A UINavigationController's category to enable fullscreen pop gesture with iOS7+ system style.



An UINavigationController's category to enable fullscreen pop gesture in an iOS7+ system style with AOP.



这个扩展来自 @J_雨 同学的这个很天才的思路,他的文章地址:http://www.jianshu.com/p/d39f7d22db6c


AOP, just add 2 files and no need for any setups, all navigation controllers will be able to use fullscreen pop gesture automatically.

To disable this pop gesture of a navigation controller:

navigationController.fd_fullscreenPopGestureRecognizer.enabled = NO;

To disable this pop gesture of a view controller:

viewController.fd_interactivePopDisabled = YES;

Require at least iOS 7.0.

View Controller Based Navigation Bar Appearance

It handles navigation bar transition properly when using fullscreen gesture to push or pop a view controller:

  • with bar -> without bar
  • without bar -> with bar
  • without bar -> without bar

snapshot with bar states

This opmiziation is enabled by default, from now on you don't need to call UINavigationController's -setNavigationBarHidden:animated: method, instead, use view controller's specific API to hide its bar:

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    self.fd_prefersNavigationBarHidden = NO;

And this property is NO by default.

View Controller With ScrollView

If you want to use fullscreen pop gesture in ViewController with scrollView or subclass of scrollView , you should customize the scrollView or subclass of scrollView and overload the gestureRecognizer:shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer: method . like this:

- (BOOL)gestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)otherGestureRecognizer {
    if (self.contentOffset.x <= 0) {
        if ([otherGestureRecognizer.delegate isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(@"_FDFullscreenPopGestureRecognizerDelegate")]) {
            return YES;
    return NO;


Use CocoaPods

pod 'FDFullscreenPopGesture', '1.1'

Release Notes

1.1 - View controller based navigation bar appearance and transition.
1.0 - Fullscreen pop gesture.



  • 连着Push两个NavigationBarHidden的ViewController之后出现BUG


    1、push一个ViewController,hideNavigationBar 2、push一个ViewController,hideNavigationBar 3、右滑触发返回手势,不要完全返回,左滑取消返回手势 4、正常滑动返回两个ViewController 5、任意Push一个ViewController,发现NavigationBarItem为viewControllers[0]的NavigationBarItem

    另外,早上无意发现另一种方法。。。 NavigationController中直接使用 object_setClass(self.interactivePopGestureRecognizer, [UIPanGestureRecognizer class]); 即可



    opened by lovesunstar 7
  • 9.0之后出现的bug


    手机系统是8.4 使用了FDFullscreenPopGesture 然后从A push到B 使用手势滑动返回,出现了崩溃的BUG 提示 跟

    @property(nonatomic, copy) NSArray<NSNumber *> *allowedTouchTypes NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(9_0); // Array of UITouchTypes as NSNumbers. @property(nonatomic, copy) NSArray<NSNumber *> *allowedPressTypes NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(9_0); // Array of UIPressTypes as NSNumbers.


    opened by HatsuneMikuV 6
  • 当项目中用了KINWebBrowserViewController这个第三方后


    如果控制器A,隐藏导航条,设置了 self.fd_prefersNavigationBarHidden = YES; push到控制器B,B中有KINWebBrowserViewController ,此时如果用手往右侧滑动B一丢丢,快速的松手,此时的导航条会在 隐藏/显示 间不断的切换。

    KINWebBrowserViewController 中部分代码如下: `

    • (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewWillAppear:animated];

      [self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:NO animated:YES]; [self.navigationController setToolbarHidden:YES animated:YES];

      [self.navigationController.navigationBar addSubview:self.progressView];

      [self updateToolbarState]; }

    • (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewWillDisappear:animated];

      [self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:self.previousNavigationControllerNavigationBarHidden animated:animated];

      [self.navigationController setToolbarHidden:self.previousNavigationControllerToolbarHidden animated:animated];

