ESTabBarController is a highly customizable TabBarController component, which is inherited from UITabBarController.



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ESTabBarController is a highly customizable TabBarController component, which is inherited from UITabBarController.


In real-world development, we may encounter the situation that customizing the UITabBar. For instance: change font style, add animation, use bigger item. However it's hard to do with UITabBarItem.

With ESTabBarController, You can easily achieve these!

- Feature Description
1 Default style You can get system-like style by initializing the TabBar with ESTabBarController directly.

UITabBarController style:

System native style

ESTabBarController default style:

ES system-like style
2 Default style with "More" item If the items are more than the maximum number of displays, there will be a "More" item.

UITabBarController with "More":

enter image description here

ESTabBarController with "More":

enter image description here
3 Mix UITabBarItem and ESTabBarItem You can set any item as you want, including UITabBarItem and ESTabBarItem.

ESTabBar and UITabBar mixed style:

enter image description here

ESTabBar and UITabBar mixed style with "More":

enter image description here
4 UIKit attributes ESTabBarController is compatible with UITabBarController, UITabBar and UITabBarItem's most API attributes. You can migrate to ESTabBarController without any modification of the origin code.

Compatible with UITabBarController's selectedIndex:

enter image description here
5 Any nesting with UINavigationController Developing withUITabBarController, there are two common ways to handle layers:

First :

├── UITabBarController

└──── UINavigationController

└────── UIViewController

└──────── SubviewControllers

Second :

├── UINavigationController

└──── UITabBarController

└────── UIViewController

└──────── SubviewControllers

In the first case, need to set hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = true when pushing subViews. The second is not.

In ESTabBarController, add Container views to UITabBar to be compatible with these two ways。
6 Customizable style With ESTabBarController, you can:

1. Customize selected item's color and style:

enter image description here

2. Add selecting animation:

enter image description here

3. Customize item's background color:

enter image description here

4. Add highlight animation:

enter image description here

5. Add animation to prompt users:

enter image description here

6. And much more ...

7 Customizable item's size

Customizable click event
You can easily customize item's size using ESTabBarController.

When the button's frame is larger than TabBar, through the use of HitTest to achieve making outer TabBar area click valid.

In addition, ESTabBarController can customize click event, and through a block to callback super-layer to handle.

With big item in the middle of TabBar:

enter image description here

With a special hint style:

enter image description here

Customize click event:

enter image description here
8 Default notification style You can get system-like notification style by initializing the TabBar with ESTabBarController directly.

UITabBarController notification style:

enter image description here

ESTabBarController system-like notification style:

enter image description here
9 Customizable notification style With ESTabBarController, you can:

1. Customize notification animation:

enter image description here

enter image description here

2. Customize prompt style:

enter image description here

3. And much more ...

10 Lottie Through customizing ContentView, you are able to add Lottie's LAAnimationView to Item(s)

enter image description here


  • Xcode 8 or later
  • iOS 8.0 or later
  • ARC
  • Swift 5 or later


You can download and build ESTabBarControllerExample project, and you will find more examples to use ESTabBarController, and also more examples to customize UITabBar。



pod "ESTabBarController-swift"


github "eggswift/ESTabBarController"


git clone
open ESTabBarController


  1. The Containers' layout is purely based on code,using Autolayout will be better.
  2. When there is "More", if edit it will occurs problem.
  3. Partial UITabBarItem attributes are not bridge to ESTabBarItem.
  4. The picture of 'More' item in ESTabBarItemMoreContentView is not set into framework, plan to convert it to CGBitmap.


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ESTabBarController is developed and maintained by Vincent Li. If you have any questions or issues in using ESTabBarController, welcome to issue.
If you want to contribute to ESTabBarController, Please submit Pull Request, I will deal with it as soon as possible.

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The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2013-2016 eggswift. All rights reserved.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


  • Icons became very small after upgrading from 2.5 to 2.6.1

    Icons became very small after upgrading from 2.5 to 2.6.1

    Hi, I am using this library in my project and after updating from version 2.5 to 2.6.1 I've noticed that the tab icons size has changed and now they are very small. My tab bar design is image only. Each icon size is 40x40. I wanted to know if this change is by design or it's a bug?


    opened by ranhsd 13
  • Error: Value of type 'UIAccessibilityTraits' (aka 'UInt64') has no member 'union' in

    Error: Value of type 'UIAccessibilityTraits' (aka 'UInt64') has no member 'union' in "internal extension ESTabBar"


    Yesterday I did update my cocoapods and my project is no longer compile because of an error in ESTabBarController pod.

    The issue is pretty trivial and is related to container.accessibilityTraits access Could you please update the pod as we can't afford to do that because of CI flow integrated to our development cycle.

