A custom tab bar controller for iOS.



Pod Platform

ESTabBarController is a custom tab bar controller for iOS. It has a tab indicator that moves animated along the bar when switching between tabs. It also provides the capability of running actions associated with the tab bar buttons.

Compatible with iOS 7.0 and above.



Simply add ESTabBarController to your Podfile:

pod 'ESTabBarController'



ESTabBarController is initialized with an array of images that represent icons for the buttons in the tab bar:

ESTabBarController *tabBarController = [[ESTabBarController alloc] initWithTabIcons:@[[UIImage imageNamed:@"firstIcon"],
                                                                                      [UIImage imageNamed:@"secondIcon"],
                                                                                      [UIImage imageNamed:@"thirdIcon"]]];

If the images are all loaded from the main bundle, a convenience initializer can be used:

ESTabBarController *tabBarController = [[ESTabBarController alloc] initWithTabIconNames:@[@"firstIcon", @"secondIcon", @"thirdIcon"]];

View controllers

View controllers are set in the way:

[tabBarController setViewController:myFirstViewController

[tabBarController setViewController:mySecondViewController

Note that it is possible to have an index without an associated view controller. This can be useful when having a button that performs an action but does not switch to a view controller.


ESTabBarController allows performing actions when pressing a button in the tab bar:

[tabBarController setAction:^{
    // Perform an action.
} atIndex:1];

If there is also a controller associated with the index for an action, this is performed immediately after switching to the controller.

Highlighted buttons

ESTabBarController allows having highlighted buttons. These are displayed in a different way, and are useful when trying to give more importance to a view controller or action.

[tabBarController highlightButtonAtIndex:1];


ESTabBarController provides a way to customize two colors:

  • The color of the selected buttons and the selection indicator:
tabBarController.selectedColor = [UIColor redColor]; // Any color.
  • The background color of the buttons:
tabBarController.buttonBackgroundColor = [UIColor grayColor]; // Any color.


More usage information can be found in the Example project.


This library is available under the MIT license.

  • Storyboard ViewControllers?

    Storyboard ViewControllers?

    Instead of the XiB files in your Example app, I tried to create the view controllers in Main.storyboard and connected them to the .h and .m files but, for some reason, when I click the tab bar buttons I can't get to those view controllers. Help please?

    opened by moudallal 9
  • How to change viewController on some tab?

    How to change viewController on some tab?

    At app load, I succesfully init ESTabBarController. Init controllers with: questionsVC *questions = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"questionsVCStory"]; [tabBarController_ setViewController:questions atIndex:1]; When I autorize at someone web-service, I need to change installed viewController to another viewController.

    I try to change like this: newsVC *news = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"newsVCStory"]; [tabBarController_ setViewController:news atIndex:1]; It's worked, but If I go from 1 tab to 3 tab, and will push some viewController (prepareForSegue...) and after that tap on "back", ESTabBarController move me on first tab, where I change before "questionsVC" on "newsVC ". (There I see "newsVC"). So, [tabBarController_ setViewController:news atIndex:1]; worked, but why tabBarController move me on tab, where I change viewController, after popViewController from all other tabs? How to change viewController at index normaly?

    opened by nikitoSha 6
  • Tab bar opacity?

    Tab bar opacity?

    Thanks for sharing this amazing control. It's exactly what I needed. I'm having a bit of an issue. The tab bar isn't 100% the color I set it, it's a bit brighter and I want it to be the exact color, no transparency. Where can I change/fix this? Thanks in advance.

    opened by haleyngonadi 6
  • Landscape Indicator Line

    Landscape Indicator Line

    Hi @ezescaruli

    Thanks for this control I just love it! I recently had to switch one app to landscape mode and this (attached) happens with the separator line. If you click again on any button/index, it will "reset" and work just fine. Any ideas?

    Thank you!

    simulator screen shot may 6 2016 5 11 11 pm

    opened by Krystel 4
  • How to change tabBarItem.badgeValue ?