      [self.uiWebView setDelegate:nil]; [self.progressView removeFromSuperview]; } `


    opened by yanglezyq 5
  • 我发现有一个简单的办法


    可以直接kvc,实测过完全没问题,楼主以为UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer这里面只有一个属性不能更改,其实里面有私有属性,用kvc就可以了,很方便哦。 [self.interactivePopGestureRecognizer setValue:@([UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width) forKeyPath:@"_recognizer._settings._edgeSettings._edgeRegionSize"];

    opened by wu736139669 5
  • 今天 APP 被拒了,说使用了私有 API : PrivateFrameworks/ChatKit.framework

    今天 APP 被拒了,说使用了私有 API : PrivateFrameworks/ChatKit.framework

    ChatKit.framework里的头文件基本上都是CK开头的,我就使用命令行搜整个项目文件发现 FDFullscreenPopGesture使用了if ([viewController isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(@"CKSMSComposeController")])难道是因为这个判断的原因导致被拒的?

    opened by LisonFan 4
  • 能不能不碰私有API?



    // 1. 私有变量标志transition动画是否正在进行 [self.navigationController valueForKey:@"_isTransitioning"]; // 2. 一个内部的selector NSSelectorFromString(@"handleNavigationTransition:");


    opened by liuxuan30 4
  • 求解惑


    大神, 我有两点疑惑.如下:

    1. load方法中替换pushViewController:animated:时, 在此处为什么需要调用class_replaceMethod...

    2. 如果class_replaceMethod执行了, 而fd_pushViewController:animated:方法中会调用自己, 岂不是造成无限循环啦?

    opened by changsanjiang 3
  • 我擦swizzle




    FDFullscreenPopGesture 的uiviewcontroller的load导致我们一些navigationController显示混乱。我只好把load都干掉,全部统一管理,这样一来,我就不能用pod了,真可惜。。。

    opened by duanhjlt 3
  • 1.1返回时隐藏NavigationBar失效


    • (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewWillDisappear:animated];

      // Do any additional setup after loading the view. [[self navigationController] setNavigationBarHidden:YES animated:YES]; //并没有卵用了 }


    opened by ycge234 3
  •   iOS 14设置 self.fd_prefersNavigationBarHidden = YES; 导航栏间出现动画突兀的问题

    iOS 14设置 self.fd_prefersNavigationBarHidden = YES; 导航栏间出现动画突兀的问题

    iOS 14设置 self.fd_prefersNavigationBarHidden = YES; 导航栏间出现动画突兀的问题 描述: 在iOS 14 A页面导航栏隐藏,B页面导航栏不隐藏,A设置self.fd_prefersNavigationBarHidden = YES; 在A->B 或者B->A 页面跳转的过程中,出现导航过渡动画的突兀,跳转页面在导航位置的颜色会一直显示一部分,直至另一个页面加载完全才消失;

    opened by LINDreaming 2
  • UIBarButtonItem会消失。 导航栏设置leftBarButtonItems 如果其中包含了UIBarButtonSystemItemFixedSpace类型

    UIBarButtonItem会消失。 导航栏设置leftBarButtonItems 如果其中包含了UIBarButtonSystemItemFixedSpace类型





    图1和图2注意看左边的结构,图2就是拖动一下然后松开,“cs”按钮就不见了 但是看到内存中是有的,但是ownerview变为了nil

    opened by 964562398 2
  • 在swift中使用 fd_prefersNavigationBarHidden 和 fd_interactivePopDisabled

    在swift中使用 fd_prefersNavigationBarHidden 和 fd_interactivePopDisabled

    在swift中使用 fd_prefersNavigationBarHidden 和 fd_interactivePopDisabled 中报错

    [ForexSwift.WebViewController setFd_prefersNavigationBarHidden:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fcb2702fcb0

    在报错之前打断点 再过掉就可以,不知道什么原因

    opened by LittleXu 0
  • fd_prefersNavigationBarHidden BUG

    fd_prefersNavigationBarHidden BUG

    fd_prefersNavigationBarHidden defaults to NO, which leads to a bug when the two interfaces that need to be YES slide back to the animation. The navigation bar is displayed. When a hidden navigation bar interface jumps to the next interface, the navigation bar should theoretically be hidden Actually shows up

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