RSNetworking is a networking library written entirly for the Swift programming language.



Updated for Swift 1.2

RSNetworking is a networking library written entirly for the Swift programming language.
You can read my blog post for additional information about this update:

If you are looking for a version of RSNetworking that will work with Swift 2, take a look at RSNetworking 2 here:



RSTransaction is the class that defines the transaction we wish to make. It exposes four properties, one initiator and one method.


  • TransactionType - This defines the HTTP request method. Currently there are three types, GET, POST, UNKNOWN. Only the GET and POST actually sends a request.

  • baseURL - This is the base URL to use for the request. This will normally look something like this: "". If you are going to a non-standard port you would put that here as well. It will look something like this: "http://mytestserver:8080"

  • path - The path that will be added to the base url. This will normally be something like this: "search". It can also include a longer path string like: "path/to/my/service"

  • parameters - Any parameters to send to the service.


  • init(transactionType: RSTransactionType, baseURL: String, path: String, parameters: [String: String]) - This will initialize the RSTransaction with all properties needed.


  • getFullURLString() -> String - Builds and returns the full URL needed to connect to the service.


RSTransactionRequest is the class that builds and send out the request to the service defined by the RSTransaction. It exposes four functions.


  • dataFromRSTransaction(transaction: RSTransaction, completionHandler handler: RSNetworking.dataFromRSTransactionCompletionCompletionClosure): Retrieves an NSData object from the service defined by the RSTransaction. This is the main function and is used by the other three functions to retrieve an NSData object prior to converting it to the required format.

  • stringFromRSTransaction(transaction: RSTransaction, completionHandler handler: RSNetworking.stringFromRSTransactionCompletionCompletionClosure): Retrieves an NSString object from the service defined by the RSTransaction. This function uses the dataFromRSTransaction function to retrieve an NSData object and then converts it to an NSString object.

  • dictionaryFromRSTransaction(transaction: RSTransaction, completionHandler handler: RSNetworking.dictionaryFromRSTransactionCompletionCompletionClosure): Retrieves an NSDictionary object from the service defined by the RSTransaction. This function uses the dataFromRSTransaction function to retrieve an NSData object and then converts it to an NSDictionary object. The data returned from the URL should be in JSON format for this function to work properly.

  • imageFromRSTransaction(transaction: RSTransaction, completionHandler handler: RSNetworking.imageFromRSTransactionCompletionCompletionClosure): Retrieves an UIImage object from the service defined by the RSTransaction. This function uses the dataFromRSTransaction function to retrieve an NSData object and then converts it to an UIImage object.


RSURLRequest will send a GET request to a service with just a URL. There is no need to defince a RSTransaction to use this class. RSURLRequest exposes four functions.


  • dataFromURL(url: NSURL, completionHandler handler: RSNetworking.dataFromURLCompletionClosure): Retrieves an NSData object from the URL passed in. This is the main function and is used by the other three functions to retrieve an NSData object prior to converting it to the required format

  • stringFromURL(url: NSURL, completionHandler handler: RSNetworking.stringFromURLCompletionClosure): Retrieves an NSString object from the URL passed in. This function uses the dataFromURL function to retrieve an NSData object and then converts it to an NSString object.

  • dictionaryFromJsonURL(url: NSURL, completionHandler handler: RSNetworking.dictionaryFromURLCompletionClosure): Retrieves an NSDictionary object from the URL passed in. This function uses the dataFromURL function to retrieve an NSData object and then converts it to an NSDictionary object. The data returned from the URL should be in JSON format for this function to work properly.

  • imageFromURL(url: NSURL, completionHandler handler: RSNetworking.imageFromURLCompletionClosure): Retrieves an UIImage object from the URL. This function uses the dataFromURL function to retrieve an NSData object and then converts it to an UIImage object.


RSUtilities will contain various utilities that do not have their own class. Currently there is only one function exposed by this class


* isNetworkAvailable(hostname: NSString) -> Bool - This function will check to see if the network is available. This is a class function.

  • networkConnectionType(hostname: NSString) -> ConnectionType - This function will return the type of network connection that is available. The ConnectionType is an enum which can equal one of the following three types: NONETWORK, MOBILE3GNETWORK or WIFINETWORK.


Here is a list of extensions provided

  • UIImageView

    • setImageForURL(url: NSString, placeHolder: UIImage): Sets the image in the UIImageView to the placeHolder image and then asynchronously downloads the image from the URL. Once the image downloads it will replace the placeholder image with the downloaded image.
    • setImageForURL(url: NSString): Asynchronously downloads the image from the URL. Once the image is downloaded, it sets the image of the UIImageView to the downloaded image.
    • setImageForRSTransaction(transaction:RSTransaction, placeHolder: UIImage): Sets the image in the UIImageView to the placeHolder image and then asynchronously downloads the image from the RSTransaction. Once the image downloads it will replace the placeholder image with the downloaded image.
    • setImageForRSTransaction(transaction:RSTransaction): Asynchronously downloads the image from the RSTransaction. Once the image downloads it sets the image of the UIImageView to the downloaded image.
  • UIButton

