn't be affected.

    I would like to thank everyone who raised issues and submitted patches. I apologize for not responding in a timely manner. I really wanted Swell to be useful to as many people as possible, however time constraints prevent me from being an effective open source package lead.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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