URL query encoder with OpenAPI serialization options support



A customizable Swift Encoder that encodes instances of data types as URL query items. Supports all OpenAPI serialization options.


Encoding Primitives

let encoder = URLQueryEncoder()
encoder.encode(id, forKey: "id")

// [URLQueryItem(name: "id", value: "5")]

By default, optional values are not encoded.

var id: Int?
let encoder = URLQueryEncoder()
encoder.encode(id, forKey: "id")

// []

Encoding Arrays

let ids = [3, 4, 5]
let encoder = URLQueryEncoder()
encoder.encode(ids, forKey: "id")

// Query: "id=3&id=4&id=5"

With an explode option disabled:

let ids = [3, 4, 5]
let encoder = URLQueryEncoder()
encoder.encode(ids, forKey: "id", explode: false)

// Query: "id=3,4,5"

With an explode option disabled and a custom delimiter:

let ids = [3, 4, 5]
let encoder = URLQueryEncoder()
encoder.encode(ids, forKey: "id", explode: false, delimeter: "|")

// Query: "id=3|4|5"

Encoding Objects

let user = User(role: "admin", name: "kean")

let encoder = URLQueryEncoder()
encoder.encode(user, forKey: "id")

// Query: "role=admin&name=kean"

With an explode option disabled:

let user = User(role: "admin", name: "kean")

let encoder = URLQueryEncoder()
encoder.encode(user, forKey: "id", explode: false)

// Query: "id=role,admin,name,kean"

As a "deep" object:

let user = User(role: "admin", name: "kean")

let encoder = URLQueryEncoder()
encoder.encode(user, forKey: "id", isDeepObject: true)

// Query: "id[role]=admin&id[name]=kean")"

If you are encoding a request body using URL-form encoding, you can use a convenience URLQueryEncoder.encode(_:) method.

Encoding Options

There are two ways to change the encoding options. You can set them directly on URLQueryEncoder instance.

let encoder = URLQueryEncoder()
encoder.explode = false
encoder.isDeepObject = true
encoder.delimiter = "|"
encoder.dateEncodingStrategy = .millisecondsSince1970

Or pass options in each individual encode call.

let user = User(role: "admin", name: "kean")
let ids = [3, 4, 5]

let encoder = URLQueryEncoder()
encoder.encode(ids, forKey: "ids", explode: false)
encoder.encode(ids, forKey: "ids2", explode: true)
encoder.encode(user, forKey: "user", isDeepObject: true)
encoder.encode(2, forKey: "id")

// Query: "ids=3,4,5&ids2=3&ids2=4&ids2=5&user[role]=admin&user[name]=kean&id=2"

The reason it's designed this way is that in OpenAPI each parameter can come with different serialization options.

Accessing Results

You can access the encoding results at any time, and they come in different forms:

public final class URLQueryEncoder {
    // Encoded query items.
    public var queryItems: [URLQueryItem]
    // Encoded query items as name-value pairs.
    public var items: [(String, String?)]
    // The encoded query items as a URL query subcomponent.
    public var query: String?
    // The encoded query items as a URL query subcomponent with percent-encoded values.
    public var percentEncodedQuery: String?


URLQueryEncoder is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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  • LICENSE file not included in Swift package

    LICENSE file not included in Swift package

    Looks like when installing as swift package the LICENSE file is not included in the package of 0.2.0. So automated license collecting tools like https://github.com/nicklockwood/Tribute can't read the license. Seems like the LICENSE file was added after 0.2.0, maybe just the version number needs to be increased?

    opened by deni2s 2
  • This library has a problem using xcframeworks

    This library has a problem using xcframeworks

    background https://github.com/unsignedapps/swift-create-xcframework/issues/80


    warning: public struct 'AnyCodable.AnyCodable' shadows module 'AnyCodable', which may cause failures when importing 'AnyCodable' or its clients in some configurations; please rename either the struct 'AnyCodable.AnyCodable' or the module 'AnyCodable', or see https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-14195 for workarounds @Frozen public struct AnyCodable: Codable {

    to verify

    brew install mint mint install unsignedapps/swift-create-xcframework swift create-xcframework URLQueryEncoder should see above error.

    Seems like either the class or module has to be renamed.

