Frogatto & Friends is an action-adventure game, starring a certain quixotic frog.

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Games frogatto
Frogatto & Friends is an action-adventure game, starring a certain quixotic frog.  We're trying to push 2D platforming, pixel-art, and music into uncharted territory; we hope you like the results!

Frogatto is driven by a very flexible, high-performance 2d game engine we've developed, called "Anura" - it's suitable for almost any 2D videogame, and has a few special features for pixel-art and graphical-effects commonly seen in pixel-art titles.  It has already been used to ship another complete game, called Cube Trains, and several others are in the works.

The game's source code license can be found in the LICENSE file in the distribution.

See INSTALL for instructions on building from source, or check the Downloads page [] in our website for ready to use packages for your platform.

This repository houses the Frogatto module for the Anura engine, but versions 1.3.1 of Frogatto and prior contain the engine as well and are incompatible with the Anura repository.
  • "joystick" set to true affects keyboard input

    just compiled c8fa11bf8057f8dcde911ff1dd6fa8c9c3f4a074 from 1.3_stable. by default "joystick" is set to true in ~/.frogatto/preferences.cfg. this renders only 'A' and 'S' keys functioning properly, the right arrow key works as UP and frogatto starts running to the left immediately after starting the game or returning to the title screen. so basically the game is unusable. i've set "joystick" to false and the problem seems to be gone. i'm using ubuntu 12.10 x86_64.

    Anura Issue 
    opened by ghost 11
  • Liberate proprietary data

    Liberate proprietary data

    Please may the proprietary data listed in the license file be released under a libre (free as in freedom) license, so as to become libre works as described here:

    At the moment, some system distributions cannot distribute Frogatto because they have policies against proprietary works.

    opened by throwaway1037 8
  • Remove all thn (bramble) tiles, but first...

    Remove all thn (bramble) tiles, but first...

    Gotta check if it was intentional that @Phanterm kept the tiles and placed objects over them; I seem to recall he liked the look of it, but it's a pretty old discussion by now. An example, with thn tiles... e69 and without: df0

    Level Design 
    opened by marcavis 8
  • Editor crashes creating new empty module without dependencies.

    Editor crashes creating new empty module without dependencies.

    I'm on OS X Lion and have the latest version of Frogatto compiled from master branch (top commit is e9c7494590e95f8642671591901a4cf46865e436).

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. run game
    2. ctrl+E
    3. File>Create New Module
    4. fill fields with "nm", "NewModule", "nm_"
    5. hit enter key

    Relevant command line output:

    PARSE ERROR: : Could not find file module.cfg 

    If I add "aritest" using "Add" button from "Create New Module" window before I hit enter everything works fine.

    opened by Nek 7
  • Font-generation rakefile doesn't seem to work.

    Font-generation rakefile doesn't seem to work.

    In utils/font-generation, there is a rakefile which should generate all the non-latin-family font glyphs we need. It doesn't seem to work, claiming it Don't know how to build task '../../po/zh_CN.po' (see --tasks).

    opened by DDR0 6
  • Game went completely mute after dying.

    Game went completely mute after dying.

    I was in kitty factory and died by falling off a cliff. Going back to the main menu didn't fix it.

    Here's everything the game printed:

    Bug Sound - Programmatic 
    opened by ghost 6
  • Frogatto website links are all spam

    Frogatto website links are all spam

    All of the links on the side of the Frogatto web site link to spammy ads for prescription drugs.

    For example:

    I suspect that someone hacked your wordpress installation.

    opened by jminor 6
  • Dropping a plant on blocks while crouching resulted in app crash

    Dropping a plant on blocks while crouching resulted in app crash

    Happened near the entrance to the Rock Fort, went through the secret tunnel and up-left. Latest stderr.txt message (probably related to the bug): .\svn\src\custom_object_type.cpp:560 ASSERTION FAILED: UNKNOWN FRAME on_back IN shooting_plant

    opened by coffeecup-winner 6
  • Key respawn cutscene seems to soft-lock the player if they die during it.

    Key respawn cutscene seems to soft-lock the player if they die during it.

    A beholder(the eye-like things that shoot fireballs when they see you) hit me, and knocked a key out of my mouth into the pit. I falled into the pit while the key-respawn cutscene was playing, now I cannot move by pressing any of the keys. I was in the Musty Mine when this happened(I can also quit to title screen, but still cannot move πŸ™‚ )

    Anura Issue 
    opened by rkettering 5
  • lib.math.clear_line_of_sight_between is painfully slow, may need a C++ implementation

    lib.math.clear_line_of_sight_between is painfully slow, may need a C++ implementation

    Experiencing some serious stuttering/slowdown on rocky-road.cfg - and we don't know why.

    Some amount of slowdowns seem to have occurred with the refactor related to hittable_attache; we could be seeing a case where acorns are accumulating and all getting disposed of in one go, or any number of other possible causes.

    We need to compare what's on this level, and what's not on other forest levels, and figure out what the actual culprit is.

    Anura Issue 
    opened by rkettering 5
  • Crash when trying to catch flying plant with tongue

    Crash when trying to catch flying plant with tongue

    Ubuntu 15.04 x86_64 Anura the latest commit + frogatto commit 723d276cb37f7466f9cba2bbc2e130c5e36f6ac8 When I try to catch a flying creature with tongue, the game crashes.


