Ask permissions on Swift. Available List, Dialog & Native interface. Can check state permission.




Library for ask permissions. You can check state of permissions, available .authorized, .denied & .notDetermined.

Available ready-use controllers for reqeust permissions: list, dialog & native. Support iPad, dark mode and RTL. Interface in an Apple style. For beginner see Quick Start.

If you like the project, don't forget to put star ★ and follow me on GitHub:



Ready for use on iOS 11+. Support iOS, tvOS and SwiftUI. Works with Swift 5+. Required Xcode 12.5 and higher.

Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code. It’s integrated with the Swift build system to automate the process of downloading, compiling, and linking dependencies.

To integrate SPPermissions into your Xcode project using Xcode 12, specify it in File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency...:

Next choose permissions, which you need. Don't add all permissions, becouse apple will reject you app.


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate SPPermissions into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'SPPermissions/Notification'

Due to Apple's new policy regarding permission access you need to specifically define what kind of permissions you want to access using subspecs. For example if you want to access Camera, Location & Microphone you define the following:

pod 'SPPermissions/Camera'
pod 'SPPermissions/LocationAlways'
pod 'SPPermissions/Microphone'
Available subspecs

pod 'SPPermissions/Camera'
pod 'SPPermissions/Contacts'
pod 'SPPermissions/Calendar'
pod 'SPPermissions/PhotoLibrary'
pod 'SPPermissions/Notification'
pod 'SPPermissions/Microphone'
pod 'SPPermissions/Reminders'
pod 'SPPermissions/SpeechRecognizer'
pod 'SPPermissions/LocationWhenInUse'
pod 'SPPermissions/LocationAlways'
pod 'SPPermissions/Motion'
pod 'SPPermissions/MediaLibrary'
pod 'SPPermissions/Bluetooth'
pod 'SPPermissions/Tracking'


If you prefer not to use any of dependency managers, you can integrate SPPermissions into your project manually. Copy code and add compile flags from file.


If you install via Swift Package Manager, you shoud import each module:

import SPPermissions
import SPPermissionsCamera
import SPPermissionsPhotoLibrary

If you install via CocoaPods, you shoud simple import one class:

import SPPermissions

Its required becouse library split to modules. After import you see available permission by typing for example.

Quick Start

// MARK: 1. Choose permissions, which you need:

let permissions: [SPPermissions.Permission] = [.camera, .notification]

// MARK: 2. Choose present style:

// 2a. List Style
let controller = SPPermissions.list(permissions)
controller.present(on: self)

// 2b. Dialog Style
let controller = SPPermissions.dialog(permissions)
controller.present(on: self)

// 2c. Native Style
let controller = SPPermissions.native(permissions)
controller.present(on: self)

// MARK: 3. Optional: Check permission state (available `authorized`, `denied`, `notDetermined`):

let authorized = SPPermissions.Permission.calendar.authorized

For more details check usage section.


Now available 3 present styles: Dialog, List and Native. Each interface has delegates and a data source. If you want see an example app, open Example Apps/SPPermissions.xcodeproj.


This is a modal alert. I recommend to use of this alert style when your requested permissions are less than three. Usage example:

let controller = SPPermissions.dialog([.camera, .photoLibrary])

// Ovveride texts in controller
controller.titleText = "Title Text"
controller.headerText = "Header Text"
controller.footerText = "Footer Text"

// Set `DataSource` or `Delegate` if need. 
// By default using project texts and icons.
controller.dataSource = self
controller.delegate = self

// Always use this method for present
controller.present(on: self)


Native UITableViewController with support for the iPad. Use it with more than two permissions. An example of how it is used:

let controller = SPPermissions.list([.calendar, .camera, .contacts])

// Ovveride texts in controller
controller.titleText = "Title Text"
controller.headerText = "Header Text"
controller.footerText = "Footer Text"

// Set `DataSource` or `Delegate` if need. 
// By default using project texts and icons.
controller.dataSource = self
controller.delegate = self

// Always use this method for present
controller.present(on: self)


Request permissions with native alerts. You can request many permissions at once:

let controller = SPPermissions.native([.calendar, .camera, .contacts])

// Set `Delegate` if need. 
controller.delegate = self

// Always use this method for request. 
controller.present(on: self)


To check the state of any permission, call SPPermissions.Permission:

let authorized = SPPermissions.Permission.calendar.authorized

Also available denied & notDetermined.


For data source using protocol SPPermissionsDataSource. You can customise cell for permission or provide denied alert texts.

extension Controller: SPPermissionsDataSource {
    func configure(_ cell: SPPermissionsTableViewCell, for permission: SPPermissions.Permission) {
        // Here you can customise cell, like texts or colors.

