Enables developers to write code that interacts with CloudKit in targets that don't support the CloudKit Framework directly


CloudKit Web Services

This package enables developers to write code that interacts with CloudKit in targets that don't support the CloudKit Framework directly (such as App Clips).


This project is currently undergoing development and is subject to breaking changes. During this development Semantic Versioning will not be followed entirely as long as the package remains under release version 1.0.0.

Develop Branch Status: Swift


The goal of this project is to provide developers with easy access to CloudKit where it is not available such as within App Clips. If you find something missing that you'd like to see get added, open up an issue, or if you're comfortable writing framework code, open up a Pull Request.


  • An Apple Developer account with access to the CloudKit Console
  • iOS 15.0 or newer

Getting Started

To get started with CloudKit Web Services, first create a CKWSContainer.

// Configuration
let identifier = "iCloud.{your-container-name}"
let token = "{your-token-generated-from-cloudkit-console}"

let container = CKWSContainer(identifier: identifier, token: token, enviornment: .development)

Creating a query request

// Create an operation that queries all records of the "ExampleType"
let queryOperation = CKWSQueryOperation(query: CKWSQuery(recordType: "ExampleType"))

queryOperation.recordMatchedBlock = { recordID, result in 
  switch result {
  case .success(let record):
    // TODO: Do something with the record that was received.
  case .failure(let error):
    // TODO: Handle per-record failure, perhaps retry fetching it manually in case an asset failed to download or something like that.

queryOperation.queryResultBlock = { result in 
  switch result {
  case .success:
    // TODO: Yay, the operation was successful, now do something. Perhaps reload your awesome UI.
  case .failure(let error):
    // TODO: An error happened at the operation level, check the error and decide what to do. Retry might be applicable, or tell the user to connect to internet, etc..


  • Allow changing the container environment at runtime

    Allow changing the container environment at runtime

    It is sometimes useful to be able to use the production environment in a debug build to test something. Currently, the environment is set to .development automatically for debug builds, and to .production for release builds, which I think is a great default, but it would be neat if the user of the library could override that manually if they want to.

    If the idea is to replicate the CloudKit framework more closely, then this change could be provided at compile time with a flag different from DEBUG, which would take the place of the entitlement in the original framework.

    Updated by Eric:

    • [x] Dynamic environment selection via initializer
    • [x] Dynamic environment selection via configuration
    opened by insidegui 2
  • NOT_FOUND error in Fetch operation should produce unknownItem error

    NOT_FOUND error in Fetch operation should produce unknownItem error

    Match the new iOS 15 per-record error behavior. When a record is not found as presented in the RecordFetchErrorDictionary, produce an 'unknownItem' error.

    bug enhancement 
    opened by edorphy 0
  • Add type safety to the RecordFieldDictionary's type property --> backed by enum

    Add type safety to the RecordFieldDictionary's type property --> backed by enum

    To improve type safety of the RecordFieldDictionary, make the 'type' property an enum

    • [x] Make enum
    • [x] Update decoding
    • [ ] Update encoding

    Support for additional types:

    • [ ] Handle "UNKNOWN_LIST" FB9825479
    • [ ] BYTES
    • [ ] BYTES_LIST

    Test Coverage of RecordFieldDictionary:

    • [x] Single item types
    • [ ] List item types
    enhancement tech debt 
    opened by edorphy 0
  • Consider representing integer as NSNumber so bridge casting to any int or bool behaves like CloudKit does

    Consider representing integer as NSNumber so bridge casting to any int or bool behaves like CloudKit does

    https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/nsnumber https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45610119/swift-casts-bool-to-nsnumber-using-as-operator

    opened by edorphy 0
  • Investigate UNKNOWN_LIST type returned by fetch

    Investigate UNKNOWN_LIST type returned by fetch

    Found that Apple returned "UNKNOWN_LIST" as a value type in a record. In the portal the type on the offending record was "empty list".

    I saved a string, then deleted the string then console picked up the type as being a list. Seems like an Apple bug I should file feedback for.

    opened by edorphy 1
  • Add support for ckWebAuthToken for user authenticated calls

    Add support for ckWebAuthToken for user authenticated calls

    Investigate how to receive the ASWebAuthenticationSession completion within App Clip

    What I've got so far

    1. Call the currentUser
    2. Get the redirect pass it into ASWebAuthenticationSession
    3. Figure out how to hook the session to invoke the app clip user activity or some other mechanism
    enhancement help wanted security 
    opened by edorphy 1
  • Determine if assets should auto download or not

    Determine if assets should auto download or not

    CloudKit Framework auto-downloads asset fields in records. CloudKit JS does not.

    Determine if we want this behavior to auto-download assets (without caching).


    • Easier API
    • Closer to CloudKit behavior


    • No caching support at the API
    • Special handling might be required for different kinds of assets
    • Lightweight models, less network if consumer doesn't use desired keys and gets all by accident

    Other Considerations:

    • AsyncImage takes an optional URL. Procedure
      • onAppear, fetch a record containing an asset
      • then once the asset is received, load the image.
    enhancement question 
    opened by edorphy 0
Eric Dorphy
Developing apps to be private by design. This is the way. Full stack iOS specialization in micro-location, fitness, and Bluetooth low energy.
Eric Dorphy
🔥 🔥 🔥Support for ORM operation,Customize the PQL syntax for quick queries,Support dynamic query,Secure thread protection mechanism,Support native operation,Support for XML configuration operations,Support compression, backup, porting MySQL, SQL Server operation,Support transaction operations.

?? ?? ??Support for ORM operation,Customize the PQL syntax for quick queries,Support dynamic query,Secure thread protection mechanism,Support native operation,Support for XML configuration operations,Support compression, backup, porting MySQL, SQL Server operation,Support transaction operations.

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