A Meetings app where the user is presented with the number of meetings created , join any them , edit the varied details also keeping the track of the history of the meetings.
Reading List Reading List is an iOS app for iPhone and iPad which helps users track and catalog the books they read. Reading List v2 As of version 2.0
TrackMyDay Description: Track your activities with the help of the TrackMyDay app. This app is very easy to use and understand so you can get started
🐣 Maby Maby is an iOS/watchOS open-source app to help you keep track of your baby's sleep, feedings, diaper changes and more to avoid the constant qu
Life Conway’s Game of Life SwiftUI implementation of Conway’s Game of Life — also known simply as “Life”. About I’m Martin, an indie dev from Berlin.
Fuck your custom slider It doesn't work. Sure, it looks great, with gradients, and multiple thumbs, but really, it's useless. No more paying for a sub
Pegase 🎉 Features 📒 Documentation Personal account software Pegase is a beautifully easy tool to keep track of your financial life on all your macOS
CouchTracker Keep track of your favorite movies and tv shows on your iPhone Setup for development You will need Xcode 11.2.1 Swift 5.1.2 Run the follo
Avo Keepr Open source repo for the Avo Keepr app. Avo Keepr on the App Store Screenshots: App Store Listing: Avo Keepr enables you to track your avoca
ViruSafe aims to help the fight with COVID-19 by offering people to share their symptoms as well track the spread of COVID-19 with an interactive map, that shows how the infection has spread throughout Bulgaria.
Bookworm Description: Bookworm is an app I built while following 100 Days of Swi
Stocks-App App that allows the user to track stocks of their choice (Coming soon
Tap It Tap It enables two people to seamlessly share their social media information (e.g. Instagram, Snapchat, phone number) by simply placing one scr
Game Data System - GDS Author: Heitor Silveira ( iOS App to view games from various platforms, their description, release
TodoList In this application used the concepts from the beginner level project of SwiftUI_Evolve_1 The following concepts covered in this mini app Swi
Simple App for European people who need to validate an EU VAT number, calculate your VAT, check current VAT rates in Europe. How many euros can you save if you freelanced in another country? You can find out! Make more money now!
Virtual-Tourist-app The Virtual Tourist app downloads and stores images from Fli
CovidUI CovidUI is a simple App to Track the status of Covid-19 around the World. This is a simple App I made to track the spread of Covid-19 for me a
NBA-Stats NBA-Stats is an app that keeps track of and dislays NBA games & scores. Features Display scheduled games for Today, Yesterday, and Tomorrow.
Upcoming TV Swift iOS app to track when your favorite tv show airs next ?? Requirements iOS 13 TMdB API key Credits TMdB Contact