A drop-in universal library allows to record audio within the app with a nice User Interface.




IQAudioRecorderController is a drop-in universal library allows to record and crop audio within the app with a nice User Interface. There are also optional callback delegate methods to return recorded file path.

Idle Recording Playing No Access



You can use CocoaPods to install IQAudioRecorderController by adding it to your Podfile:

platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'IQAudioRecorderController'

To get the full benefits import IQAudioRecorderController wherever you import UIKit

import UIKit
import IQAudioRecorderController


  1. Download and drop /IQAudioRecorderControllerfolder in your project.
  2. Congratulations!

Supported format

Currently IQAudioRecorderController library only support .m4a file format.


There are optional properties to customize the appearance according to your app theme.

barStyle: UIBarStyle: Library support light and dark style UI for user interface. If you would like to present light style UI then you need to set barStyle to UIBarStyleDefault, otherwise dark style UI is the default.

normalTintColor: UIColor: This tintColor is used for showing wave tintColor while not recording, it is also used for top navigationBar and bottom toolbar tintColor.

highlightedTintColor: UIColor: Highlighted tintColor is used when playing recorded audio file or when recording audio file.

How to use

There are two seprate classes to Record and Crop Audio files.

To Record audio file, try something like this:-

#import "IQAudioRecorderViewController.h"

@interface ViewController ()<IQAudioRecorderViewControllerDelegate>

@implementation ViewController

- (void)recordAction:(id)sender {
    IQAudioRecorderViewController *controller = [[IQAudioRecorderViewController alloc] init];
    controller.delegate = self;
    controller.title = "Recorder";
    controller.maximumRecordDuration = 10;
    controller.allowCropping = YES;
//    controller.barStyle = UIBarStyleDefault;
//    controller.normalTintColor = [UIColor magentaColor];
//    controller.highlightedTintColor = [UIColor orangeColor];
    [self presentBlurredAudioRecorderViewControllerAnimated:controller];

-(void)audioRecorderController:(IQAudioRecorderViewController *)controller didFinishWithAudioAtPath:(NSString *)filePath {
    //Do your custom work with file at filePath.
    [controller dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

-(void)audioRecorderControllerDidCancel:(IQAudioRecorderViewController *)controller {
    //Notifying that user has clicked cancel.
    [controller dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];


To Crop audio file, try something like this:-

#import "IQAudioCropperViewController.h"

@interface ViewController ()<IQAudioCropperViewControllerDelegate>

@implementation ViewController

-(void)cropAction:(id)item {
    IQAudioCropperViewController *controller = [[IQAudioCropperViewController alloc] initWithFilePath:filePath];
    controller.delegate = self;
    controller.title = "Edit";
//    controller.barStyle = UIBarStyleDefault;
//    controller.normalTintColor = [UIColor magentaColor];
//    controller.highlightedTintColor = [UIColor orangeColor];
    [self presentBlurredAudioCropperViewControllerAnimated:controller];

-(void)audioCropperController:(IQAudioCropperViewController *)controller didFinishWithAudioAtPath:(NSString *)filePath {
    //Do your custom work with file at filePath.
    [controller dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

-(void)audioCropperControllerDidCancel:(IQAudioCropperViewController *)controller {
    //Notifying that user has clicked cancel.
    [controller dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];



Thanks to Stefan Ceriu for his brilliant SCSiriWaveformView library.

Thanks to William Entriken for his FDWaveformView library.


Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.


Any contribution is more than welcome! You can contribute through pull requests and issues on GitHub.


If you wish to contact me, email at: hack.iftekhar@gmail.com

  • IQAudioCropperController sometimes can't open

    IQAudioCropperController sometimes can't open

    when you already have a record, then if you click the CropButton in the Demo frequently, it will stay the loadingView and never appear the FDWaveformView; record_issue2

    opened by J8rry 11
  • Modularization and customization

    Modularization and customization

    I'm planning to use your IQAudioRecorderController in my new app. That app has already a UINavigationController in place and I wanted to push the recorder onto it instead of presenting it modally.

    I implemented that change and, while on it, tweaked a bit here and there.

