Easily hide and show a view controller's navigation bar (and tab bar) as a user scrolls



Carthage compatible CocoaPods

An easy to use library (written in Swift) that manages hiding and showing a navigation bar as a user scrolls.


HidingNavigationBar supports hiding/showing of the following view elements:

  • UINavigationBar
  • UINavigationBar and an extension UIView
  • UINavigationBar and a UIToolbar
  • UINavigationBar and a UITabBar



UINavigationBar and an extension UIView


UINavigationBar and a UIToolbar


A UINavigationBar and a UITabBar



  1. Import HidingNavigationBar
  2. Include a member variable of type HidingNavigationBarManager in your UIViewController subclass.
  3. Initialize the variable in viewDidLoad function, passing in the UIViewController instance and the UIScrollView instance that will control the hiding/showing of the navigation bar.
  4. Relay the following UIViewController lifecycle functions to the HidingNavigationBarManager variable:
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool)
override func viewWillDisappear(animated: Bool)
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() //Only necessary when adding the extension view

And finally relay the following UIScrollViewDelegate function:

func scrollViewShouldScrollToTop(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Bool

Below is an example of how your UIViewController subclass should look:

import HidingNavigationBar

class MyViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate {

	var hidingNavBarManager: HidingNavigationBarManager?
	@IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

		hidingNavBarManager = HidingNavigationBarManager(viewController: self, scrollView: tableView)

	override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {


	override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {


	override func viewWillDisappear(animated: Bool) {


	//// TableView datasoure and delegate

	func scrollViewShouldScrollToTop(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Bool {

		return true


Note: HidingNavigationBar only works with UINavigationBars that have translucent set to true.


Add an extension view to the UINavigationBar

let extensionView = // load your a UIView to use as an extension

Hide and show a UITabBar or UIToolbar

if let tabBar = navigationController?.tabBarController?.tabBar {

Hide/Show/Do Nothing when App is Foregrounded

	hidingNavBarManager?.onForegroundAction = .Default	//Do nothing, state of bars will remain the same as when backgrounded
	hidingNavBarManager?.onForegroundAction = .Hide		//Always hide on foreground
	hidingNavBarManager?.onForegroundAction = .Show 	//Always show on foreground

Expansion Resistance

When the navigation bar is hidden, you can some 'resitance' which adds a delay before the navigation bar starts to expand when scrolling. The resistance value is the distance that the user needs to scroll before the navigation bar starts to expand.

hidingNavBarManager?.expansionResistance = 150


If you are using a UIRefreshControl with your scroll view, it is important to let the HidingNavigationBarManager know about it:

hidingNavBarManager?.refreshControl = refreshControl


If your using Carthage, add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "tristanhimmelman/HidingNavigationBar" ~> 2.0

(for Swift 3, use github "tristanhimmelman/HidingNavigationBar" ~> 1.0 instead)

If you are using CocoaPods, add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'HidingNavigationBar', '~> 2.0'

(for Swift 3, use pod 'HidingNavigationBar', '~> 1.0' instead)

Otherwise, include the following files directly to your project:

  • HidingNavigationBarManager.swift
  • HidingViewController.swift
  • Updated for iOS 11.

    Updated for iOS 11.

    The structure of UINavigationBar has changed in iOS 11. This meant that navigation bar was not fading out and was clashing with the status bar. I modified the code to recursively apply the new alpha value. The change should be benign on older OS versions.

    This PR may solve issue #67.

    opened by iosdevzone 7
  • v0.3.0 does expose the `onForegroundAction` option

    v0.3.0 does expose the `onForegroundAction` option

    Hello, I installed v0.3.0 and it does not have the onForegroundAction option. the source code doesn't have the line:

        public var onForegroundAction = HidingNavigationForegroundAction.Default

    Could it be the wrong version being pushed?

    pod install log:

    $ pod install
    Updating local specs repositories
    CocoaPods 1.1.0.beta.1 is available.
    To update use: `gem install cocoapods --pre`
    [!] This is a test version we'd love you to try.
    For more information see http://blog.cocoapods.org
    and the CHANGELOG for this version http://git.io/BaH8pQ.
    Analyzing dependencies
    Downloading dependencies
    Installing HidingNavigationBar (0.3.0)
    Generating Pods project
    Integrating client project
    Sending stats
    Pod installation complete! There are 31 dependencies from the Podfile and 36 total pods installed.
    opened by simoami 5
  • HidingNavigationBar Integration Issue

    HidingNavigationBar Integration Issue

    I have added the the library through CocoaPods and after that I have tried to add the variable of HidingNavigationBarManager but I'm getting this issue

    Use of undeclalead type 'HidingNavigationBarManager'

    Should I import something else?


    opened by LuaiKalkatawi 2
  • New hidingNavigationBarManager property in UIViewController

    New hidingNavigationBarManager property in UIViewController

    • Added hidingNavigationBarManager property in UIViewController by extension
    • Swizzled viewWillAppear, viewDidLayoutSubviews and viewWillDisappear to use the new hidingNavigationBarManager property
    • Added new example: Hiding Nav Bar (Internal)

    hidingNavigationBarManager property isn't required. Once attributed it isn't necessary to implement viewWillAppear, viewDidLayoutSubviews or viewWillDisappear.

