The following error occurs.
How should I fix it?
Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone 6s in debug mode...
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The method 'Observable::cast' has more required arguments than those of overridden method 'Stream::cast'.
compiler message: Observable<S> cast<S>(TypeToken<S> typeToken) =>
compiler message: ^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: This is the overriden method ('cast').
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The return type of the method 'Observable::firstWhere' is
compiler message: Change to a subtype of dart.async::Future<
compiler message: AsObservableFuture<dynamic> firstWhere(bool test(T element),
compiler message: ^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: This is the overriden method ('firstWhere').
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The method 'Observable::firstWhere' doesn't have the named parameter 'orElse' of overriden method 'Stream::firstWhere'.
compiler message: AsObservableFuture<dynamic> firstWhere(bool test(T element),
compiler message: ^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: This is the overriden method ('firstWhere').
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The return type of the method 'Observable::lastWhere' is #lib1::AsObservableFuture<dynamic>, which does not match the return type of the overridden method (dart.async::Future<#lib2::Observable::T>).
compiler message: Change to a subtype of dart.async::Future<#lib2::Observable::T>.
compiler message: AsObservableFuture<dynamic> lastWhere(bool test(T element),
compiler message: ^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: This is the overriden method ('lastWhere').
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The method 'Observable::lastWhere' doesn't have the named parameter 'orElse' of overriden method 'Stream::lastWhere'.
compiler message: AsObservableFuture<dynamic> lastWhere(bool test(T element),
compiler message: ^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: This is the overriden method ('lastWhere').
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The method 'Observable::singleWhere' has fewer named arguments than those of overridden method 'Stream::singleWhere'.
compiler message: AsObservableFuture<T> singleWhere(bool test(T element)) =>
compiler message: ^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: This is the overriden method ('singleWhere').
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'BufferWithCountStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class BufferWithCountStreamTransformer<T, S extends List<T>>
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'CastStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class CastStreamTransformer<T, S> implements StreamTransformer<T, S> {
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'DebounceStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class DebounceStreamTransformer<T> implements StreamTransformer<T, T> {
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'DefaultIfEmptyStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class DefaultIfEmptyStreamTransformer<T> implements StreamTransformer<T, T> {
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'DematerializeStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class DematerializeStreamTransformer<T>
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'DistinctUniqueStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class DistinctUniqueStreamTransformer<T> implements StreamTransformer<T, T> {
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'DoStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class DoStreamTransformer<T> implements StreamTransformer<T, T> {
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'FlatMapStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class FlatMapStreamTransformer<T, S> implements StreamTransformer<T, S> {
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'FlatMapLatestStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class FlatMapLatestStreamTransformer<T, S> implements StreamTransformer<T, S> {
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'IgnoreElementsStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class IgnoreElementsStreamTransformer<T> implements StreamTransformer<T, T> {
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'IntervalStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class IntervalStreamTransformer<T> implements StreamTransformer<T, T> {
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'MaterializeStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class MaterializeStreamTransformer<T>
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'OfTypeStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class OfTypeStreamTransformer<T, S> implements StreamTransformer<T, S> {
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'OnErrorResumeNextStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class OnErrorResumeNextStreamTransformer<T> implements StreamTransformer<T, T> {
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'RepeatStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class RepeatStreamTransformer<T> implements StreamTransformer<T, T> {
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'SampleStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class SampleStreamTransformer<T> implements StreamTransformer<T, T> {
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'ScanStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class ScanStreamTransformer<T, S> implements StreamTransformer<T, S> {
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'SkipUntilStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class SkipUntilStreamTransformer<T, S> implements StreamTransformer<T, T> {
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'StartWithStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class StartWithStreamTransformer<T> implements StreamTransformer<T, T> {
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'StartWithManyStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class StartWithManyStreamTransformer<T> implements StreamTransformer<T, T> {
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'SwitchIfEmptyStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class SwitchIfEmptyStreamTransformer<T> implements StreamTransformer<T, T> {
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'TakeUntilStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class TakeUntilStreamTransformer<T, S> implements StreamTransformer<T, T> {
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'ThrottleStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class ThrottleStreamTransformer<T> implements StreamTransformer<T, T> {
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'TimeIntervalStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class TimeIntervalStreamTransformer<T, S extends TimeInterval<T>>
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'TimestampStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class TimestampStreamTransformer<T>
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'WindowWithCountStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class WindowWithCountStreamTransformer<T, S extends Stream<T>>
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The non-abstract class 'WithLatestFromStreamTransformer' is missing implementations for these members:
compiler message: 'cast', 'retype'.
compiler message: Try to either
compiler message: - provide an implementation,
compiler message: - inherit an implementation from a superclass or mixin,
compiler message: - mark the class as abstract, or
compiler message: - provide a 'noSuchMethod' implementation.
compiler message:
compiler message: class WithLatestFromStreamTransformer<T, S, R>
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'cast' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///b/build/slave/Linux_Engine/build/src/third_party/dart/sdk/lib/async/stream.dart: Context: 'retype' is defined here.
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: A value of type '#lib1::DematerializeStreamTransformer<#lib2::Observable::T>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'dart.async::StreamTransformer<
compiler message: Try changing the type of the left hand side, or casting the right hand side to 'dart.async::StreamTransformer<#lib2::Observable::T, #lib2::Observable::dematerialize::S>'.
compiler message: return transform(new DematerializeStreamTransformer<T>());
compiler message: ^
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: No named parameter with the name 'defaultValue'.
compiler message: stream.firstWhere(test, defaultValue: defaultValue));
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^
compiler message: file:///Applications/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: No named parameter with the name 'defaultValue'.
compiler message: stream.lastWhere(test, defaultValue: defaultValue));
compiler message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Compiler failed on /Users/hiroshi.matsui/flutter_tutorial/book_app/lib/main.dart
Error launching application on iPhone 6s.