    What do you think?

    opened by sebastianludwig 10
  • Problem in opening the trim view controller for an existing audio

    Problem in opening the trim view controller for an existing audio

    Getting repeatedly error : IQ_FDWaveformView could not load asset: The requested URL was not found on this server. // Using a button to call function cropAction with the url of the media Item

    @IBAction func crop(_ sender: Any) {

    func cropAction(_ item: Any) {
        //    let controller = IQAudioCropperViewController(filePath: item as! String)
        let controller = IQAudioCropperViewController.init(filePath: item as! String)
        controller.delegate = self
        controller.title = "Edit"
        controller.barStyle = UIBarStyle.default
        controller.normalTintColor = UIColor.magenta
        controller.highlightedTintColor = UIColor.orange;
    func audioCropperController(_ controller: IQAudioCropperViewController, didFinishWithAudioAtPath filePath: String) {
        //Do your custom work with file at filePath.
        controller.dismiss(animated: true) { _ in }
    func audioCropperControllerDidCancel(_ controller: IQAudioCropperViewController) {
        //Notifying that user has clicked cancel.
        controller.dismiss(animated: true) { _ in }
    opened by credo92 7
  • property 'maximumRecordDuration' is not available to IQAudioRecorderController in Swift

    property 'maximumRecordDuration' is not available to IQAudioRecorderController in Swift

    I am using this library in my Swift 2.2-based app, and it works beautifully, however, I found the property maximumRecordDuration is not available for an instance of IQAudioRecorderController to use.

    I am wondering if it is possible to use maximumRecordDuration for Swift-based app. Thanks!

    opened by rcholic 6
  • Can't specify file format.

    Can't specify file format.

    Hello @hackiftekhar

    How are you?

    Your library is simple and useful. I think it will be better if you add to specify audio file format. Current, it is only possible to record for m4a, but I need mp3.

    I have seen your code, it can modify myself, but I want to use your library if possible.

    Thank you.

    opened by Ying1986 6
  • audio duration silider

    audio duration silider

    I'm using IQAudioRecorderController on a swift project like this:

     let controller = IQAudioRecorderViewController()
     controller.delegate = self
     controller.allowCropping = false
     controller.barStyle = UIBarStyle.black

    But I have a problem while playing recorded audio, it looks like that:

    screen shot 2018-04-22 at 4 19 26 pm

    Does somebody had this problem? Thank you

    opened by EgzonArifi 5
  • Microphone icon is not displayed

    Microphone icon is not displayed

    Microphone icon is not displayed

    My code:

        func audioRecordAction() {
            let audioRecorderController = IQAudioRecorderController()
            audioRecorderController.delegate = self
            audioRecorderController.title = "Audio Recorder"
            audioRecorderController.barStyle = UIBarStyle.BlackOpaque
            presentViewController(audioRecorderController, animated: true, completion: nil)
    opened by CrazyWisdom 5
  • recording length

    recording length

    it would be greate if we can specify the maximum recording time allowed in seconds when the controller stops recording by itself, it will make it perfect i guess with many uses

    opened by nelzaatari 4
  • Adding support for wav audio format

    Adding support for wav audio format

    Hi @hackiftekhar:

    Thanks for providing cool library for the voice recorder.

    I have a use case of generating audio file as .wav. Enabled the support for .wav format

    Can you please review this PR and merge the same. Please let me know in case any discussion is needed.

    Thanks </ Pranav >

    opened by prscX 3
  • Demo app doesn't compile.

    Demo app doesn't compile.

    I am not sure if anything else needs to be done, but the demo app cannot be compiled for me. It failed to find a few classes (FDWaveformView and AV classes).

    opened by johnnielin 3
  • Please expose strings for localization

    Please expose strings for localization

    There are a few strings like "Delete Recording", "Cancel" or "Microphone Access Denied!". Could you please expose those so that we can localize them?

    opened by luzianscherrer 2
  • > Can you please try the latest version of library because I fixed something like this couple of weeks ago.

    > Can you please try the latest version of library because I fixed something like this couple of weeks ago.

    Can you please try the latest version of library because I fixed something like this couple of weeks ago.

    Im using the latest one can we decrease the wave height because i just need a height to be constant. its overlapping my texts

    Originally posted by @seemanraj in https://github.com/hackiftekhar/IQAudioRecorderController/issues/52#issuecomment-614602864

    opened by seemanraj 0
  • How to limit record time with Audiorecord as mediarecorder with setmaxduration.

    How to limit record time with Audiorecord as mediarecorder with setmaxduration.

    I need to stop audio-record after 70 second from the starting time. With mediarecorder I used setMaxduration and this work well,

    How can I a good a good approach with AudioRecord too.

    Many Thanks for your help.

    opened by jingle30101 0
  • bitRate not work

    bitRate not work

    IQAudioRecorderViewController *controller = [[IQAudioRecorderViewController alloc] init];
    controller.delegate = self;
    controller.title = @"Recorder";
    controller.maximumRecordDuration = 60*10;
    controller.allowCropping = YES;

    when I set bitRate,the recorder not work.

    opened by bandy101 0
  • New functionalities

    New functionalities

    It would be nice if we could add some more functionalities, like:

    • A callback for when user has reached the time limit on recording
    • Possibility to open the trim view controller from an existing audio
    • Possibility to override icons
    opened by githubdoramon 3
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