    • setButtonImageForURL(url: NSString, placeHolder: UIImage, state: UIControlState): Sets the background image of the UIButton to the placeholder image and then asynchronously downloads the image from the URL. Once the image downloads it will replace the placeHolder image with the downloaded image.
    • setButtonImageForURL(url: NSString, state: UIControlState): Asynchronously downloads the image from the URL. Once the download is complete, it will set the background image of the UIButton to the downloaded image.
    • setButtonImageForRSTransaction(transaction:RSTransaction, placeHolder: UIImage, state: UIControlState): Sets the background image of the UIButton to the placeHolder image and then asynchronously downloads the image from the URL. Once the image downloads it will replace the placeHolder image with the downloaded image.
    • setButtonImageForRSTransaction(transaction:RSTransaction, state: UIControlState): Asynchronously downloads the image from the URL. Once the download is complete, it will set the background image of the UIButton to the downloaded image.

Sample code for Networking Library



Void in if error? == nil { var string = NSString(data: responseData, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) println("Response Data: \(string)") } else { println("Error : \(error)") } }) } ">
        var client = RSURLRequest()
        if let testURL = NSURL(string:"") {
        	client.dataFromURL(testURL, completionHandler: {(response : NSURLResponse!, responseData: NSData!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
            if error? == nil {
            	var string = NSString(data: responseData, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
            	println("Response Data: \(string)")
            } else {
                println("Error : \(error)")


Void in if error? == nil { println("Response Dictionary: \(responseDictionary)") } else { println("Error : \(error)") } }) } ">

        var client = RSURLRequest()
        if let testURL = NSURL(string:"") {
            client.dictionaryFromJsonURL(testURL, completionHandler: {(response : NSURLResponse!, responseDictionary: NSDictionary!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
                if error? == nil {
                    println("Response Dictionary: \(responseDictionary)")
                } else {
                    println("Error : \(error)")


Void in if error? == nil { println("Response Data: \(responseString)") } else { println("Error : \(error)") } }) } ">
        var client = RSURLRequest()
        if let testURL = NSURL(string:"") {
        	client.stringFromURL(testURL, completionHandler: {(response : NSURLResponse!, responseString: NSString!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
            if error? == nil {
            	println("Response Data: \(responseString)")
            } else {
                println("Error : \(error)")


Void in if error? == nil { self.imageView.image = image; } else { println("Error : \(error)") } }) } ">
        var client = RSURLRequest()  
        if let imageURL = NSURL(string:"") {
        client.imageFromURL(imageURL, completionHandler: {(response : NSURLResponse!, image: UIImage!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
            if error? == nil {
            	self.imageView.image = image;
            } else {
              println("Error : \(error)")


				var client = RSNetworking()
        if (client.isHostnameReachable("")) {
        } else {
            println("Not Reachable")

UIImageView: setImageForURL

				imageView.setImageForURL(imageURL, placeHolder: UIImage(named: "loading"))	

UIButton: setImageForURL

				button.setButtonImageForURL(url, placeHolder: UIImage(named: "loading"), state:.Normal)
				button.setButtonImageForURL(url, state:.Normal)



Void in if error? == nil { println(responseDictionary) } else { //If there was an error, log it println("Error : \(error)") } }) ">
		var rsRequest = RSTransactionRequest()
		var rsTransGet = RSTransaction(transactionType: RSTransactionType.GET, baseURL: "", path: "search", parameters: ["term":"jimmy+buffett","media":"music"])
		rsRequest.dictionaryFromRSTransaction(rsTransGet, completionHandler: {(response : NSURLResponse!, responseDictionary: NSDictionary!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
            if error? == nil {
            } else {
                //If there was an error, log it
                println("Error : \(error)")

Now that you have the RSTransaction, you can simply change the parameters and make another request, if needed, like this:

Void in if error? == nil { println(responseDictionary) } else { //If there was an error, log it println("Error : \(error)") } }) ">
		rsTransGet.parameters = ["term":"jimmy","media":"music"]
		rsRequest.dictionaryFromRSTransaction(rsTransGet, completionHandler: {(response : NSURLResponse!, responseDictionary: NSDictionary!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
            if error? == nil {
            } else {
                //If there was an error, log it
                println("Error : \(error)")


Void in if error? == nil { println(responseDictionary) } else { //If there was an error, log it println("Error : \(error)") } }) ">
		var RSRequest = RSTransactionRequest()
		var RSTransGet = RSTransaction(transactionType: RSTransactionType.GET, baseURL: "", path: "search", parameters: ["term":"jimmy+buffett","media":"music"])
		RSRequest.stringFromRSTransaction(RSTransGet, completionHandler: {(response : NSURLResponse!, responseDictionary: NSDictionary!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
            if error? == nil {
            } else {
                //If there was an error, log it
                println("Error : \(error)")
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