Coordinators in SwiftUI. Simple, powerful and elegant.



Language Platform License

Simple, powerful and elegant implementation of the Coordinator pattern in SwiftUI. Stinsen is written using 100% SwiftUI which makes it work seamlessly across iOS, tvOS, watchOS and macOS devices. The library is developed during working hours for the Byva app.

Why? πŸ€”

We all know routing in UIKit can be hard to do elegantly when working with applications of a larger size or when attempting to apply an architectural pattern such as MVVM. Unfortunately, SwiftUI out of the box suffers from many of the same problems as UIKit does: concepts such as NavigationLink live in the view-layer, we still have no clear concept of flows and routes, and so on. Stinsen was created to alleviate these pains, and is an implementation of the Coordinator Pattern. Being written in SwiftUI, it is completely cross-platform and uses the native tools such as @EnvironmentObject. The goal is to make Stinsen feel like a missing tool in SwiftUI, conforming to its coding style and general principles.

What is a Coordinator? πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

Normally in SwiftUI a view has to handle adding other views to the navigation stack using NavigationLink. What we have here is a tight coupling between the views, since the view must know in advance all the other views that it can navigate between. Also, the view is in violation of the single-responsibility principle (SRP). Using the Coordinator Pattern, presented to the iOS community by Soroush Khanlou at the NSSpain conference in 2015, we can delegate this responsibility to a higher class: The Coordinator.

How do I use Stinsen? πŸ§‘πŸΌβ€πŸ«

Example using a Navigation Stack:

class ProjectsCoordinator: NavigationCoordinatable {
    var navigationStack = NavigationStack() // usually you would want to initialize this without any active children

    enum Route {
        case project(id: UUID)
        case createProject
    func resolveRoute(route: Route) -> Transition {
        switch route {
        case .project(let id):
            return .push(AnyView(ProjectSummaryScreen(id: id)))
        case .createProject:
            return .modal(AnyCoordinatable(CreateProjectCoordinator()))
    @ViewBuilder func start() -> some View {

The Route-enum defines all the possible routes that can be performed from the current coordinator. The function resolve(route: Route) is responsible for providing the transition and the actual view/coordinator that we will route to. This can be combined with a factory in the coordinator as well.

Using a router, which has a reference to the coordinator, we can perform transitions from a view - but also pop to the previous screen, dismissing the coordinator, switch tab etc (depending on the type of coordinator). Inside the view, the router can be fetched using @EnvironmentObject.

struct ProjectsScreen: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var projects: NavigationRouter<ProjectsCoordinator.Route>
    var body: some View {
        List {
          /* ... */
            trailing: Button(
                action: { projects.route(to: .createProject) },
                label: { Image(systemName: "") }

You can also fetch routers referencing coordinators that appeared earlier in the tree. For instance, you may want to switch the tab from a view that is inside the TabView.

Stinsen out of the box has three different kinds of Coordinatable protocols your coordinators can implement:

  • NavigationCoordinatable - For navigational flows. Make sure to wrap these in a NavigationViewCoordinator somewhere if you wish to push on the navigation stack.
  • TabCoordinatable - For TabViews.
  • ViewCoordinatable - Just a view and routes that do not push but rather replace the entire view, can be used for instance when switching between logged in/logged out.

ViewModel Support πŸ–₯

Since @EnvironmentObject only can be accessed within a View, Stinsen provides two methods of passing the router to the ViewModel.

Via onAppear

struct ProjectsScreen: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var projects: NavigationRouter<ProjectsCoordinator.Route>
    var body: some View {
        List {
          /* ... */
        .onAppear {
            viewModel.router = projects


The RouterStore saves the instance of the router and you can get it via a custom PropertyWrapper. This provides a nice decoupling between View and ViewModel.

To retrieve a router:

class LoginScreenViewModel: ObservableObject {
    // directly via the RouterStore
    var main: ViewRouter<MainCoordinator.Route>? = RouterStore.shared.retrieve()
    // via the RouterObject property wrapper
    var unauthenticated: NavigationRouter<UnauthenticatedCoordinator.Route>?
    init() {
    func loginButtonPressed() {
        main?.route(to: .authenticated)
    func forgotPasswordButtonPressed() {
        unauthenticated?.route(to: .forgotPassword)

Installation πŸ’Ύ

Stinsen supports two ways of installation, Cocoapods and SPM.


