A Task Queue Class developed in Swift (by Marin Todorov)



Platform Cocoapods Compatible Carthage Compatible GitHub License

Table of Contents



TaskQueue is a Swift library which allows you to schedule tasks once and then let the queue execute them in a synchronous manner. The great thing about TaskQueue is that you get to decide on which GCD queue each of your tasks should execute beforehand and leave TaskQueue to do switching of the queues as it goes.

Even if your tasks are asynchronious like fetching location, downloading files, etc. TaskQueue will wait until they are finished before going on with the next task.

Last but not least your tasks have full flow control over the queue, depending on the outcome of the work you are doing in your tasks you can skip the next task, abort the queue, or jump ahead to the queue completion. You can further pause, resume, and stop the queue.



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects.

If you don't already have the Cocoapods gem installed, run the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate TaskQueue into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'TaskQueue'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

If you find that you're not having the most recent version installed when you run pod install then try running:

$ pod cache clean
$ pod repo update TaskQueue
$ pod install

Also you'll need to make sure that you've not got the version of TaskQueue locked to an old version in your Podfile.lock file.


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that automates the process of adding frameworks to your Cocoa application.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate TaskQueue into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "icanzilb/TaskQueue"

Simple Example

Synchronous tasks

Here's the simplest way to use TaskQueue in Swift:

let queue = TaskQueue()

queue.tasks +=~ {
	... time consuming task on a background queue...

queue.tasks +=! {
	... update UI on main queue ...


TaskQueue will execute the tasks one after the other waiting for each task to finish and the will execute the next one. By using the operators +=~ and +=! you can easily set whether the task should execute in background or on the main queue.

Asynchronous tasks

More interesting of course is when you have to do some asynchronous work in the background of your tasks. Then you can fetch the next parameter in your task and call it whenever your async work is done:

let queue = TaskQueue()

queue.tasks +=~ { result, next in

    var url = URL(string: "http://jsonmodel.com")

    URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url,
        completionHandler: { _, _, _ in
            // process the response

queue.tasks +=! {
    print("execute next task after network call is finished")

queue.run {

There are a few things to highlight in the example above:

  1. The first task closure gets two parameters: result is the result from the previous task (nil in the case of the first task) and next. next is a closure you need to call whenver your async task has finished executing.

  2. Task nr.2 doesn't get started until you call next() in your previous task.

  3. The run function can also take a closure as a parameter - if you pass one it will always get executed after all other tasks has finished.

Serial and Concurrent Tasks

By default TaskQueue executes its tasks one after another or, in other words, the queue has up to one active task at a time.

You can, however, allow a given number of tasks to execute at the same time (e.g. if you need to download a number of image files from web). To do this just increase the number of active tasks and the queue will automatically start executing tasks concurrently. For example:

queue.maximumNumberOfActiveTasks = 10

This will make the queue execute up to 10 tasks at the same time.

Note: As soon as you allow for more than one task at a time certain restrictions apply: you cannot invoke retry(), and you cannot pass a result from one task to another.

GCD Queue Control

Do you want to run couple of heavy duty tasks in the background and then switch to the main queue to update your app UI? Easy. Study the example below, which showcases GCD queue control with TaskQueue:

let queue = TaskQueue()

// "+=" adds a task to be executed on the current queue
queue.tasks += {
    // update the UI

// "+=~" adds a task to be executed in the background, e.g. low prio queue
// "~" stands for so~so priority
queue.tasks +=~ {
    // do heavy work

// "+=!" adds a task to be executed on the main queue
// "!" stands for High! priority
queue.tasks +=! {
    // update the UI again

// to start the queue on the current GCD queue

Extensive example

let queue = TaskQueue()

// Simple sync task, just prints to console
queue.tasks += {
    print("====== tasks ======")
    print("task #1: run")

// A task, which can be asynchronious because it gets
// result and next params and can call next() when ready
// with async work to tell the queue to continue running
queue.tasks += { result, next in
    print("task #2: begin")

    delay(seconds: 2) {
        print("task #2: end")


// A task which retries the same task over and over again
// until it succeeds (i.e. util when you make network calls)
// NB! Important to capture **queue** as weak to prevent
// memory leaks!
var cnt = 1
queue.tasks += { [weak queue] result, next in
    print("task #3: try #\(cnt)")
    cnt += 1

    if cnt > 3 {
    } else {
        queue!.retry(delay: 1)

// This task skips the next task in queue
// (no capture cycle here)
queue.tasks += {
    print("task #4: run")
    print("task #4: will skip next task")


queue.tasks += {
    print("task #5: run")

// This task removes all remaining tasks in the queue
// i.e. util when an operation fails and the rest of the queueud
// tasks don't make sense anymore
// NB: This does not remove the completions added
queue.tasks += {
    print("task #6: run")

    print("task #6: will append one more completion")
    queue.run { _ in
        print("completion: appended completion run")

    print("task #6: will skip all remaining tasks")

queue.tasks += {
    print("task #7: run")

// This either runs or resumes the queue
// If queue is running doesn't do anything

// This either runs or resumes the queue
// and adds the given closure to the lists of completions.
// You can add as many completions as you want (also half way)
// trough executing the queue.
queue.run { result in
    print("====== completions ======")
    print("initial completion: run")

Run the included demo app to see some of these examples above in action.


