Free time picker iOS Application with SwiftUI and Combine


Free time picker iOS application.

This is iOS application for search free time in your calendar.


Build Status

Search Detail
search detail


  • macOS Catalina 10.15.3(19D76)
  • Xcode Version 11.3.1 (11C504)



cp $YOUR_GOOGLE_SERVICE_INFO_PLIST FreeTimePicker/Resources/GoogleService-Info.plist


cp FreeTimePicker/Config/Config-Debug.xcconfig.sample FreeTimePicker/Config/Config-Debug.xcconfig
cp FreeTimePicker/Config/Config-Release.xcconfig.sample FreeTimePicker/Config/Config-Release.xcconfig

and replace [YOUR_ADMOB_APP_ID] to your AdMob App ID and replace [YOUR_ADMOB_UNIT_ID] to your AdMob unit ID in xcconfig.


EventKit, SwiftUI, Combine, Intents Extension

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