    // swift-tools-version:5.5
    // The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.
    import PackageDescription
    let package = Package(
        name: "URLQueryEncoderKit",
        platforms: [
        products: [
                name: "URLQueryEncoderKit",
                targets: ["URLQueryEncoderKit"]),
        targets: [
                name: "URLQueryEncoderKit",
                dependencies: []),
                name: "URLQueryEncoderTests",
                dependencies: ["URLQueryEncoderKit"]),

    rename sources/URLQueryEncoder -> sources/URLQueryEncoderKit

    working branch

    // swift-tools-version:5.5
    // The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.
    import PackageDescription
    let package = Package(
      name: "GoTrue",
      platforms: [
      products: [
        .library(name: "GoTrue", targets: ["GoTrue"])
      dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/WeTransfer/Mocker", from: "2.7.0"),
        .package(url: "https://github.com/binaryscraping/swift-composable-keychain", from: "0.0.2"),
        .package(url: "https://github.com/kean/Get", from: "2.0.0"),
        .package(url: "https://github.com/wweevv-johndpope/URLQueryEncoderKit", from: "0.2.2"),
      targets: [
          name: "GoTrue",
          dependencies: [
            .product(name: "Get", package: "Get"),
            .product(name: "ComposableKeychain", package: "swift-composable-keychain"),
            .product(name: "URLQueryEncoderKit", package: "URLQueryEncoderKit"),
          name: "GoTrueTests",
          dependencies: [
          resources: [
    opened by wweevv-johndpope 1
  • Dictionary of [String: Object] not encoded correctly?

    Dictionary of [String: Object] not encoded correctly?

    When encoding a dictionary that contains objects with form style and true explode value, the key for each parameter should be the key for each entry in the dictionary, not the key that is passed in.

    This is the behaviour experienced when using https://editor.swagger.io with the following yaml file:

    openapi: 3.0.3
      title: Test API
      version: v1
          summary: Get list of products
            - name: filters
              in: query
                $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductFilterRequestQueryParameter'
              description: OK
          type: object
          description: |
            A set of constraints placed on filters, keyed by the filter name, and containg an operator and an array of values.
            $ref: '#/components/schemas/ProductFilterRequestConstraint'
              operator: eq
                - blue_code
              operator: in
                - gold_code
                - blue_code
          type: object
          description: |
            A constraint placed on a filter. Constraints can either be "in" (an array) or "equals" (to a value).
              type: string
              type: array
                type: string
            - operator
            - value

    You can see the results of the query produced by "trying out" the request in editor.swagger.io.

    However, this package produces a query string that ignores the keys in the dictionary and flattens the values.

    A failing test representing the expected output:

        func testEncodeDictionaryWithObject() {
            struct Filter: Codable {
                let `operator`: String
                let value: [String]
            // GIVEN
            let parameter = [
                "color": Filter(operator: "eq", value: ["blue"]),
                "material": Filter(operator: "in", value: ["leather", "metal"])
            // THEN
            let query = URLQueryEncoder().encode(parameter, forKey: "filters").percentEncodedQuery
            // produces query == "filters=in&filters=leather&filters=metal&filters=eq&filters=blue"
            XCTAssertEqual(query, "color[operator]=eq&color[value]=blue&material[operator]=in&material[value]=leather&material[value]=metal")

    I am aware that the output produced by editor.swagger.io seems to be encoding the object as deepObject style while expecting a form style, so perhaps this is not a bug in this package but nonetheless I thought it important to raise an issue to discuss.

    As far as I can tell, there is no official OpenAPI Spec support for deeply-nested objects. There is some discussion here with links to other discussions too. Perhaps it would be useful to define what this package will do with deep objects, and officially add support for it?

    opened by kerrmarin 1
  • 0.2.1(Nov 29, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Properly include LICENSE file for improved compatibility with tools like Tribute (https://github.com/CreateAPI/URLQueryEncoder/issues/5)
    • Add GitHub Actions Workflow for CI checks on macOS by @liamnichols in https://github.com/CreateAPI/URLQueryEncoder/pull/2
    • Add CI workflows for testing Linux by @liamnichols in https://github.com/CreateAPI/URLQueryEncoder/pull/3

    New Contributors

    • @liamnichols made their first contribution in https://github.com/CreateAPI/URLQueryEncoder/pull/2

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/CreateAPI/URLQueryEncoder/compare/0.2.0...0.2.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.0(Dec 28, 2021)

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