Author: Marin Todorov


TaskQueue is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Is there a way to do nested tasks?

    Is there a way to do nested tasks?

    I have a method with a task queue that calls another method with a task queue

    I'm guessing this is because they are on the same queue?

    I have 1 2 a b 3

    It executes 1 2 a 3 b

    opened by alexbosworth 3
  • When do I use queue.run()?

    When do I use queue.run()?

    I'm not sure if this is an actual issue but I was wondering. When is the right time to call .run() on a queue? In your Readme, you always called it after you've added all the tasks you wanted to add. Is it possible to call .run() say in a class initialiser and keep adding tasks to it AFTER. So that it just keeps processing tasks as they come (one after the other)?

    opened by timigod 2
  • Do the tasks continue to run if the application enters background?

    Do the tasks continue to run if the application enters background?

    And if they do, for how long?

    It seems to me that the queue is subject to the limited time given by iOS to tasks created by application.beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler, since there is no additional setup required to use it.

    opened by ahmedk92 1
  • run is not working.

    run is not working.


    I don't know why but I am using Reachability to pause and resume the queue, so I do paused = true when there is no internet connexion, then when internet is back, I do paused = false and run.

    They are task in queue, but for some reasons they are never called, and the finish of the run block is never called. Any idea?


    opened by cyril94440 1
  • Regarding Synchronous operation

    Regarding Synchronous operation

    I used the api mentioned in the documentation but the request and response are not in the order they are random its like not waiting for the previous response before executing next .

    opened by gthrb22 1
  • Compile error when using COCOAPODS

    Compile error when using COCOAPODS

    Hi. I had compile error because TaskQueue class has no public init method.

    I commented at https://github.com/icanzilb/TaskQueue/commit/0ed1061a1df2559914499df73629fca8099d2881.

    Please check.

    opened by sapzildj 1
  • new operator to add a task on the main or bg queue

    new operator to add a task on the main or bg queue

    It'd be great if there is a way to say smth like:

    queue += { code executed on same thread as queue was created on }

    queue +=! { code to be executed on main thread }

    queue +=? { code to be executed on bg thread }

    opened by icanzilb 1
  • Restructure to make things more conventional and easier to work with

    Restructure to make things more conventional and easier to work with

    • Use Sources and Tests directories
    • Add a tests target for TaskQueue project
    • Rename demo app to iOSExample and include it in the workspace
    • Other general cleanup
    opened by hamchapman 0
  • Make it Carthage compatible for macOS and tvOS (and still iOS)

    Make it Carthage compatible for macOS and tvOS (and still iOS)

    I updated the project settings to make it build on macOS, tvOS, and iOS through the existing scheme. That means that it now works with users who are using Carthage for those platforms too.

    I also added a pauseAndResetCurrentTask function that I've been using but I can remove that if you don't want that as part of the library.

    Other things:

    • Updated SWIFT_VERSION to 4.0
    • Removed code signing as it's unnecessary
    • Updated Podspec to specify deployment_targets for iOS, macOS, and tvOS
    opened by hamchapman 0
  • can I add on the task queue from another task that's already in the queue?

    can I add on the task queue from another task that's already in the queue?

    Basically can I nest adding to the task queue or is that going to mess things up?

    queue.tasks +=~ { result, next in queue.tasks +=~ { result , next in print("foo") next(nil) } next(nil) }

    opened by artangco 0
  • Is it possible to have an active queue all the time

    Is it possible to have an active queue all the time

    Is it possible to have an active queue available that I feed tasks I need to run in order. In my case I don't have the tasks ahead of time before I call .run. Is that possible?

    opened by artangco 0
  • Status callbacks

    Status callbacks

    Hi there! Thanks for this excellent library. I've been a longtime user, and am thrilled to contribute back an enhancement that would've saved me a ton of duplicated logic in my tasks over the years.

    I've long been including UI updating logic in my tasks, and have wanted a view on the queue's state so I can more directly inform the user about what's happening in the program.

    Let me know if there's more I can do to help this code land 😉

    opened by zshannon 0
  • Queue not running

    Queue not running

    The following is the setup and the issue I am running into:

    • Singleton object contains a TaskQueue object.
    • At some point, when deemed correct(attempt at unauthorized use), the TaskQueue object is cleared using remove all
    • Afterwards, when trying to add tasks to TaskQueue object, tasks in the queue are not being run.
    let queue = TaskQueue()
    func init() {
    func downloadStuff() {
       queue.tasks += {[weak queue] result, next in
           myTask(completion: { success in
              if success {
              else {
                 print("error out")
       queue.run() {
    func unauthorizedUse() {
    func authorizedUse() {
    opened by sameerKLT 1
Marin Todorov
Experienced on  platforms. Author of "Modern Concurrency in Swift", "Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift", and others.
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