Swift μ-framework for efficient array diffs and datasource adapters.


Buffer Swift Platform License


Swift μ-framework for efficient array diffs, collection observation and data source implementation.

C++11 port here


curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alexdrone/Buffer/master/bin/dist.zip" > dist.zip && unzip dist.zip && rm dist.zip;

Drag Buffer.framework in your project and add it as an embedded binary.

If you use xcodegen add the framework to your project.yml like so:

      - framework: PATH/TO/YOUR/DEPS/Buffer.framework

Installation with CocoaPods/Carthage (deprecated)

If you are using CocoaPods:

Add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'Buffer'

If you are using Carthage:

To install Carthage, run (using Homebrew):

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

Then add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "alexdrone/Buffer" "master"    

Getting started

Buffer is designed to be very granular and has APIs with very different degrees of abstraction.

Managing a collection with Buffer

You can initialize and use Buffer in the following way.

import Buffer

class MyClass: BufferDelegate {

  lazy var buffer: Buffer<Foo> = {
    // The `sort` and the `filter` closure are optional - they are a convenient way to map the src array.
    let buffer = Buffer(initialArray: self.elements, sort: { $0.bar > $1.bar }, filter: { $0.isBaz })
    buffer.delegate = self

  var elements: [Foo] = [Foo]() {
    didSet {
      // When the elements are changed the buffer object will compute the difference and trigger
      // the invocation of the delegate methods.
      // The `synchronous` and `completion` arguments are optional.
      self.buffer.update(with: newValues, synchronous: false, completion: nil)

  //These methods will be called when the buffer has changedd.

  public func buffer(willChangeContent buffer: BufferType) {
    //e.g. self.tableView?.beginUpdates()


  public func buffer(didDeleteElementAtIndices buffer: BufferType, indices: [UInt]) {
    //e.g. Remove rows from a tableview

  public func buffer(didInsertElementsAtIndices buffer: BufferType, indices: [UInt]) {

  public func buffer(didChangeContent buffer: BufferType) {

  public func buffer(didChangeElementAtIndex buffer: BufferType, index: UInt) {

  public func buffer(didMoveElement buffer: BufferType, from: UInt, to: UInt) {

  public func buffer(didChangeAllContent buffer: BufferType) {

Built-in UITableView and UICollectionView adapter

One of the main use cases for Buffer is probably to apply changes to a TableView or a CollectionView. Buffer provides 2 adapter classes that implement the BufferDelegate protocol and automatically perform the required changes on the target tableview/collectionview when required.

import Buffer

class MyClass: UITableViewController {

  lazy var buffer: Buffer<Foo> = {
    // The `sort` and the `filter` closure are optional - they are convenient way to map the src array.
    let buffer = Buffer(initialArray: self.elements, sort: { $0.bar > $1.bar }, filter: { $0.isBaz })
    buffer.delegate = self

  var elements: [Foo] = [Foo]() {
    didSet {
      // When the elements are changed the buffer object will compute the difference and trigger
      // the invocation of the delegate methods.
      // The `synchronous` and `completion` arguments are optional.
      self.buffer.update(with: newValues, synchronous: false, completion: nil)

  let adapter: TableViewDiffAdapter<Foo>!

  init() {
    self.adapter = TableViewDiffAdapter(buffer: self.buffer, view: self.tableView)

    // Additionaly you can let the adapter be the datasource for your table view by passing a cell
    // configuration closure to the adpater.
    adapter.useAsDataSource { (tableView, object, indexPath) -> UITableViewCell in
      let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("MyCell")
	  			cell?.textLabel?.text = object.foo
	  			return cell


Component-Oriented TableView

Another convenient way to use Buffer is through the Buffer.TableView class. This abstraction allows for the tableView to reconfigure itself when its state (the elements) change.

import Buffer

class ViewController: UIViewController {

  lazy var tableView: TableView<FooModel> = {
    let tableView = TableView<FooModel>()
    return tableView

  lazy var elements: [ListItem<FooModel>] = {
    var elements = [ListItem<FooModel>]()
    for _ in 0...100 {
      // AnyListItem wraps the data and the configuration for every row in the tableview.
      let item = ListItem(type: UITableViewCell.self,
                          container: self.tableView,
                          model: FooModel(text: "Foo"))) {
        cell, model in
        cell.textLabel?.text = model.text
    return elements

  override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
    self.tableView.frame = self.view.bounds

  override func viewDidLoad() {
    self.tableView.elements = self.elements

Check the demo out to learn more about Buffer.


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  • BufferDemo doesn't compile out of the box

    BufferDemo doesn't compile out of the box

    There is an absolute reference to the Buffer.framework containing alexusbergo.

    Perhaps change it to "relative to project" or to "relative to build products"

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  • Build Error: Multiple Command produce info.plist

    Build Error: Multiple Command produce info.plist

    Environment: Xcode 10, Swift 4.2 After deleting the info.plist from [build phase] -> [Copy Bundle Resources] , the problem is resolved. Below is the build error: Multiple commands produce '/Users/crewbuild/myagent/_work/6/output/iphoneos/Test-Release/build.sym/Test-Release-iphoneos/Buffer/Buffer.framework/Info.plist': 2018-10-17T18:19:48.9660210Z 1) Target 'Buffer' (project 'Pods') has copy command from '/Users/crewbuild/myagent/_work/6/s/Pods/Buffer/src/Info.plist' to '/Users/crewbuild/myagent/_work/6/output/iphoneos/Test-Release/build.sym/Test-Release-iphoneos/Buffer/Buffer.framework/Info.plist' 2018-10-17T18:19:48.9689440Z 2) Target 'Buffer' (project 'Pods') has process command with output '/Users/crewbuild/myagent/_work/6/output/iphoneos/Test-Release/build.sym/Test-Release-iphoneos/Buffer/Buffer.framework/Info.plist'

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  • Is Buffer a good solution for iOS Redux app ?

    Is Buffer a good solution for iOS Redux app ?

    HI, I'm looking into Redux flow for iOS recently, it does help me to normalize some questions, but I'm confusing with dealing big collection property in state, or multi properties in state

    for properties modified, I can detect and handle in didSet block, but I have no clue what's the best way to handle a big collection inserted/deleted/modified when new state is called, I want to do accuracy operation instead just call reloadData, especially I'm using AsyncDisplayKit, reload whole collectionView/tableView will cause some UI flash issue.

    Depends on a growing social app, properties might scale, Is Buffer the solution what I seeking ? How is the performance between Buffer with other diff frameworks ? ex: Dwifft

    Also Do you think ReSwift + Buffer + AsyncDisplayKit make sense ? I'm kind tired of MVC, lol

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  • mainThread VS mainQueue

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    There are quite a few checks like NSThread.isMainThread() in the code. Maybe this should be changed to checking for the main queue instead?

    Here's sample code to check for the queue instead, based on http://blog.benjamin-encz.de/post/main-queue-vs-main-thread/, where the difference is explained, too:

    private let mainQueueKey = UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>.alloc(1)
    private let mainQueueValue = UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>.alloc(1)
    // Associate a key-value pair with the main queue
    func dispatch_ensure_main_queue(block: dispatch_block_t) {
        // Check for presence of key-value pair on current queue
        if (dispatch_get_specific(mainQueueKey) == mainQueueValue) {
            // if we found right value for key, execute immediately
            print("main queue")
        } else {
            // otherwise dispatch on main queue now
            // /!\ Use dispatch_sync cautiously
            // it can cause deadlocks!
            dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
                print("not main queue")
        return image
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