Open Xcode and your project, click File / Swift Packages / Add package dependency... . In the textfield "Enter package repository URL", write and press Next twice


Create a Podfile in your app's root directory. Add

# Podfile

target 'YOUR_TARGET_NAME' do
    pod 'Stinsen'

Sample App πŸ“±

Stinsen Sample App

Clone the repo and run the StinsenApp to get a feel for how Stinsen can be used. StinsenApp works on iOS, tvOS, watchOS and macOS. It attempts to showcase many of the features Stinsen has available for you to use.

Who are responsible? πŸ™‹πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

At Byva we strive to create a 100% SwiftUI application, so it is natural that we needed to create a coordinator framework that satisfied this and other needs we have. The framework is used in production and manages ~50 flows and ~100 screens. The framework is maintained by @rundfunk47.

Why the name "Stinsen"? πŸš‚

Stins is short in Swedish for "Station Master", and Stinsen is the definite article, "The Station Master". Colloquially the term was mostly used to refer to the Train Dispatcher, who is responsible for routing the trains. The logo is based on a wooden statue of a stins that is located near the train station in LinkΓΆping, Sweden.

License πŸ“ƒ

Stinsen is released under an MIT license. See LICENCE for more information.

  • No children, cannot dismiss?!

    No children, cannot dismiss?!

    Hello, in my app I have very simple coordinator, inited from SceneDelegate. When I try to dismiss modal window "CitySelectView" by router?.dismiss() I got "fatalError("no children, cannot dismiss?!")"

    What have I done wrong?

    final class WallsListCoordinator: NavigationCoordinatable {
        var navigationStack: NavigationStack = NavigationStack()
        enum Route: NavigationRoute {
            case openCalculator(id: Int?)
            case openCatalogue
            case openCitySelect
        func resolveRoute(route: Route) -> Transition {
            switch route {
            case .openCalculator(let id):
                return .push(
                        Resolver.resolve(CalculatorFormView.self, args: id)
            case .openCatalogue:
                return .push(
            case .openCitySelect:
                return .modal(
                        NavigationView {
    opened by Soloqub 9
  • How to implement Deep-link

    How to implement Deep-link

    First of all, thank you for creating a great library.

    I'm using this library to implement Deep-link.

    Deep-link need to be able to work on any screen, so we'll need a coordinator that can be used for any screen. Is this possible?

    I'd appreciate it if you could let me know if there's any other way besides the one I said.


    opened by PangMo5 7
  • PopToRoot shows second view while transitioning from third to first view

    PopToRoot shows second view while transitioning from third to first view

    I have a coordinator and three screens:

    func makeStart() -> some View {
    func makeJoinMeeting() -> some View {
    func makeMeeting() -> some View {

    While on the third view I'm trying to .popToRoot in order to transition to the timetable. And sometimes the second view shows for a moment during the transition. Did anybody encounter this?

    opened by veerlorden 6
  • Use pop() inside NavigationCoordinatable

    Use pop() inside NavigationCoordinatable

    Hello again! I wold like to pop back inside of coordinator. Is there any way to implement something like this?

    func makeView() -> some View {
          .sink { [weak self] _ in
              self?.pop() // no such method
          .store(in: &cancellables)
        return View()
    opened by ivedeneev 6
  • How to create a custom TabCoordinatable

    How to create a custom TabCoordinatable

    Is there any way to create a custom TabCoordinatable? What I want is basically the function of menu changing, but I don't want the coordinator's view to be a tab view, but a custom menu instead.

    I had a look at the source and tried to create my own protocol, but I'm getting several error messages stating that the children.dismissalAction is unaccessible due to internal protection level.

    Any way to implement this?

    opened by jblanco-applaudostudios 6
  • add RouterStore and RouterObject PropertyWrapper

    add RouterStore and RouterObject PropertyWrapper

    This is a follow up to

    As I described in the issue I use Resolver for injecting my dependencies. Since using it directly within Resolver is messy I created a RouterStore which kind of copies the SwiftUI Environment behavior. It allows to use the Router without directly passing them from via the View, so there is no tight coupling.

