Native Pager in SwiftUI



CI codecov Swift Package Manager compatible Cocoapods Carthage compatible CocoaPods platforms License: MIT

SwiftUIPager provides a Pager component built with SwiftUI native components. Pager is a view that renders a scrollable container to display a handful of pages. These pages are recycled on scroll, so you don't have to worry about memory issues. Pager will load just a handful of items, enough to beatifully scroll along.

Create vertical or horizontal pagers, align the cards, change the direction of the scroll, animate the pagination... Pager lets you do anything you want.

Example of usage


  • iOS 13.0+
  • macOS 10.15+
  • watchOS 6.0+
  • tvOS 13.0+
  • Swift 5.1+



pod 'SwiftUIPager'

Swift Package Manager

In Xcode:


github "fermoya/SwiftUIPager"


  • Download SwiftUIPager.xcframework
  • Create a group Frameworks inside your project and drag and drop SwiftUIPager.xcframework

Manual Installation Step 1

  • Make sure in your target's build phases that the option Embed & Sign is selected:

Manual Installation Step 2

Known Issues

  • NavigationLink and Button might work oddly with Pager if pagingPriority(.simultaneous) is used in SwiftUI 1.0 and iOS 13. This issue isn't reproducible in iOS 14 beta. For more information, follow this link.
  • Depending on the Xcode version, you might run into a precondition failure affecting SwiftUI 1.0 and iOS 13. This issue doesn't occur on Xcode 12 beta. For more information about workarounds, see Precondition failure: invalid value type for attribute #60.


If you happen to encounter any problem or you have any suggestion, please, don't hesitate to open an issue or reach out to me at
This is an open source code project, so feel free to collaborate by raising a pull-request or sharing your feedback.

Support Open Source

If you love this library, understand all the effort it takes to maintain it and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee by following this link:

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You can also sponsor me by hitting the GitHub Sponsor button. All help is very much appreciated.


SwiftUIPager is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Compatibility with iOS < 13 projects

    Compatibility with iOS < 13 projects

    Thanks for this component, it looks awesome! I wanted to try it out in my iOS 10+ project but unfortunatly that's not possible due to the iOS 13+ target.

    I understand that SwiftUI needs iOS 13+, but I've got a legacy project where I use SwiftUI for some new features that are just disabled for iOS <= 12 users.

    Would it be possible to lower the target and add @available(iOS 13, *) (and macOS / watchOS) markers to the code so it can be used in lower target projects as well?

    opened by teameh 26
  • [FEAT] Respond to moving the digital crown on the Apple Watch

    [FEAT] Respond to moving the digital crown on the Apple Watch

    Hello. Great job! But I ran into a problem that the pager does not respond to moving the digital crown on the Apple Watch, as this usually works with ScrollView. Can I somehow enable digital crown support?

    opened by andriy-appuchino 25
  • [BUG] Transition often jumps to next card instead of smoothly animating

    [BUG] Transition often jumps to next card instead of smoothly animating

    Describe the bug When swiping through pages quickly, I notice that sometimes it animates smoothly and other times it seems to not animate and just jump to the next card



    • iOS
    • iPhone 12 XS Max
    • 2.0.2

    Additional context I tried it on the simulator and on the device, with example projects and I'm able to reproduce the issue consistently.

    opened by chrysb 20
  • [FEAT] Modifier to customize page sensitivity

    [FEAT] Modifier to customize page sensitivity

    Describe the bug Scroll is inconsistent. At times requires larger swipe to trigger scroll to next page and other times even with a long swipe the scroll is not triggered.

    To Reproduce Normal implementation, did try with infinite loop or no loop.

    Expected behavior Increased sensitivity to swipe (lower swipe distance) or more consistency.

    Screenshots / Videos Don't quite need? This may have been already addressed and just requires the sensitivity modifier?

    Environment: iOS 14 and PadOS 14 and iOS 13.0 iPhone XS Max and iPad mini, iPad Pro 12.9" 3rd Gen SwiftUIPager 1.9.0

    Additional context Didn't use to occur before. Did read in prior issues that a feature affected it and that v1.9.0 had it fixed, not sure if I need to add a modifier to the Pager or not.

    opened by AXR-Tech 18
  • Pager's scroll blocks the ScrollView's scroll

    Pager's scroll blocks the ScrollView's scroll

    I've seen there was a similar issue (#3) but then it was closed and an entirely different use case with ScrollView was discussed, so I am going to post this.

