:droplet: A generic view model for both basic and complex scenarios



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Brick is a generic view model for both basic and complex scenarios. Mapping a basic table view cells is as easy as pie, if you have more properties, you can use the meta dictionary to add all additional properties that you might need. It also supports relations so that you can nest view models inside of view models.

public struct Item: Mappable {
  public var index = 0
  public var title = ""
  public var subtitle = ""
  public var text = ""
  public var image = ""
  public var kind = ""
  public var action: String?
  public var size = CGSize(width: 0, height: 0)
  public var meta = [String : AnyObject]()
  • .index Calculated value to determine the index it has inside of the component.
  • .title The headline for your data, in a UITableViewCell it is normally used for textLabel.text but you are free to use it as you like.
  • .subtitle Same as for the title, in a UITableViewCell it is normally used for detailTextLabel.text.
  • .text This is an optional property that can be used for larger amount of text needed to describe your Item
  • .image Can be either a URL string or a local string, you can easily determine if it should use a local or remote asset in your view.
  • .kind Is used for the reuseIdentifier of your UITableViewCell or UICollectionViewCell.
  • .action Action identifier for you to parse and process when a user taps on a list item. We recommend Compass as centralized navigation system.
  • .size Can either inherit from the UITableViewCell/UICollectionViewCell, or be manually set by the height calculations inside of your view.
  • .meta This is used for extra data that you might need access to inside of your view, it can be a hex color, a unique identifer or additional images for your view.


let item = Item(
  title: "John Hyperseed",
  subtitle: "Build machine",
  meta: [
    "operatingSystem" : "OS X",
    "xcodeVersion" : 7.3

print(item.meta("operatingSystem", "")) // prints "OS X"
print(item.meta("xcodeVersion", 0.0)) // prints 7.3


Brick is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Brick'

Brick is also available through Carthage. To install just write into your Cartfile:

github "hyperoslo/Brick"


Hyper Interaktiv AS, ios@hyper.no


We would love you to contribute to Brick, check the CONTRIBUTING file for more info.


Brick is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Add types to Item

    Add types to Item

    This is a super minor PR. It just adds the types to all properties on Item to help the complier along. Even if this is super tiny and shouldn’t really affect anything, I thought it would be a good idea to just do it, one could consider it “best practice” to always declare properties with a type.

    I am one of those who think that is a good idea :)

    opened by zenangst 5
  • Feature: mappable meta

    Feature: mappable meta

    @zenangst Got a new idea regarding our discussions about meta. So instead of using enums or magic generators we can use Mappable structs 😄

    struct ProductMeta {
      var id = 0
      var name: String?
    extension ProductMeta: Mappable {
      init(_ map: JSONDictionary) {
        id <- map.property("id")
        name <- map.property("name")
    let productMeta = ProductMeta(id: 11, name: "Name")
    let viewModel = ViewModel(title: "Title", meta: productMeta)
    // ...
    let meta: ProductMeta = viewModel.metaInstance()
    print(meta.id) // => 11

    My only concern is than it might be too much code, because you have to implement mapping, don't see any way to avoid this, even though property key always reflects the property name. But with this approach you write string only once which is nice.

    opened by vadymmarkov 4
  • Remove Fakery

    Remove Fakery

    This PR removes Fakery from the tests and as a dependency. I couldn't get it working for the tests on tvOS so I decide on removing it. We can always introduce it later on but right now it is needed for migration of other projects.

    opened by zenangst 2
  • Meta properties generator

    Meta properties generator

    Would be nice to implement a script that goes through your models and generates a code for the each property on it:

    import Brick
    extension ViewModel {
      var metaId: Int? {
        set(value) {
          meta["id"] = value
        get {
          return meta("id", type: Int.self)
      func metaId(value: Int) -> Int {
        return meta("id", value)

    Then instead of "magic strings" you would use:

    viewModel.id = 11
    viewModel.id(0) // => value to 0 by default
    viewModel.id // optional value
    opened by vadymmarkov 2
  • Improve/handling children

    Improve/handling children

    This PR improves working with the children property on Item.

    It is now included when comparing Item's using ===.

    The property is now also available in the initializer.

    When working with custom structs, you can implement the new DictionaryConvertable to make it easier to add them as children to an Item.

    opened by zenangst 1
  • Check if there are any children when before creating the key

    Check if there are any children when before creating the key

    This PR cleans up the dictionary representation of Item. The thing that it fixes is that it checks if there are any children before adding it to the dictionary. This will help clean up your JSON file as it won’t add empty keys for children.

    opened by zenangst 1
  • Feature text property

    Feature text property

    We have had quiet a few cases where we have to fallback to use meta when showing longer pieces of text when displaying an Item.

    By adding text has a property, you get one more field that you can rely on and it fits quiet a lot of cases.

    It won’t solve everything that in my opinion I think it’s an okay thing to have on the Item.

    opened by zenangst 1
  • Rename all references from ViewModel to Item

    Rename all references from ViewModel to Item

    This is a breaking change, it renames the ViewModel struct to Item and ViewConfigurable to ItemConfigurable.

    It should be very easy to migrate to the new version as you only need to search and replace those changes and should be done in a jiffy.

    This PR came to be after a discussion that me and @vadymmarkov had about naming. ViewModel kind of implies that it holds content for the entire screen as it would potentially deal with ViewController.

    And the second reason is that it is mainly used in Spots where we always refer to the ViewModel as an Item.

    Item is abstract to work on multiple instances, where as ViewModel implies a specific scenario where it will be used. You can always argue that it is in fact styling a specific view as ViewConfigurable is a property on the underlaying component, a cell for example.

    Personally I think this is the best name for what it does. I hope you do as well.

    opened by zenangst 1
  • Exclude children in equitable operators

    Exclude children in equitable operators

    This PR removes the children property from the comparison as it doesn’t work like intended because it is an array of AnyObject. If you want to include it you can make an extension in your implementation.

    opened by zenangst 1
  • Fix/mapping size

    Fix/mapping size

    We had a minor bug in the init method that maps size to Item. This was caused by type-casting that worked in earlier versions of Swift but it no longer supported.

    What we do to fix this issue is to resolve the value as a Double and the create a CGSize using both width and height from the JSON payload.

    Improved the tests to take size into account when testing the Item.

    opened by zenangst 0
  • Feature/identifier


    This PR adds a new property to the ViewModel. The new property is called Identifier and is of type Int. This can be used to achieve uniqueness in your view models. It can represent an ID that you get from your backend or it can be a computed String that you assign yourself.

    When assigning String, you can do so by passing the hash value for that string.

    let item = ViewModel(identifier: "user-34".hashValue)
    opened by zenangst 0
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