    I created a new protocol called RouterIdentifiable which has to be implemented optionally by a Coordinator. This way the code is 100% backward compatibly.

    It would be cool if you like my solution our if we could find a similar solution enabling better ViewModel usage :blush:

    opened by savage7 6
  • EmptyView while push

    EmptyView while push

    Hi! When I use push, I have empty view with back Botton on toolbar. But when I use .modal or .fullScreen - everything is ok

    final class AccountCoordinator: NavigationCoordinatable {
        let stack = Stinsen.NavigationStack<AccountCoordinator>(initial: \AccountCoordinator.start)
        @Root var start = getAccount
        @Route(.push) var userProfile = getUserProfile
        @ViewBuilder func getAccount() -> some View {
        @ViewBuilder func getUserProfile() -> some View {
    final class TabCoordinator: TabCoordinatable {
        lazy var child = TabChild(startingItems: [
        ], activeTab: 0)
        @Route(tabItem: dashBoardTab) var dashBoards = getLocations
        @Route(tabItem: bookingTab) var bookings = getBooking
        @Route(tabItem: accountTab) var accounts = getAccount
        @Route(tabItem: resultsTab) var results = getResults
        let dashBoard: DashCoordinator
        let booking: BookingCoordinator
        let account: AccountCoordinator
        let result: ResultsCoordinator
    opened by dmikots 5
  • Does stinsen support installation with CocoaPods?

    Does stinsen support installation with CocoaPods?

    First of all, thank you for providing such a simple and elegant way to implement coordinator pattern with SwiftUI, I have been sniffing around about this topic and your approach is the best I found.

    I installed this library with Swift Package Manager very easily and had zero issues when using it. But my project also depends on some other third party libraries that do not support SPM, so I also had to use CocoaPods to install those. And now, for some Apple M1 chip and arm64 compilation reason, I couldn't make the project compile for both CocoaPods and SPM dependencies, so I am thinking about dropping SPM and use CocoaPods only, because I know how to make it work with CocoaPods.

    So here we are back to my original question: do you currently or plan to support installation with CocoaPods? I tried searching stinsen on but could not find it. Also, if you can add a Installation section to your readme, it would definitely help some devs to use your framework more easily.

    Thanks again, for sharing this great library!

    opened by hdmdhr 5
  • [question] TabBar Button tap gesture

    [question] TabBar Button tap gesture

    Hello, thank you for providing a good coordinator pattern library.

    We tried to make the TabBar Button move to the corresponding tabView root when pressed, and move to the top of the scrollView when clicked again, but we found that tapGesture does not work for the TabBar Button provided by stinsen.

    @ViewBuilder func makeFirstTab(isActive: Bool) -> some View {
        VStack {
        .onTapGesture {
            // Not working

    I'm looking for a way other than how to create a Custom TabBar to save resources and I was wondering if there is a better way inside the library?


    opened by okstring 4
  • How to pass parameters to a make func

    How to pass parameters to a make func

    I have the following scenario: i want to pass parameters to a function that returns a view:

        private func makeMailComposeVC(recepients: [String], capturedImage: UIImage, completion: @escaping Action) -> some View {
            MailComposeViewController(toRecipients: recepients, capturedImage: capturedImage, didFinish: completion)

    but here it says: "No exact matches in call to initalizer"

    @Route(.modal) var mailCompose = makeMailComposeVC

    opened by razvanrujoiu 4
  • Remove previous stacked Views with SwiftUI

    Remove previous stacked Views with SwiftUI

    I am using Stinsen on SwiftUI to navigate from one view to another.

    does exist way to remove previous stacked view?

    View A -> View B -> ViewC -> View D go back ---> View B (ViewC should be removed from the stack so on back i should go to viewA again.

