⌚️ 🤓 Controlling your Keynote using Apple Watch



⌚️ 🤓 Controlling yours Keynote Slides using Apple Watch

How to Use ?


Download this repository and run macOS target or download last binary release here

Start macOS Server

After run WatchKeynoteController mac app, go to your status bar and enable the connectivity.

Connect your iPhone to Server

Download this repository and run iOS/watchOS target or download at AppStore last release here

Controlling Keynote using Apple Watch

Now, in your Apple Watch, open WatchNote app and let's go. Use the buttons to pass foward or back in your slides or do you prefer shaking your wrist? It's possible.

How it's works?

macOS ====< MultipeerConnectivity >=====< iOS >=====< WatchConnectivity >=====< watchOS


Made just for fun.


[x] Add WatchShaker to use your ⌚️ shake movements to change slides. Done: #2

Thanks to Eliott hauteclair – @Eliottiosdevs


We would love for you to contribute to WatchNote, check the LICENSE file for more info.


Ezequiel França – @ezefrancaezequiel.ifsp@gmail.com

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.

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    Have you tried using other gestures for moving forward or back? Like Swiping the full screen instead of the buttons? Or turning the crown up/down to move between slides? Not sure if the raise to wake has an API also but that would make for a nice interaction.

    Anyways, my two cents :)

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    I have migrated the project to Swift 4 and added some features:

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