PayPal iOS SDK

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Official SDK iOS-SDK

PayPal iOS SDK

Welcome to PayPal's iOS SDK. This library will help you accept card, PayPal, Venmo, and alternative payment methods in your iOS app.


The PayPal iOS SDK supports a minimum deployment target of iOS 13+ and requires Xcode 13+ and macOS Big Sur 11.3+. See our Client Deprecation policy to plan for updates.

Package Managers

This SDK supports:

  • CocoaPods
  • Swift Package Manager


This SDK supports Swift 5.1+. This SDK is written in Swift.

UI Frameworks

This SDK supports:

  • UIKit
  • SwiftUI


The PayPal iOS SDK is comprised of various submodules.

  • Card
  • PayPal
  • ...

To accept a certain payment method in your app, you only need to include that payment-specific submodule.

Sample Code

// STEP 0: Fetch an ACCESS_TOKEN and ORDER_ID from your server.

// STEP 1: Create a PaymentConfiguration object
paymentConfig = PaymentConfig(token: ACCESS_TOKEN)

// STEP 2: Create payment method client objects
cardClient = CardClient(config: paymentConfig)

// STEP 3: Collect relevant payment method details
card = Card(number: 4111111111111111, cvv: 123, ...)

// STEP 4: Call checkout method
cardClient?.checkoutWithCard(orderID: ORDER_ID, card: card) { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let orderId):
      // Send orderID to your server to process the payment
    case .error(let error):
      // handle checkout error

// STEP 5: Send orderID to your server to capture/authorize


This project uses the XCTest framework provided by Xcode. Every code path should be unit tested. Unit tests should make up most of the test coverage, with integration, and then UI tests following.

This project also takes advantage of Fastlane to run tests through our CI and from terminal. In order to invoke our unit tests through terminal, run the following commands from the root level directory of the repository:

bundle install
bundle exec fastlane unit_tests

If you would like to get the code coverage for all of the modules within the iOS-SDK, run the following:

bundle install
bundle exec fastlane coverage


GitHub Actions CI will run all tests and build commands per package manager on each PR.

Local Testing

TBD until development progresses. We will use Rake, Fastlane, or some other tool for easy command-line build tasks.

Release Process

This SDK follows Semantic Versioning. The release process will be automated via GitHub Actions.


Client analytics will be collected via Lighthouse/FPTI.

  • PayPalUI: Separate buttons for SwiftUI and UIKit

    PayPalUI: Separate buttons for SwiftUI and UIKit

    Reason for changes

    The buttons all extended from PaymentButton, which is in essence a UIButton. In order to make the buttons available on SwiftUI, the buttons conformed to the UIViewRepresentable protocol as well. As of iOS 16, we started getting: Fatal error: UIViewRepresentables must be value types: PayPalButton. Any SwiftUI view must be a struct and cannot inherit from any class, only conform to protocols. So, this PR splits the buttons into two classes, one for UIKit and another one for SwiftUI. The SwiftUI ones are essentially a container to theUIKit buttons.

    Summary of changes

    • Refactor to split the buttons into UIKit and SwiftUI implementations
    • UIKit Buttons: UIPaPalButton, UIPayPalPayLaterButton and UIPayPalCreditButton
    • SwiftUI buttons: PayPalButton, PayPalPayLaterButton and PayPalCreditButton


    • [ ] Added a changelog entry


    List GitHub usernames for everyone who contributed to this pull request.

    • @jcnoriega
    opened by jcnoriega 22
  • Add Fastlane

    Add Fastlane

    Reason for changes

    We can use Fastlane to

    1. Run tests locally and (potentially) via Github Actions
    2. Release the SDK via each of our dependency managers as part of our CI process
    3. Attach code coverage test reports / code coverage reports to PRs (in conjunction with GH actions)

    These are all things that can be done via a rakefile or exclusively through GH actions, but using fastlane means we can take advantage of the built in fastlane actions (, as well as have flexibility to run lanes from the command line instead of relying exclusively on GH actions to not fail.

    In order to run fastlane via CI, we would just need to run bundle exec fastlane tests

    Summary of changes

    • Added a Gemfile and a Fastfile
    • Added a single lane to execute our unit tests
    • Edited the test scheme to be able to run all of our test targets (this was causing the test command to fail)
    opened by jonathajones 12
  • HTTPClient


    Reason for changes

    This PR adds an HTTPClient to allow for a single HTTPResponse type used to simplify the response of a (URLResponse?, Data?, Error?) result from URLSession data tasks.

