SwiftUI library for a walkthrough or onboarding flow with tap actions


Concentric Onboarding

iOS library for a walkthrough or onboarding flow with tap actions written with SwiftUI

We are a development agency building phenomenal apps.

Twitter Version Carthage Compatible License Platform


  1. Create View's descendant class for your pages.
  2. Create at least two pages and fill them with content.
  3. Create an array of colors (same number as pages).
  4. Create ConcentricOnboardingView and place it in your view hierarchy.
struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        return ConcentricOnboardingView(pages: <your_pages>, bgColors: <your_colors>)
  1. Pass duration as an argument if you want animation to be faster/slower
ConcentricOnboardingView(pages: <your_pages>, bgColors: <your_colors>, duration: 2.0)

Public interface

currentPageIndex - read only property to check what page index you are currently on

goToNextPage(animated: Bool = true) - call this method manually if you need to
goToPreviousPage(animated: Bool = true) - call this method manually if you need to

Assignable closures

animationWillBegin - called before animation starts
animationDidEnd - called after animation ends
didGoToLastPage - called after animation leading to last page ends
insteadOfCyclingToFirstPage - replaces default navigation to first page after pressing next on last page
insteadOfCyclingToLastPage - replaces default navigation to last page after pressing prev on first page while navigating backwards
didPressNextButton - replaces default button action with user's custom closure


To try ConcentricOnboarding examples:

  • Clone the repo https://github.com/exyte/ConcentricOnboarding.git
  • Open terminal and run cd <ConcentricOnboardingRepo>/Example/
  • Run pod install to install all dependencies
  • Run open ConcentricOnboardingExample.xcworkspace/ to open project in the Xcode
  • Try it!



To install ConcentricOnboarding, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ConcentricOnboarding'


To integrate ConcentricOnboarding into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile

github "Exyte/ConcentricOnboarding"


Drop ConcentricOnboardingView.swift in your project.


  • iOS 13+
  • Xcode 11+


Many thanks to Cuberto team for the design idea and inspiration.

  • Question on how to use ...

    Question on how to use ...

    Thanks for this very nice Onboarding Screen. My question is related how you envision to leave the cycle after cycling through e.g. 4 screens and then navigate to different screen. I also wonder if you thought about how to perform different actions between the different screens, e.g. asking for Location service permission, Phone book permission, PushNotification permission

    Thanks Armin

    opened by wowo4k 8
  • Example code does not working

    Example code does not working

    Hi, I used xcode 13.3, MacOS 12.4 with M1. The 2nd screen does not show up correctly. Below is what I see.

    The result comes from the example code, no change at all.

    Screen Shot 2022-07-28 at 5 17 52 PM
    opened by TheGatesOfParadise 2
  • Issue with Swift Package Manager: Invalid Manifest

    Issue with Swift Package Manager: Invalid Manifest

    I tried to import this library multiple times, but alway get the same error:

    invalidManifestFormat("/var/folders/hq/xht3hkxj0sj9dmb9l8_s5zm40000gn/T/TemporaryFile.CbTs13.swift:8:15: error: 'v14' is unavailable\n .iOS(.v14)\n ^~~\nPackageDescription.SupportedPlatform:49:27: note: 'v14' was introduced in PackageDescription 5.3\n public static var v14: PackageDescription.SupportedPlatform.IOSVersion\n ^", diagnosticFile: Optional(AbsolutePath:"/Users/dimaprivat/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MindMends-dhvxmufwqyjuymghawxgovoejhaf/SourcePackages/ManifestLoading/concentriconboarding.dia")) in https://github.com/exyte/ConcentricOnboarding

    Does it not work with iOS 14?

    opened by GrosserStuhl 2
  • Not working when importing with swift package manager

    Not working when importing with swift package manager

    Hey there ! I tried importing this library inside my project using the swift package manager. Import worked well but there's a lot of compiler error, as you can see on this: print screen.

    Screenshot 2020-10-11 at 11 16 39

    I'm on Xcode 12.0.1 and my project is targeting iOS 13.4+

    As a workaround I installed the file manually and it's working.

    opened by RosayGaspard 2
  • Accessibility of Views

    Accessibility of Views

    Hi this looks beautiful and I would love to add it to my app. I didn't read any mention about the accessibility component. Is the accessibility using VoiceOver working properly for these views as well? Thank you!

    opened by saamerm 1
  • updates on adding next icon to the next circle button.

    updates on adding next icon to the next circle button.

    I made a modification to the next circle button, I read through the source code I discovered the circle button looked for asset file name "arrow" In most cases people might not know they are supposed to add an arrow image asset file into their project. so I made a modification to use system next arrow Icon and also user can set their prefered next Icon button from the nextIcon prop in the ConcentricOnboarding struct...

    please review the PR and if there is anything needed let me know I will modify it.. and also below is the screenshot of what it looks like...

    Screenshot 2021-01-21 at 4 48 06 AM

    opened by DAMMAK 1
  • Navigate to another swiftui view in the insteadOfCyclingToFirstPage callback

    Navigate to another swiftui view in the insteadOfCyclingToFirstPage callback

    Hello In the callback a.insteadOfCyclingToFirstPage = { print("do your thing") } how can i move to a new swiftUI View. In this point I don't have any navigationView or NavigationLink. For example if i use something like that:

    a.insteadOfCyclingToFirstPage = { MyView() } doesn't do anything (and i think its normal). I receive as warning Result of 'MyView' initializer is unused


    opened by anestis1000 1
  • support swipe

    support swipe

    it would be great to add support for swipes, disable the button at the bottom to switch to the next screen and turn off the background color animation, but so that the animation of switching to the next screen remains and add indicator pages?

    opened by xakacuk 1
  • Default next button is invisible

    Default next button is invisible

    case .onboardingPage:
                if (val != nil) {
                } else {
                    ConcentricOnboardingView(pageContents: onboardingPages ).duration(1.0).nextIcon("chevron.forward")
                        .insteadOfCyclingToFirstPage {
                        viewRouter.currentPage = .signInPage

    This is the area where I expect to see the chevron.forward default next button, but I don't see it.

    opened by rohandalvi 1
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