    Here are instructions of where the exact issue is:

    File: ESTabBar.swift Line 247: i**nternal extension ESTabBar /* Actions / {* Line 415: container.accessibilityTraits = container.accessibilityTraits.union(.selected) Error message: Value of type 'UIAccessibilityTraits' (aka 'UInt64') has no member 'union'

    Thank you in advance and hope for the quick fix as its really blocks us. Best Regards, Yegor

    opened by testest1 12
  • delegate to ESTabBarController, when user shouldSelect function will run 2 times

    delegate to ESTabBarController, when user shouldSelect function will run 2 times

    let tabController:ESTabBarController = ESTabBarController()
    tabController.delegate = self
    func tabBarController(_ tabBarController: UITabBarController, shouldSelect viewController: UIViewController) -> Bool {
            return true
    opened by aemoe 9
  •  Default first item animation issue

    Default first item animation issue

    If I set selectedIndex = 2 in viewDidLoad function of Tabbar Controller, when first open App , first item and third item will both show select animation. So if I want to just show third item animation.How can I do? Please help me, thanks!


     class CustomTabbarController: ESTabBarController {
        override func viewDidLoad() {
            if let tabBar = self.tabBar as? ESTabBar {
                tabBar.itemCustomPositioning = .fillIncludeSeparator
            let v1 = UIViewController()
            let v1Nav = UINavigationController(rootViewController: v1)
            let v2 = UIViewController()
            let v2Nav = UINavigationController(rootViewController: v2)
            let v3 = UIViewController()
            let v3Nav = UINavigationController(rootViewController: v3)
            let v4 = UIViewController()
            let v4Nav = UINavigationController(rootViewController: v4)
            let v5 = UIViewController()
            let v5Nav = UINavigationController(rootViewController: v5)
            v1Nav.tabBarItem = ESTabBarItem.init(...)
            v2Nav.tabBarItem = ESTabBarItem.init(...)
            v3Nav.tabBarItem = ESTabBarItem.init(...)
            v4Nav.tabBarItem = ESTabBarItem.init(...)
            v5Nav.tabBarItem = ESTabBarItem.init(...)
            self.viewControllers = [v1Nav, v2Nav, v3Nav, v4Nav, v5Nav]
            selectedIndex = 2
    class TabBarContentView: ESTabBarItemContentView {
        public var duration = 0.3
        override init(frame: CGRect) {
            super.init(frame: frame)
            highlightTextColor = UIColor.hex(hexStr: GREEN, alpha: 1)
            renderingMode = .alwaysOriginal
        public required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
            fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
        override func selectAnimation(animated: Bool, completion: (() -> ())?) {
        override func reselectAnimation(animated: Bool, completion: (() -> ())?) {
        func bounceAnimation() {
            let impliesAnimation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "transform.scale")
            impliesAnimation.values = [1.0 ,1.4, 0.9, 1.15, 0.95, 1.02, 1.0]
            impliesAnimation.duration = duration * 2
            impliesAnimation.calculationMode = kCAAnimationCubic
            imageView.layer.add(impliesAnimation, forKey: nil)
    opened by huaqixue 8
  • Update to support new style for UITabBar on iOS 11 for iPad (as well as iPhone landscape)

    Update to support new style for UITabBar on iOS 11 for iPad (as well as iPhone landscape)

    When an app is running on iPad (or iPhone landscape), the new behavior for UITabBar on iOS 11 is that the text appears to the right of the icon rather than below it. See attached screenshots of ESTabBarController sample app running on iOS 11 simulator, this is with the mixed style of ESTabBar and UITabBar:

    simulator screen shot - ipad pro 10 5-inch - 2017-08-07 at 14 37 52

    My proposal is that ESTabBarController exposes a property to specify whether you want the text below or to the right of the icons. Additionally, the default behavior should be to check what the OS version is and if it is 11 or greater than put the text to the right, otherwise put it below. What do you think @eggswift ?

    opened by rami-ihr 7
  • Why is there popToRootViewController?

    Why is there popToRootViewController?

    First thanks for this nice library.

    I see in your code that when same tab item is selected second time, you trigger a popToRootViewController. Why?

    And how can I disable this behaviour?

    Thank you.

    opened by benyboariu 7
  • Custom Image in Tab Bar Item

    Custom Image in Tab Bar Item

    I am trying to add custom image for the Tab Bar Item. Its not a greyscale Image. I have tried everything to add it through methods available in the library but couldn't add it.

    I have added subview to tabbar using this code.

    UIImage *imgPlaceAd = [UIImage imageNamed:@"placeAd-tab-bar"];
    UIImageView *imgTab = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake( - imgPlaceAd.size.width/2,
        imgTab.image = imgPlaceAd;
        [self.tabBarController.tabBar addSubview:imgTab];

    Doing that, it changes the Item's class and it is now UITabBarItem and not ESTabBarItem

    I have checked in the ESTabBar class and print the class in this function

    internal func select(itemAtIndex idx: Int, animated: Bool) 

    When I try to add Image using the init function of ESTabBarItem I get a circularly grey image.