    It's still necessary to implement scrollViewShouldScrollToTop in order to enable scroll to top.

    opened by felipowsky 2
  • Hiding status bar expands navigation bar

    Hiding status bar expands navigation bar

    How to reproduce in the demo project: Add this to HidingNavViewController.swift:

    func tableView(tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) { UIApplication.sharedApplication() .setStatusBarHidden(true, withAnimation: UIStatusBarAnimation.Slide) }

    and then go to Hiding Nav Bar, scroll down a bit so that the bar collapses, and tap on a row. The bar will then expand but without resetting the subviews' alpha values.

    Is this a quick fix? I'm not very experienced in Swift. Thank you!

    opened by VrasidasP 2
  • Upgrade to Swift 4

    Upgrade to Swift 4

    After merging this PR, please create a 2.0.0 tag:

    cd HidingNavigationBar/
    git checkout master
    git pull origin master
    git tag 2.0.0
    git push origin 2.0.0

    Then, send an update to CocoaPods, that way we can just run pod update HidingNavigationBar and get all of the Swift 4 goodies:

    pod trunk push


    opened by jeffaburt 1
  • shouldUpdateScrollViewInsets method

    shouldUpdateScrollViewInsets method

    Added: func hidingNavigationBarManagerShouldUpdateScrollViewInsets(_ manager: HidingNavigationBarManager, insets: UIEdgeInsets) -> Bool

    This is method for better customization. I need this to configure hiding manager change autolayout config instead of scrollview insets in my application.

    opened by rsrbk 1
  • Set my Xcode target to 8.0, but still can't install from cocopods

    Set my Xcode target to 8.0, but still can't install from cocopods

    Analyzing dependencies [!] Unable to satisfy the following requirements:

    • HidingNavigationBar required by Podfile

    Specs satisfying the HidingNavigationBar dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.

    opened by alexliubj 1
  • Strong Reference Cycle

    Strong Reference Cycle

    Calling HidingNavigationBarManager(viewController: self, scrollView: scrollView) on the view controller does not allow that view controller to deallocate when needed.

    opened by zgosalvez 1
  • Fix navigation bar and extension view hiding suddenly

    Fix navigation bar and extension view hiding suddenly

    Right after a small pan gesture that wasn't enough to hide the navigation bar and the extension view, if pan gesture is fired again the navigation and the extension hide suddenly.

    I noticed this bug happening more frequently with an extension view but I think it's possible to simulate it in other scenarios.

    Here an example: nav_bug

    Fixed it by resetting the previousYOffset at handleScrollingEnded to NaN.

    Here's the expected result: nav_fix

    opened by felipowsky 1
  • all what we have to do is the following instead of using a pod

    all what we have to do is the following instead of using a pod

    func scrollViewWillBeginDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
        let translation = scrollView.panGestureRecognizer.translation(in: scrollView.superview)
        if(translation.y > 0){
            self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(false, animated: true)
            self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: true)
    opened by AymanOmara 1
  • 'titleForHeaderInSection' and 'sectionIndexTitle'  is disappeared on Grouped Style UITableView.

    'titleForHeaderInSection' and 'sectionIndexTitle' is disappeared on Grouped Style UITableView.

    Title Header of Table section is gone when I scroll tableView upward. Could I turn it back to the sticky header like the pure UITableView works? Section Index Title Bar problem is same. Thanks for reading my issue.

    opened by dotnetguy83 0
  • Nav title flickers when hiding

    Nav title flickers when hiding

    Repro steps:

    Set the title of the nav bar, and scroll up slowly. The title flickers.

    Nav bar sets the alpha of the bar whenever the nav bar size changes.

    opened by CamZhou 2
  • Problem in the extension View

    Problem in the extension View

    Hello this is a great library. I have used this on my project. In my view controller i have a collectionView and above the collectionView there is the extensionView and above that there is navigationBar, in the collectionView there is textview in every cell. now when i am trying to show the keyboard, and want to hide the keyboard the extensionView is coming down and there is seeing a black space between the extensionView and Navigation bar. Some one please help me in this matter.

    opened by goribchat 1
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