    Basically, if a Pager view is placed inside a ScrollView with vertical scroll, the former blocks the parent's scroll, unless the drag gesture starts outside the Pager's view area.

    This is not an issue caused by Pager itself, but there might be solutions that would work if applied to the library. I haven't seen any perfect solutions yet though.

    There are some discussions here: The trick with the button ( can be applied outside the library, but this then blocks the tap gestures inside each view (in my case, the remove button). The only solution that worked more or less OK (ish) was to have DragGesture(minimumDistance: 30, coordinateSpace: .local) for the swipeGesture of the library.

    opened by NeverwinterMoon 16
  • [BUG] Pager within NavigationView scrolls to next page during edge swipe gesture (for navigating back)

    [BUG] Pager within NavigationView scrolls to next page during edge swipe gesture (for navigating back)

    Describe the bug When using a Pager within subview of a NavigationView and then navigating back using a swipe gesture from the left screen edge, the gesture causes the pager to go to the next page while the swipe gesture is being performed, see video below.

    To Reproduce

    1. Have a NavigationView that contains a NavigationLink with a destination view that contains a Pager
    2. Navigate into the destination view
    3. Swipe from the left screen edge (pop gesture) to navigate back

    Expected: Navigates back to the previous view, the pager doesn't change. Actual: The pager swipes to the next page while the gesture is being performed. It's doesn't always happen but pretty often, maybe depending on how quick the gesture is performed.

    Code to reproduce (drop into the Examples in SwiftUIPagerExample):

    import SwiftUI
    struct NavigationExampleView: View {
        var body: some View {
            NavigationView {
                NavigationLink(destination: PagerView()) {
                    Label("Navigate", systemImage: "folder")
    struct PagerView: View {
        @StateObject var page: Page = .first()
        // For older versions:
        // @State var page: Int = 0
        @State var items = [
            Item(name: "blue", color:,
            Item(name: "red", color:
        var body: some View {
            Pager(page: page,
                  data: items,
                  content: { item in
                          .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
            // Doing this fixes the problem, but disables dragging (duh):
            // .allowsDragging(false)
    struct Item: Equatable, Identifiable {
        var name: String
        var color: Color
        var id: String {
    struct NavigationExampleView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
        static var previews: some View {

    Screenshots / Videos

    Notice how, while performing the edge swipe gesture to navigate back, the pager goes to the next page (from blue to red).


    • OSX: Xcode 13.3, iOS 15.4
    • Device: iPhone 13 Pro
    • SwiftUIPager version: 2.3.2 (and earlier versions too)

    Additional context Some observations:

    • Problem seems to be in onDragChanged in PagerContent. When adding a print for newOffset at the end of the method, I'm getting values like 0.0, 4.0, -386.0. The last one seems strange. I'm not sure how exactly the ongoing gesture for NavigationView affects the pager's gesture coordinates, but somewhere there seems to be the problem.
    • When changing the swipeGesture to DragGesture(minimumDistance: minimumDistance, coordinateSpace: .global), it fixes the problem in this particular case, but that would probably have other unintended side effects.
    opened by robinst 13
  • [BUG] Crash when running on a iOS 13.1 Simulator

    [BUG] Crash when running on a iOS 13.1 Simulator

    Describe the bug When Running on iOS 13.1 Simulator, the app crashes becaus of the following: dyld: Symbol not found: _$s7SwiftUI18AnimatableModifierPAAE13_makeViewList8modifier6inputs4bodyAA01_fG7OutputsVAA11_GraphValueVyxG_AA01_fG6InputsVAiA01_L0V_ANtctFZ Referenced from: /Users/***/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/3BA98118-7FC5-46DA-A006-EEF202D25F2A/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/6A1A3C95-9D7C-43BD-BC81-0011FAD872F6/Spaccio Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/SwiftUI.framework/SwiftUI

    To Reproduce SwiftUIPager 2.0.2 Run on iOS 13.1 Simulator the following: Pager(page: page, data: pageData) { item in NewHomeBanner(text: item.text) }.onPageChanged { page in displayedPage = page }

    Expected behavior App not crashing


    • OSX: iOS 13.1
    • Device: Any Simulator
    • SwiftUIPager version: 2.0.2
    opened by raffaeleforgione 13
  • Not tracking 1:1

    Not tracking 1:1

    Describe the bug When swiping the page doesn't track 1:1 (seems to lag a bit)

    To Reproduce Swipe across pages

    Expected behavior Typical paged views on iOS track 1:1 with your finger to make it feel smooth / responsive.