    Summary of changes

    • Create API and HTTP protocols
    • Create HTTPClient and APIClient to use HTTPClient
    • Move response parsing up a level in CardClient
    • Create MockAPIClient and MockHTTPClient to use in unit tests


    ~- [ ] Added a changelog entry~

    opened by sshropshire 7
  • Create Xcode Workspace, Demo, & Package project

    Create Xcode Workspace, Demo, & Package project


    This PR:

    • Adds root-level PayPal.xcworkspace. This workspace will be the main workstation for this project.
      • The workspace contains two xcodeproj files. One is for the Demo, the other is for the framework's source code & tests.
      • The Demo app imports the Card and PayPal modules.
    • Adds framework targets for PaymentsCore, Card, and PayPal modules.
      • The code in here is "Dummy" code that is included for us to test that the project setup works (meant to be replaced).
      • The Card and PayPal modules depend on PaymentsCore. We can follow this pattern when adding new payment methods in the future.
    • Adds unit test targets for each module.
    • Adds Demo, UnitTest, Card, PayPal, and PaymentCore schemes.
    • Adds a Package.swift & PayPal.podspec.


    This PR will be much easier to review by checking out the branch and opening PayPal.xcworkspace. The auto-generated Xcode code is a lot.

    This project requires Xcode 13-beta.

    What's Next

    • Add GitHub Actions CI
      • Add build commands per package manager
    • Add UITest & IntegrationTest targets
    • Create README from HackMD iOS RFC
    • Add Rakefile (or Fastlane) setup for running tests locally
      • Add instructions for running these commands in README
    • Create new, shared, development team for Demo App signing. (Currently using Braintree Payment Solutions, LLC)
    • Add Demo app Icon


    Screen Shot 2021-08-02 at 6 05 40 PM
    opened by scannillo 7
  • Card: Add ApplicationContext to ConfirmPaymentSourceRequest

    Card: Add ApplicationContext to ConfirmPaymentSourceRequest

    Reason for changes

    There was a bug in ordersv2 where we had to add appliction_context to the order creation request, in order for 3DS to work. Now, we only have to add it in the confirm_payment_source request, removing it from order creation

    Jira Ticket:

    Summary of changes

    • Add Application context to ConfirmPaymentSourceRequestFactory


    • [ ] Added a changelog entry


    List GitHub usernames for everyone who contributed to this pull request.

    • @jcnoriega
    opened by jcnoriega 5
  • Card Client Confirm Payment Source

    Card Client Confirm Payment Source

    Reason for changes

    This PR updates the CardClient API to better align with the Orders v2 API. In the future, we may revisit API naming to improve the developer experience.

    Summary of changes

    • Rename CardClient approveOrder method to confirmPaymentSource


    ~- [ ] Added a changelog entry~

    opened by sshropshire 5
  • PayPal and PayPal Credit Buttons SwiftUI Representable

    PayPal and PayPal Credit Buttons SwiftUI Representable

    Reason for changes

    To represent a button in SwiftUI we need the buttons to be represented as a UIViewRepresentable. Taking a look at some best practices across other SDKs, extending the button and adding a Representable struct is the best way to do this. We also needed a coordinator class to coordinate the button actions. While there is some duplication involved, adding this to our SDK allows for us to account for merchants using either/both UIKit and SwiftUI without needing to build out this logic themselves.

    Adding this to our SDK allows a merchant to do the following to create a button in their SwiftUI view:

    PayPalButton {
        // button action here

    This very closely models the way a merchant would do this in standard SwiftUI without a representable:

    Button("Title") {
        // button action here

    Summary of changes

    • Add Coordinator class to pass action to UIKit button in SwiftUI
    • Add PayPalButton and PayPalCreditButton as UIViewRepresentable conforming classes
    • Add both buttons to the SwiftUIPayPalDemo
    • Moved shared PayPal logic to BaseViewModel - this could probably use a refactor in the future


    • ~[ ] Added a changelog entry~


    List GitHub usernames for everyone who contributed to this pull request.

    • @jaxdesmarais @sarahkoop
    opened by jaxdesmarais 5
  • Add Swiftlint Build Phase Script

    Add Swiftlint Build Phase Script

    Reason for changes

    This will allow us to see the linter warnings via Xcode when building instead of needing to wait for CI to finish to see them. If you've not installed swiftlint yet on your machine, to run the linter the first time you will need to install via:

    brew install swiftlint

    Once you install swiftlint via homebrew, you will not need to run the above command again.

