iOS UI library to show and hide an extension to your UINavigationBar


ADNavigationBarExtension is a UI library written in Swift. It allows you to show and hide an extension to your UINavigationBar

Platform Swift5 CocoaPods License


Use ExtensibleNavigationBarNavigationController to set an extension under your UINavigationBar:

  • The navigation controller manages the displaying of your navigation bar's extension
  • It is compatible with UIAppearance

See the provided examples for help or feel free to ask directly.


ADNavigationBarExtension is written in swift 5.0. Compatible with iOS 10.0+


ADNavigationBarExtension is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:


pod 'ADNavigationBarExtension'



The main component of the library is the ExtensibleNavigationBarNavigationController. It is basicaly a simple UINavigationController wich manages a supplementary view under the UINavigationBar.

A startup sequence might look like this:

let navigationController = ExtensibleNavigationBarNavigationController()
let navigationBarExtension = MyCustomView()
let navigationBarExtensionHeight = 64
navigationController.setNavigationBarExtensionView(navigationBarExtension, forHeight: navigationBarExtensionHeight)
navigationController.pushViewController(MyViewController(), animated: false)
window.rootViewController = navigationController

Then the ExtensibleNavigationBarNavigationController needs to know when the navigation bar's extension needs to be displayed or to be hidden. You have to use the protocol ExtensibleNavigationBarInformationProvider:

extension MyViewController: ExtensibleNavigationBarInformationProvider {
    var shouldExtendNavigationBar: Bool { return true }


Be aware of ExtensibleNavigationBarNavigationController is using the UINavigationControllerDelegate protocol. So if you also need to use de navigationController's delegate proprerty, you can use this:

let navigationController = ExtensibleNavigationBarNavigationController()
navigationController.navigationControllerDelegate = self

There is an issue with iOS 12 where the isTranslucent property cannot be retrieved from the UINavigationBar.appearance() method. So if you need to set your UINavigationBar translucent, you can use this:

ExtensibleNavigationBarNavigationController.ad_isTranslucent = true


ADNavigationBarExtension is owned and maintained by Fabernovel. You can follow us on Twitter at @FabernovelApp.


ADNavigationBarExtension is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

  • Custom transition animations using transitionCoordinator don’t work

    Custom transition animations using transitionCoordinator don’t work

    I am trying to add an animation to the navigation bar in a viewWillAppear() and viewWillDisappear() in a view controller which is managed by an ExtensibleNavigationBarNavigationController and also normal navigation controllers. The animation is supposed to alter the opacity of the navigation bar's internal UIVisualEffectView. In the video I am going to add, you can see that in the first part I am pushing the view controller from a normal UINavigationController and it works, but when I try to push the same view controller from an ExtensibleNavigationBarNavigationController, the animation doesn't happen at all.

    Imgur link to the screen recording

    Please answer as fast as possible, because this is a big issue.

    opened by OmerFlame 6
  • ExtensibleNavigationBarNavigationController initialization crash

    ExtensibleNavigationBarNavigationController initialization crash

    Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Invalid parameter not satisfying: barAppearance != nil'

    when I'm trying to use ExtensibleNavigationBarNavigationController(rootViewController: someViewController()).

    Appreciate your time.

    opened by gouen95 2
  • Fix safe area when setting the child VCs directly

    Fix safe area when setting the child VCs directly

    If we set the view controllers using the viewControllers property;

    extensibleNavigationController.viewControllers = [myChildVC]

    the safe area of the inserted view controllers does not take into account the height of the extension view.

    opened by gaetanzanella 1
  • Fix pushing

    Fix pushing

        override public func pushViewController(_ viewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool) {
            super.pushViewController(viewController, animated: true) // it should be `animated`
            viewController.additionalSafeAreaInsets = extensionAdditionalSafeAreaInsets
    opened by gaetanzanella 1
  • Title bar gets smaller (becomes compact) when navigating from an extended view controller to a non-extended view controller and coming back.

    Title bar gets smaller (becomes compact) when navigating from an extended view controller to a non-extended view controller and coming back.

    Here’s a visualization of the problem to supply you with further guidance.

    Note: the type of navigation bar is still the large one, you can scroll up to see the big title, but you come back to the view seeing the navigation bar compacted down, as if it scrolled down a bit, artificially.

    opened by OmerFlame 1
  • Typo in the readme

    Typo in the readme

    OverlayContainer is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

    I think you mean ADNavigationBarExtension is available through CocoaPods :)

    opened by borgeser 0
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