Full Customizable Tabbar with IBInspectables
A fun replacement for UITabbar. The Component uses Bézier paths.
You can change the appearance by using Xcode Interface Builder or by using the default config (recommended). BEKCurveTabbarController
can be setup with your custom ViewModel that conforms to the BEKTabBarViewModelType
protocol. you can set your 'tabbar' to BEKCurveTabbar inside Interface Builder or initiate it programatically in the easiest way possible like this:
Note: BEKCurveTabbarController
initiates with .initiate()
Default Config Usage:
//Initiate your viewControllers
let firstViewController = UIViewController()
firstViewController.view.backgroundColor = .red
firstViewController.tabBarItem = UITabBarItem(tabBarSystemItem: .search, tag: 0)
let secondViewController = UIViewController()
firstViewController.view.backgroundColor = .white
secondViewController.tabBarItem = UITabBarItem(tabBarSystemItem: .favorites, tag: 1)
let thirdViewController = UIViewController()
thirdViewController.view.backgroundColor = .blue
thirdViewController.tabBarItem = UITabBarItem(tabBarSystemItem: .more, tag: 2)
//get instance of BEKCurveTabbarController
let tabBarViewController = BEKCurveTabbarController.instantiate()
//set viewControllers to the tabbar
tabBarViewController.setViewControllers([firstViewController, secondViewController, thirdViewController], animated: true)
Customized Config Usage:
Create a new struct that conforms to BEKTabBarViewModelType
struct MyCustomTabBarViewModel: BEKTabBarViewModelType {
let heightRatio: CGFloat = CGFloat(TabbarHeightRatios.bestSize.rawValue)
let containerColor: UIColor = .white
let hideTitle: Bool = false
let animationDuration: CGFloat = 0.3
let animated: Bool = true
let shadowColor: UIColor = UIColor(red: 0.353, green: 0.784, blue: 1, alpha: 1.0)
let shadowRadius: CGFloat = 16
let containerBorderWidth: CGFloat = 1.0
let containerBorderColor: UIColor = .gray
let selectedTextColor: UIColor = .yellow
let selectedTextFont: UIFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 13)
let normalTextColor: UIColor = .lightGray
let normalTextFont: UIFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 11)
let topCornerRadius: CGFloat = TabbarHeightRatios.bestSize.cornerRadius()
let bottomCornerRadius: CGFloat = 0
let containerInsets: UIEdgeInsets = TabbarHeightRatios.bestSize.containerInsets()
let selectionCircleRadius: CGFloat = TabbarHeightRatios.bestSize.circleRadius()
let selectionCircleBorderWidth: CGFloat = 0.0
let selectionCircleBorderColor: UIColor = .clear
let selectionCircleBackgroundColor: UIColor = UIColor(red: 0.353, green: 0.784, blue: 1, alpha: 1.0)
let textOffset: CGFloat = 0
init() {}
Note: TabbarHeightRatios.bestSize
provides you computed values for different iOS environments. (recommended)
Now you just need to pass your viewModel to .setupViewModel(viewModel: BEKTabBarViewModelType)
//1- Initiate your viewControllers
let firstViewController = UIViewController()
firstViewController.view.backgroundColor = .red
firstViewController.tabBarItem = UITabBarItem(tabBarSystemItem: .search, tag: 0)
let secondViewController = UIViewController()
firstViewController.view.backgroundColor = .white
secondViewController.tabBarItem = UITabBarItem(tabBarSystemItem: .favorites, tag: 1)
let thirdViewController = UIViewController()
thirdViewController.view.backgroundColor = .blue
thirdViewController.tabBarItem = UITabBarItem(tabBarSystemItem: .more, tag: 2)
//2- get instance of BEKCurveTabbarController
let tabBarViewController = BEKCurveTabbarController.instantiate()
//3- Config your own TabBar ViewModel
let myViewModel = MyCustomTabBarViewModel()
//4- setup TabBar Controller with you viewModel
tabBarViewController.setupViewModel(viewModel: myViewModel)
//5- set viewControllers to the tabbar
tabBarViewController.setViewControllers([firstViewController, secondViewController, thirdViewController], animated: true)
return tabBarViewController
pod 'BEKCurveTabbar', :git => ''
Behrad Kazemi,, Visit Web Site
BEKCurveTabbar is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.