    INFO: preferences.cpp:591 : GET SAVE FILE PATH: /home/kroartem/.frogatto/save2.cfg
    ERROR: asserts.cpp:140 : ASSERT FAIL: formula.cpp:2382 ASSERTION FAILED: TYPE MIS-MATCH: EXPECTED obj throwable BUT FOUND "@eval deserialize('0x145911b0')" OF TYPE 'obj shooting_plant' AT At modules/frogatto/data/objects/playable/frogatto_playable.cfg 1866:
    ] where throwable_obj = (obj throwable <- object(collide_obj.thrown_type, c...
    CRITICAL: At modules/frogatto/data/objects/playable/frogatto_playable.cfg 1866:
    ] where throwable_obj = (obj throwable <- object(collide_obj.thrown_type, c...
    CRITICAL: stack trace:
    CRITICAL:   ./anura : fatal_assert_failure_exception::fatal_assert_failure_exception(std::string const&)+0x3b3
    CRITICAL:   ./anura() [0x19ea070]
    CRITICAL:   ./anura() [0x1a064ec]
    CRITICAL:   ./anura() [0x19bbe7c]
    CRITICAL:   ./anura() [0x1a0934d]
    CRITICAL:   ./anura() [0x16b1a2b]
    CRITICAL:   ./anura() [0x1a0934d]
    CRITICAL:   ./anura() [0x19d89ac]
    CRITICAL:   ./anura() [0x1a0934d]
    CRITICAL:   ./anura : game_logic::FormulaExpression::evaluate(game_logic::FormulaCallable const&) const+0x5f
    CRITICAL:   ./anura() [0x16a6b30]
    CRITICAL:   ./anura() [0x19d89ac]
    CRITICAL:   ./anura : game_logic::Formula::execute(game_logic::FormulaCallable const&) const+0x104
    CRITICAL:   ./anura : CustomObject::handleEventInternal(int, game_logic::FormulaCallable const*, bool)+0x4a3
    CRITICAL:   ./anura : CustomObject::handleEvent(int, game_logic::FormulaCallable const*)+0x23e
    CRITICAL:   ./anura() [0xc3b227]
    CRITICAL:   ./anura : EntityCommandCallable::runCommand(Level&, Entity&) const+0x65
    CRITICAL:   ./anura : CustomObject::executeCommand(variant const&)+0x265
    CRITICAL:   ./anura : CustomObject::executeCommand(variant const&)+0x159
    CRITICAL:   ./anura : CustomObject::executeCommand(variant const&)+0x159
    CRITICAL:   ./anura : CustomObject::resolveDelayedEvents()+0xb1
    CRITICAL:   ./anura : detect_user_collisions(Level&)+0x1eda
    CRITICAL:   ./anura : Level::do_processing()+0x19b
    CRITICAL:   ./anura : Level::process()+0xc3
    CRITICAL:   ./anura : LevelRunner::play_cycle()+0x70a0
    CRITICAL:   ./anura : LevelRunner::play_level()+0x16d
    CRITICAL:   ./anura : main()+0x649c
    CRITICAL:   /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ : __libc_start_main()+0xf0
    CRITICAL:   ./anura : _start()+0x29
    CRITICAL: ---
    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'fatal_assert_failure_exception'

    Screenshot from the place where it happened: Crash

    opened by KroArtem 5
  • Creature Field Guide in Inventory Causes Game to Hang When Inventory is Accessed

    Creature Field Guide in Inventory Causes Game to Hang When Inventory is Accessed

    In current HEAD (running on top of Anura, also at HEAD), if you acquire the "Creature Field Guide" from the shop at the Tempo Village Docks, any attempts at opening your inventory hang the entire game to the point where you need to do a kill -9 on the process. The only debug message given by default is: "libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile"

    I made a copy of that save file, and in the copy, I removed the line with "item_creature_field_guide" in it, then started the game and loaded that save file. Inventory now loads without any issue.

    Tested on: Dell Latitude E5440 (with Intel Core i5-4310U CPU and 8 GiB memory) running Debian Bullseye 11.6, and recently recompiled Anura and an updated Frogatto module.

    opened by k8wu 0
  • Opening inventory takes longer and longer as the game progresses

    Opening inventory takes longer and longer as the game progresses

    Frogatto v4.28

    Opening inventory takes longer and longer as the game progresses. Similar to #609 but here the long loading time turns already into application freeze. 100% CPU load on the executing core, and the game slowly eats up system memory.

    opened by hurjup 0
  • Inventory screen item description/cursor is not updated when first opening it.

    Inventory screen item description/cursor is not updated when first opening it.

    When opening the inventory, the cursor text is identical for both the items and abilities pane. The text updates when a new ability is selected, but goes back to the first item every time the inventory is closed and re-opened again.


    opened by al0fdf 0
  • Map is clipping incorrectly after patching another clipping bug in the bestiary.

    Map is clipping incorrectly after patching another clipping bug in the bestiary.

    Reported by @al0fdf. Introduced in ae7fd4c4a3507725fff95e599e53d418d48deeaf. Map should be solid black, not transparent cutout. (May need to run hax to get it first.)

    Anura Issue Graphics - Programmatic Bug 
    opened by DDR0 0
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