Preview extractor for news, articles and full-texts in Swift



Preview extractor for news, articles and full-texts in Swift

We are a development agency building phenomenal apps.

CI Status Version Carthage Compatible License Platform



  • Title
  • Description
  • Top image
  • Top video
  • Keywords
  • Date


let articleUrl = URL(string: "")!
Readability.parse(url: articleUrl, completion: { data in
    let title = data?.title
    let description = data?.description
    let keywords = data?.keywords
    let imageUrl = data?.topImage
    let videoUrl = data?.topVideo
    let datePublished = data?.datePublished

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



pod 'ReadabilityKit'


github "exyte/ReadabilityKit"


  1. Install Ji XML parser.
  2. Download and drop all files from Sources folder in your project.

Development Environment Setup

  1. Install Carthage.
  2. Check out and build the project's dependencies:
carthage bootstrap --platform <name>


  • iOS 10.0+ / macOS 10.12+ / tvOS 10.0+ / watchOS 3.0+


ReadabilityKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • iOS 11, Swift 4, Xcode 9

    iOS 11, Swift 4, Xcode 9

    Just a heads up, some parsing in Readability doesn't work for iOS 11 and Swift 4. If you'd like, I can take a look into these issues and commit some changes to another branch?

    opened by HackShitUp 16
  • Date Support Added in Readability kit

    Date Support Added in Readability kit

    In one of my project i was in need to add date support in your Kit. So i worked on it and finally got it working . Now i want to help others who needs date support in your library.Please review my changes. Thank you for your Great work.Its been great working with your kit.It will be great if you add me in contributors Best Regards Jawad Ali

    opened by jwd-ali 4
  • Swift 3 Help

    Swift 3 Help

    Ji.swift and JiNode.swift are both broken in swift 3. Can't figure out how to fix them with things like "openlass", "fileprifilevate", opeoppened" etc.

    opened by kerbelda 4
  • Wrong instructions for manual installation

    Wrong instructions for manual installation

    Commit: 84cadfc2c659d0ce442e9349174f9b890bf77c70 Author: @lfarah

    It isn't enough to copy ReadabilityKit.swift into your project since we have third-party dependency to XML parser Ji.

    opened by zapletnev 4
  • Incorrect description of articles

    Incorrect description of articles

    Try to load articles "" ""
    "" ""

    using code let sURL = "" let articleUrl = NSURL(string: sURL)

        let parser = Readability(url: articleUrl!)
        let title = parser.title()
        let description = parser.description()
        let keywords = parser.keywords()
        let imageUrl = parser.topImage()
        let videoUrl = parser.topVideo()

    For all this articles parser.description() returns only their first paragraph.

    opened by ChristRm 3
  • cannot parse certain websites

    cannot parse certain websites

    " "

    I have implemented this pod in my project. But it seems to not parse the url's that end with ".cms".

    Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone X - 2020-06-10 at 10 00 42

    opened by Yashraj4394 2
  • iOS 10 App Transport Security

    iOS 10 App Transport Security

    In iOS 10, Apple has promised to turn off ATS for developers who want to submit to the App Store. In this scenario, what are the plans to support this?

    opened by danielrhodes 2
  • Employ asynchronous patterns

    Employ asynchronous patterns

    I would suggest that this code excise its use of dispatch semaphores to make the fundamentally asynchronous NSURLSession behave synchronously. Apple made this asynchronous for a reason.

    If a user accidentally called this from the main thread, you'd block the main thread, which results in behaviors ranging from a poor UX to an app possibly getting killed by the watchdog process. Worse, if a user called this from within their own NSURLSession completion handler (e.g., this will deadlock their code.

    I'd also suggest that you not initiate the asynchronous method from within the init method. By convention, one should generally configure the object from within init, and then have a separate method to start the process.

    opened by robertmryan 2
  • iOS Swift: Using table view cell, image switch issue

    iOS Swift: Using table view cell, image switch issue

    first time image loads, user scrolls down and get back to a certain cell he/she saw previously. it get latest images first an the it updates to actual depending upon the content in URL

    opened by Abhishek9634 1
  • Some URLS are not parsed.

    Some URLS are not parsed.

    Some URLS are not parsed? It's either that or the URLSession request takes quite long to parse the data. Is there a way to improve its speed/performance?

    opened by HackShitUp 1
  • Twitter and Youtube not been parsed

    Twitter and Youtube not been parsed


    In the initial testing of this Kit, I found out that it is unable to find parse the any data from the following,

    • Twitter

    • Youtube

    Any ideas, as to what would be causing this issue, would be helpful. Thanks.

    opened by hayetech 1
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