    Summary of changes

    • Display swiftlint warnings inline
    • Make us all a little happier


    • ~[ ] Added a changelog entry~


    List GitHub usernames for everyone who contributed to this pull request.

    • @jaxdesmarais
    opened by jaxdesmarais 5
  • PayPalUI Module

    PayPalUI Module

    Reason for changes

    This PR creates the PayPalUI module for iOS to separate PayPal SDK UI elements from other modules.

    Summary of changes

    • Create PayPalUI module


    ~- [ ] Added a changelog entry~

    opened by sshropshire 4
  • Paypal integration + demo

    Paypal integration + demo

    Reason for changes

    We need to integrate with PayPalCheckout and provide support for PayPal paysheet to handle PayPal transaction

    Summary of changes

    • Add PayPalCheckout as dependency for PayPal module
    • Add PayPalError and PayPalResult
    • Add PayPalPaysheet and PayPalCompletionState

    Sample integration

    class MerchantViewController: UIViewController {
        let config = CoreConfig(clientID: "clientID", environment: .sandbox)
        let paypalClient = PayPalClient(config: coreConfig, returnUrl: "returnUrl")
        func checkoutWithPayPal(orderID: String) {
            paypalClient.start(presentingViewController: self, orderID: orderID) { state in
                switch state {
                    case .success(let result):
                        print("Order is successfully approved and ready to be captured/authorized")
                    case .failure(let error):
                        print("There's an error: \(error)")
                    case .cancellation:
                        print("Buyer has canceled checkout")


    • [ ] Added a changelog entry


    • @scannillo
    • @jonathajones
    • @jaxdesmarais
    • @minhthenguyen
    opened by minhthenguyen 4
  • Initial FPTI Networking Capability

    Initial FPTI Networking Capability

    Reason for changes

    • We want Northstar Mobile SDKs to send all analytics to FPTI. This PR sets up a very basic implementation of sending an analytic event to FPTI via APIClient.sendAnalyticsEvent().
    • In follow PRs we will address:
      • Batch event uploads
      • Refactoring into separate AnalyticsAPI if necessary / aligning with Android
      • Sending actual events in source code
      • Testing the sendAnalyticsEvent() function, once it is actually used

    Summary of changes

    • Add AnalyticsEventRequest type which conforms to APIRequest
    • Add AnalyticsEventRequest_Tests for validating metadata sent
    • Add encodable models for Analytics JSON post body


    • ~Added a changelog entry~ Will update CHANGELOG once events are sent.


    @mattwylder @scannillo

    opened by scannillo 3
  • simplify code for getting presentation anchor

    simplify code for getting presentation anchor

    Reason for changes

    1. Simplify code snippet for retrieving presentation anchor
    2. couldn't fix runtime warning of running on background thread

    Summary of changes


    • [ ] Added a changelog entry


    List GitHub usernames for everyone who contributed to this pull request.

    • @kgangineni @scannillo
    opened by kgangineni 1
  • 0.0.3(Nov 3, 2022)

  • 0.0.2(Nov 3, 2022)

    • PayPalUI

      • Fix fatal crash with iOS 16: UIViewRepresentables must be value types. Separate buttons into UIKit and SwiftUI implementations.

        | UIKit | SwiftUI | | ----------- | ----------- | | PayPalButton | PayPalButton.Representable | | PayPalCreditButton | PayPalCreditButton.Representable | | PayPalPayLaterButton | PayPalPayLaterButton.Representable |

    • PayPalNativeCheckout

      • Update to version 0.109.0 that fixes shipping callback bug
    • Bump minimum supported deployment target to iOS 14+

    • Require Xcode 14

      • Bump Swift Tools Version to 5.7 for CocoaPods & SPM
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.0.1(Jul 21, 2022)

    • Card

      • Add Address
      • Add Card
      • Add CardClient
      • Add CardRequest
      • Add CardResult
    • PayPalCheckout

      • Add PayPalWebCheckout
    • PayPalUI

      • Add PayPalButton Button
      • Add PayPalPayLater Button
      • Add PayPalCredit Button
    • PayPalDataCollector

      • Add PayPalDataCollector
      • Add MagnesSDK
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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