πŸ‘» Augmented reality game in a pixel/billboard style



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What's ARbusters?

ARbusters is an augmented reality game in a pixel/billboard style. The gameplay is pretty simple, look around you and kill every enemy under the lowest time possible!


ARbusters Gameplay Sound's delayed (in the video only) because of the codec used in rendering the video (.wmv)


  • MVC-Coordinator
  • Dependency Injection Container
  • User Interface & AutoLayout in code
  • ARKit - ARSKView, ARSession, ARFrame, ARAnchor
  • SpriteKit - SKScene, SKSpriteNode, SKAction, SKNode
  • AVPlayer - Background Music (turn on/off)
  • UserDefaults - Highest Score


  • This game was created as a first steps into ARKit
  • To fully enjoy the game make sure you play with sound, so you can listen to every sound effect and background music
  • The game itself was inspired on ARniegeddon

Support ARBusters ❀️

Hello there πŸ‘‹

I’m Pedro, a Portuguese iOS Engineer since February 2017. I’m an avid OSS enthusiast and contributor - help by sharing, learn by what’s shared.

I've built and open-sourced multiple frameworks and applications, including Brooklyn and CocoaHub.

I'm also a conference and meetup organizer, being part of SwiftAveiro and CocoaHeads Porto.

If you enjoy my work and would like to help me continue it, please consider:

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