Muxer used on top of Feed iOS SDK for airplay purposes.
Demo Project --> https://github.com/feedfm/AirplayDemo
Feed Airplay Muxer is used to combine the video and music audio into a single hls stream that is then loaded in Airplay device instead of dual streams that airplay devices can't play.
To use the library,
- Add to your podfile
pod 'AirplayMuxer'
run Pod install and import the framework by #import <AirplayMuxer/AirplayManager.h> - Initialize FeedSDK as you would regurlaly.
- Create a new AirplayManager instance, and call registerAirplayDelegate with Feedfm station and settings.
- Implement the AirplayDelagate to get notifications of when the airplay starts and stops. The AirplayManager will automatically take over the playback when Airplay starts.
- Once the Video is finished playing the AirplayManager instance should be discarded and a new one should be created for every video that starts playback.