    How to change tabBarItem.badgeValue ?

    How can I change a badge value of tabItem? I was try: tabBarController_.tabBarController.selectedViewController.tabBarItem.badgeValue = @"23"; But value not changed. Help, please. :)

    opened by nikitoSha 4
  • Update bar Icons

    Update bar Icons

    Is there any way to update the bar icons without re-initializing it? What I mean is that after creating the ESTabBarController instance with its appropriate icon images, at some point in the app i need to switch the order of the icons (RTL - LTR), to achieve that I need to be able to switch the icons.

    Thank you :)

    opened by Krystel 2
  • Knowing when I switched to a new Tab

    Knowing when I switched to a new Tab

    Is it possible to know when I'm in a new View so I can refresh the page. Cause, I've a tableview that I want to reload and fetch data anytime it's switched to. And I also tried to implement NavigationController so I can push to views and also pop views. So, I did this

        tabBarController.setAction({ () -> Void in
            }, atIndex: 4)

    It didn't work at all

    opened by tonespy 2
  • Navigation Bar?

    Navigation Bar?

    It's me, again. This time I'm having an issue with navigation bars. The project is now converted in Swift so I imported the header files in a bridging header. Every ViewController is instantiated with Storyboard ID and I've embedded in every view controller with a Navigation Controller but none of the navigation bars actually showed up. I tried creating the Navigation Bar programatically but it sucked and it was looking so lame and the Interface Builder way was much better! So, how can I do it? Here's the project: https://github.com/MhTheDev/ESTabBarControllerTest Help?

    opened by moudallal 1
  • Controller should use the correct bundle for loading

    Controller should use the correct bundle for loading

    If you use this library with CocoaPods and use_frameworks!, the pod resources will not be in the main bundle.

    Fix: use bundleForClass: instead of nil for the bundle parameter when loading the XIB.


    opened by lukeredpath 1
  • iPhone X support

    iPhone X support

    This adds support for ESTabBarControler's tabs to be placed over the bottom bar on iPhone X. It looks like this when running the example project on the simulator:


    opened by ezescaruli 0
  • Fix to be able to use the pod with `use_frameworks!`

    Fix to be able to use the pod with `use_frameworks!`

    When initialising the view controller, now use bundleForClass: instead of the main bundle.

    Fixes https://github.com/ezescaruli/ESTabBarController/issues/2.

    opened by ezescaruli 0
  • ESTabBarController is not a kind of UITabBarController iOS 15.2

    ESTabBarController is not a kind of UITabBarController iOS 15.2

    I am facing an issue with ESTabBarController. Below is the error/exception i am getting. Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '-tabBarController must return an instance of a UITabBarController subclass. <MMTabViewController: 0x7fb601727d40> returned <ESTabBarController: 0x7fb60688da00>, which is not a kind of UITabBarController.' terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException.

    It would be helpful if you check and revert asap.

    Thanks in advance

    opened by Kiran-3172 0
  • A lot of features

    A lot of features

    Added lots of features , essentially useful for me but I believe would be useful for a lot of other people too. Main Feature list and explanation:

    • indicatorSizeRelativeToIcon - makes the small indicator under the tab, in the same size as the icon.
    • widthPercentages - an array with the size relations between the tabs(if not set, would work like before.Including validation for values here).
    • highlightedBackgroundColor - the background color of the highlighted tab.
    • Theres a ESTabBarDelegate with the function tabClickedTwice which indicates the tab was clicked while it was already selected.(You might need to use the @objc annotation to use it)
    • setIconImageAtIndex - ability to dynamically change the tabs icon

    Thank you and pm if you do not understand anything

    opened by edenfisher 1
  • Add badge label for buttons

    Add badge label for buttons

    I've added an ability to set up badge text for every button and customize this label. I've also added an ability to get current view controllers stack

    opened by GigabyteTheOne 1
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