    • iOS
    • iPhone 12

    Additional context Didn't see anything in the documentation to configure or adjust this.

    opened by iansilber 13
  • MagnificationGesture making Pager not scroll

    MagnificationGesture making Pager not scroll

    Hi, I am using your SwiftUIPager. It is looking great. In pageview, I am adding Image. It is working fine. But when I add MagnificationGesture() on Image, scrolling get stopped. And I am not able to scroll anymore. Can you please help me to sort this problem?

    opened by rakesh1504 12
  • Unable to set the desired page dimensions

    Unable to set the desired page dimensions

    Hey @fermoya, another issue from me.

    I'm just playing with the component a bit to see if it fits my needs. Feel free to close these issues if these uses cases are not something you would like to support.

    I'm trying to create a pager that looks something like this:


    A pager with pages with an itemAspectRatio greater than 1 so they're wider than they're tall with only a little bit of padding on the top and bottom. Also, I would like to see quite a bit of the next page.

    If I try to create this by using itemAspectRatio my pager always has a lot of padding on the top or bottom. There seems to be no way to fix this with the current attributes. I'm fairly new to SwiftUI so please correct me if there is a way to accomplish this.

    I've taken your sample and added 2 sliders for the itemAspectRatio and frame.height to play with but I can't make it work.


    The closest I get is by setting the itemAspectRatio to 0 but that gives me a pager where I can barely see the next card.


    Wouldn't it be an option to make the pageSize an attribute the user can set directly?

    .pageSize(width: CGFloat?, height: CGFloat?)

    That would give a lot of freedom and open the component up to a lot more use cases!

    Or even on a per page basis, that would make the component even more flexible:

        page: self.$page1,
        data: self.data1,
        id: \.self,
        pageSize: { page -> CGSize in
             // calculate size for page
    ) {

    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

    opened by teameh 12
  • [BUG] bundle format is ambiguous (could be app or framework)

    [BUG] bundle format is ambiguous (could be app or framework)

    Describe the bug The compilation for "My Mac (Rosetta)" on MacBook M1 fails with "bundle format is ambiguous (could be app or framework)".

    To Reproduce I added the framework via manual install to my SwiftUI Multiplatform project. It compiles for iOS, but fails for macOS.

    Expected behavior Compile.

    Screenshots / Videos If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


    • OSX: macOS 12 Beta 3
    • Device: iOS 15.0 Simulator
    • SwiftUIPager version: 2.3.1
    opened by AshStefanOltmann 11
  • [BUG] Weird moving transparent Image appearing when scrolling fast.

    [BUG] Weird moving transparent Image appearing when scrolling fast.

    Describe the bug Transparent image across the whole page view when swiping too fast to the right.

    To Reproduce

    • Run the code below.
    • Swipe left rapidly.

    Note: Set images from your Asset folder by setting the array pages.

    let pages: [String] = [
    struct InfiniteExampleView: View {
        @StateObject var page = Page.first()
        @State var isPresented: Bool = false
        var data = Array(0..<5)
        var body: some View {
            ZStack {
                      id: \.self) {
        func pageView(_ page: Int) -> some View {
            PageView(image: pages[page])
    public struct PageView: View {
        let image: String
        public init(image: String
            self.image = image
    extension PageView {
        public var body: some View {
            ZStack(alignment: .bottomLeading) {
                LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [.clear, .black]), startPoint: .top, endPoint: .bottom)
                    .frame(height: 600)
                VStack(spacing: 22) {
                    HStack {
                        VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 20) {
                            Text("a title")
                            Text("another title")

    Expected behavior The page view should scroll normally without showing a strange moving transparent image when doing the swiping.

    Screenshots / Videos


    • OSX: iOS 16.1
    • Device: iPhone 14 Pro
    • SwiftUIPager version: 2.5.0

    Additional context Just run the code above, you'll see the issue.