    NavigationStack has value, but 'value' is inaccessible due to 'internal' protection level.

    opened by yury-streamscloud 4
  • hasRoot / isRoot crashes app

    hasRoot / isRoot crashes app

    Hi! I've adapted example app to handle deeplink, but app crashes when trying to get current coordinator:

    final class AppCoordinator: NavigationCoordinatable {
        var stack: Stinsen.NavigationStack<AppCoordinator>
        @Root var unauthenticated = makeUnauthenticated
        @Root var authenticated = makeAuthenticated
        init() {
            let user = User() // obtaining user from persistent store
            stack = NavigationStack(initial: \AppCoordinator.authenticated, user) // this is also handled by auth state listeners
         func makeUnauthenticated() -> NavigationViewCoordinator<UnauthenticatedCoordinator> {
        func makeAuthenticated(param user: User) -> NavigationViewCoordinator<MainCoordinator> {
            NavigationViewCoordinator(MainCoordinator(user: user)) // MainCoordinator is a simple navigaion view coordinator
        func handleDynamicLink(_ url: URL) {
            guard let coordinator = self.hasRoot(\.authenticated) else { // <-- Crashes here.  self.isRoot(\.authenticated) causes the same crash

    Crash in NavigationCoordinatable.swift, line 661, col 21

    Thread 1: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while implicitly unwrapping an Optional value

    Printing description of route: <ReferenceWritableKeyPath<AppCoordinator, Transition<AppCoordinator, RootSwitch, User, NavigationViewCoordinator>>: 0x280687280> Printing description of inputItem: nil

    ((input: App.User, comparator: ())?) inputItem = nil Printing description of self: <AppCoordinator: 0x283d59500>

    Screenshot 2022-09-18 at 13 27 54

    App and coordination logic works perfectly, but this check on AppCoordinator level causes the crash.

    It looks that unwraping var root: NavigationRoot! from NavigationStack (NavigationStack.swift, line 29) causes the crash. What is the reason for this crash and how to solve it?

    Stinsen (2.0.7) MacOS 12.6, XCode 14 Release, iOS 15-16

    opened by emartinson 0
  • Crash while unwrapping coordinator in NavigationRouter

    Crash while unwrapping coordinator in NavigationRouter


    I encountered an AppCrash in the "coordinator" getter of NavigationRouter due to the force cast on the type.

    When bringing back the App from background I sometimes get: #6 (null) in swift_dynamicCast ()

    I am calling it this way (after unwrapping the router safely): _ = overviewRouter.coordinator.customPopToRoot()


    0 (null) in __pthread_kill () 6 (null) in swift_dynamicCast () 7 0x000000010325a530 in NavigationRouter.coordinator.getter () 8 0x0000000102f8d720 in specialized NavService.goToOverviewRoot() 9 0x000000010370ab20 in LifecycleService.reactOnStatusChange() 10 0x000000010370a92c in LifecycleService.updateTo(state:) 11 (null) in protocol witness for LifecycleServiceType.updateTo(state:) in conformance LifecycleService () 12 0x00000001030183dc in App.handleAppState(_:) 13 (null) in partial apply for closure 2 in closure 1 in App.body.getter ()

    Most likely because of the force cast of the weakReference in NavigationRouter.coordinator. Did you ever encounter this problem or have an idea how to solve it (other than making coordinator optional)?

    Best regards Steffen

    opened by Steffenberg 2
  • focusFirst doesn't move to previous page

    focusFirst doesn't move to previous page

    using stinsen 2.0.9 and try to move to previous page from current stack with focusFirst. Debug shows that stack has been changed internally but displayed page doesn't changed. By the way method popToRoot works well - returns to the begin of the stack.

    opened by ivan-kolesov 0
  • TabBar: present modal view from tabbar item

    TabBar: present modal view from tabbar item

    Hi everyone,

    First of all, thank you for the great framework.

    I have a question. Is it possible to present the modal view from tabbar item? If yes, how can I do it? In the app I'm working on, I need to force users to log in before they can reach a specific tabbar item.

    opened by Luur 2
  • StateObject causes crashes with Stinsen

    StateObject causes crashes with Stinsen

    We have implemented StateObject into an app, as shown in the example below and we receive a lot of issues with the Coordinator such as crashes. The problems start to arise as soon as the StateObject is changed (due to updates). During debugging I have found out that the RouterStore holds a lot of Coordinators twice or three times and I guess this is the reason for the issues. However, I was not able to yet to create a minimal example for easier debugging of this issue.

    struct TestApp: App {
        @StateObject var manager = Manager()
        var body: some Scene {
            WindowGroup {
    opened by Kondamon 5
Narek Mailian
Hi! I'm rundfunk47. Currently CTO at @Byva. Creating solutions for myself and others πŸ‘·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ
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