    PlaceAdView *placeAdVC = [[PlaceAdView alloc] init];
    placeAdVC.tabBarItem = [[ESTabBarItem alloc] init:[[TabBarBouncesContentView alloc] init] title:@"" image:[UIImage imageNamed:@"placeAd-tab-bar"] selectedImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"placeAd-tab-bar"] tag:2];
    opened by taimur 6
  • Change item image and title size

    Change item image and title size

    Is there any way to change the size of the image and the size of the title name inside the ESTabbar...i have tried many ways but it doesnt work. Please reply ASAP.

    opened by imJithin777 5
  • removeFromParent 后 ESTabBar不见了

    removeFromParent 后 ESTabBar不见了

    ESTabBar --------| UINavigationViewController ---------------|MainViewController Push-------------| FirstViewController Present------| SecondViewController

    以上是我的层级结构 FirstViewController Present出一个模态窗口后, 我通过removeFromParentFirstViewController 移出导航栈, 之后在SecondViewController中dissmiss后 回到MainViewController后发现ESTabBar不见了, 但是重新push再返回就又有了.

    opened by MQL9011 5
  • Issues with ShouldHijackHandler and DidHijackHandler

    Issues with ShouldHijackHandler and DidHijackHandler

    I subclassed ESTabBarController and having trouble with the HijackHandlers. I looked at the example project and I can't figure out what's going on.

    The hijack does fire correctly and run but the tab bar is switching viewControllers before it does that. I want it to stay on the same selected item.

    shouldHijackHandler = { _, _, index in if index == 4 { return true } return false } didHijackHandler = { [weak self] tabBarController, viewController,index in ... do stuff }

    This is the relevant Tab definition:

    var keyboardTabVC: KeyboardTabVC = { let keyboardTabVC = KeyboardTabVC() keyboardTabVC.tabBarItem = ESTabBarItem(TabBarBasicView(), title: nil, image: UIImage(named: "icKeyboard"), selectedImage: UIImage(named: "icKeyboardSelected")) return keyboardTabVC }()

    opened by pives 5
  • selectedImage not working

    selectedImage not working

    Hi, I'm trying to use the selectedImage argument when building my tabs, but when I selected the tab, the image doesn't change… is there something more to do?

    let item = ESTabBarItem(TabBarContentView(), title: nil, image: UIImage(named: "UI Tab Home"),  selectedImage: UIImage(named: "UI Tab Home Selected"))
    final class TabBarContentView: ESTabBarItemContentView {
        override init(frame: CGRect) {
            super.init(frame: frame)
            highlightIconColor = .red
            badgeOffset = UIOffset(horizontal: 6, vertical: -17)
            itemContentMode = .alwaysOriginal
        required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
            fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
    opened by jdanthinne 5
  • 现在会报这个警告


    Class ESTabBarController_swift.ESTabBar overrides the -traitCollection getter, which is not supported. If you're trying to override traits, you must use the appropriate API.

    opened by King9796 0
  • 使用图片自己的颜色


    /// Icon imageView renderingMode, default is .alwaysTemplate like UITabBarItem
    open var renderingMode: UIImage.RenderingMode = .alwaysTemplate {
        didSet {
        renderingMode = .alwaysOriginal
    opened by howhyone 0
  • 模拟器运行错误


    Could not find module 'ESTabBarController_swift' for target 'x86_64-apple-ios-simulator'; found: arm64-apple-ios-simulator, at: /Users/libin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/yizhuotong-genhuiwlzalkncaqxrzggabyuxsa/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ESTabBarController-swift/ESTabBarController_swift.swiftmodule

    opened by bingolib 0
  • How do I fix ESTabBarController in iOS 15?

    How do I fix ESTabBarController in iOS 15?

    I just transitioned from iOS 13 to iOS 15 on Xcode 13 and the tab bar disappears on Table View scroll. When I scroll the table to the top the custom image of the tab bar goes away and it shows back when I scroll down. Is there any work around for that? Thanks.

    opened by barHopperSF 1
  • ESTabBarController 设置之后,默认没有itme高亮

    ESTabBarController 设置之后,默认没有itme高亮

    • 设置了两个,但是没有一个高亮
    func addChildViewController() {
        addChildViewController(vc: OverallViewController(), title: "天气预报", imageName: "weather")
        addChildViewController(vc: WeatherDetailViewController(), title: "当日情况", imageName: "detail")
    func addChildViewController(vc: UIViewController, title: String, imageName: String) {
        vc.tabBarItem = ESTabBarItem(ESBouncesContentView(), title: title, image: UIImage(named: imageName), selectedImage: UIImage(named: imageName + "_sel"))
        let nav = ESNavigationController(rootViewController: vc)
    opened by mzx-699 0
  • 2.9.0-spm(Feb 3, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • fix typo in ExampleViewController textArray by @Keuha in
    • fix Example projects compile error on Xcode 12.3 or above by @DayBySay in

    New Contributors

    • @Keuha made their first contribution in
    • @DayBySay made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Vincent Li
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Vincent Li
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