    Btw, Amazing works guys! keep it up!

    opened by danstorre 0
  • Fix build issue in docs sample code

    Fix build issue in docs sample code

    Change demo code to reflect As is the sample code doesn't fails to build with error: Value of type 'Int' has no member 'identifier'

    opened by lewis-smith 0
  • [BUG] contentLoadingPolicy lazy + loopPages = blank screen

    [BUG] contentLoadingPolicy lazy + loopPages = blank screen

    using these two parameters together causes a blank screen that does not work

       .contentLoadingPolicy(.lazy(recyclingRatio: 1)) // the problem only with recyclingRatio: 1, with other parameters it works

    iOS 16 Xcode 14.0.1

    opened by chinyaev 0
  • [BUG] Standard animation not working while using Loop

    [BUG] Standard animation not working while using Loop

    Describe the bug While using Loop the standard animation is not working properly. If I add a data from view its working fine but when i try to use data from viewmodel then its not woking properly

    To Reproduce Add a data from ViewModel and add a loopPages()

    • Sample code
    @ObservedObject var discoverVM: DiscoveryViewModel
    var body: some View {
     Pager(page: .first(), data: discoverVM.showProfiles, id: \.self) {
                        self.pageView($0.connections ?? 0)
                    .itemAspectRatio(1.3, alignment: .start)

    Expected behavior I want standard animation with using loopPages()

    Screenshots / Videos If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

    Environment: Xcode : 14.1 iOS: 15.5

    • OSX: [iOS]
    • Device [iPhoneXs Max]
    • SwiftUIPager version [2.4.0]

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    opened by smallworldpc 1
  • Reusability breaks view updates

    Reusability breaks view updates

    Hi everyone! I've recently started using this pager (2.5.0) on a production app and I've been facing a recycling issue I’ve not been able to solve.

    Each page has 1 post, that fills the whole screen. The first batch of posts is fetched and displayed with no issues. After that, I dynamically add new posts at the top of the list; 1 post at a time. That’s when the issue arises! It seems that the new post view copies the state of the next and shows a subview that shouldn’t show.

    Here's the pager:

    Pager(page: viewModel.feedPage,
                          data: viewModel.feedItems,
                          id: \.self,
                          content: { index in
                            if index < viewModel.posts.count {
                                PostView(post: viewModel.posts[index])
                            } else {
                                        .font(.default(size: 17))
                    .onPageWillChange { index in
                        viewModel.willChangeVerticalPage(index: index)
    struct PostView: View {
        @StateObject private var viewModel = ViewModel()
        let post: Post
        var body: some View {
            VStack {
                SendFriendRequestView(userId: // the subview inside UserViews is the issue
                PostImageView(imageURL: post.imageURL, text: post.text)
            .onAppear {
                viewModel.setUp(post: post)
    fileprivate struct SendFriendRequestView: View {
        @EnvironmentObject private var viewModel: PostView.ViewModel
        let userId: String
        var body: some View {
            Button {
                viewModel.sendFriendRequest(userId: userId)
            } label: {
                HStack {
                    switch viewModel.sendFriendRequestViewState {
                    case .send: sendView
                    case .loading: loadingView
                    case .waiting: waitingView
                    case .hidden: EmptyView()
            .disabled(viewModel.sendFriendRequestViewState != .send)
        var sendView: some View {
            HStack {
                Image(systemName: "person.2.fill")
                    .frame(width: 10, height: 10)
                    .font(.default(size: 13))
        var loadingView: some View {
        var waitingView: some View {
            HStack {
                    .font(.default(size: 13))
                Image(systemName: "checkmark")
                    .frame(width: 10, height: 10)

    And here are the involved pieces of the view model:

        class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
            @Published private(set) var sendFriendRequestViewState = SendFriendRequestViewState.hidden
            func setUp(post: Post) {
       = post
            func determineSendFriendRequestViewState() {
                func isStateSend() -> Bool {
                    post.user.isCurrentUser == false &&
                    currentUserService.user?.friendIds.contains( == false &&
                    currentUserService.user?.sentFriendRequestUserIds.contains( == false
                func isStateWaiting() -> Bool {
                    currentUserService.user?.friendIds.contains( == false &&
                    currentUserService.user?.sentFriendRequestUserIds.contains( == true
                if isStateSend() {
                    sendFriendRequestViewState = .send
                } else if isStateWaiting() {
                    sendFriendRequestViewState = .waiting
                } else {
                    sendFriendRequestViewState = .hidden

    I realized that if I add .contentLoadingPolicy(.lazy(recyclingRatio: 0)) fixes my issue, but I don’t think it’s a good practice. Any ideas?

    opened by Samigos 0
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