Denied alert

If permission denied, you can provide alert to user for propose open settings. Here you can customise text of it alert:

let texts = SPPermissionDeniedAlertTexts()
texts.titleText = "Permission denied"
texts.descriptionText = "Please, go to Settings and allow permission."
texts.buttonText = "Settings"
texts.cancelText = "Cancel"

Next implement method and return:

func deniedAlertTexts(for permission: SPPermissions.Permission) -> SPPermissionDeniedAlertTexts? {
    // Custom texts:
    return texts
    // or default texts:
    // return .default


For get events about hide, allowed or denied, set delegate of protocol SPPermissionsDelegate:

extension Controller: SPPermissionsDelegate {
    func didHidePermissions(_ permissions: [SPPermissions.Permission]) {}
    func didAllowPermission(_ permission: SPPermissions.Permission) {}
    func didDeniedPermission(_ permission: SPPermissions.Permission) {}


App has ready-use localisation stirngs for en, ar & ru. If you want add more, please, create folder language-id.lproj and make pull request.

If you want use your custom strings, check DataSource section.

Keys in Info.plist

You need to add some keys to the Info.plist file with descriptions. List of keys:

  • NSCameraUsageDescription
  • NSContactsUsageDescription
  • NSCalendarsUsageDescription
  • NSMicrophoneUsageDescription
  • NSAppleMusicUsageDescription
  • NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription
  • NSMotionUsageDescription
  • NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription
  • NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription
  • NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription (iOS 10 and earlier)
  • NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription
  • NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription (iOS 12 and earlier)
  • NSUserTrackingUsageDescription

Do not use the description as the name of the key.

If you use xliff localization export, keys will be create automatically. If you prefer do the localization file manually, you need to create InfoPlist.strings, select languages in the right side menu and add keys as keys in plist-file. See:

"NSCameraUsageDescription" = "Here description of usage camera";


Why library looks complex and have modules?

Apple reject app with you import all frameworks and not request it. SPPermissions imported only code, which you choose. Support moduls struct is hard and may looks complex. I tried to make using the library as simple as possible.

Why I not see permission?

Check imports if you install via Swift Package Manager. If you install via CocoaPods, you podfile shoud have second path with module name.

I want make PR

Thanks for contribution! Please, support code style and test iOS and tvOS versions before. For more details about codestyle see

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Russian Community

В телеграм-канале Код Воробья пишу о iOS разработке. Помощь можно найти в нашем чате. Видео-туториалы выклыдываю на YouTube:

Tutorials on YouTube

  • App crashes in isAllowed method in SPPermission enum

    App crashes in isAllowed method in SPPermission enum

    Fatal error: SPPermission - Notification not import. See Readme: file /Users/*/<project name>/Carthage/Checkouts/SPPermission/Source/SPPermission/SPPermission.swift, line 89

    Same problem occurs on previous version (4.0), but is gone on version 3.1.1

    Screen Shot 2019-06-14 at 13 44 21 bug 
    opened by rkyslyy 34
  • whose view is not in the window hierarchy!

    whose view is not in the window hierarchy!

    I get this error: "Sparrow.SPRequestPermissionDialogInteractiveViewController: ... whose view is not in the window hierarchy!".

    I setup the RequestPermission like this:

    var permissionAssistant = SPRequestPermissionAssistant.modules.dialog.interactive.create(with: [.Location, .PhotoLibrary, .Notification])
    override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
            permissionAssistant.present(on: self)


    opened by pbeneteau 20
  • Problem with SPM

    Problem with SPM

    When using SPM to add the library, it crashes even if the xcconfig file has been correctly added and use to configure the project. Perhaps due to the fact that with SPM the complete SPPermissions library is added.

    When using Pod with only the 2 modules i need, it works fine.

    opened by MoveUpwardsDev 19
  • AppStore rejection

    AppStore rejection

    Just an FYI…Apple rejected an update to our app this week due to the ability to dismiss the SPPermissions dialog without presenting the native Apple Permissions dialog(s).

    They stated that while we can still display a popup describing the permissions we want and why we want it, we cannot allow the user to dismiss that dialog and skip the actual native request.

    This seems to be a new rule that ties into the new App Tracking Permissions (which we do not use), but does affect all permissions.

    opened by ehlersd 17
  • Access denied

    Access denied

    Reproduce: Presenting SPRequest.Dialog -> Denie access (e.g. for camera) -> you will not see the altert to get directed to settings.

    This worked with the last version.

    opened by florolf1 17
  • didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken


    When accepting the enable notification .. didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken is not being called... I would expect that to be the case? How else would I go about getting the device token after they accepted enabling notifications?

    opened by croossin 16
  • 6.x configure button colors not changed the color

    6.x configure button colors not changed the color

    Not sure if this is a bug or a 5.x -> 6.x migration issue on my part, but:

    in: func configure

    in 5.x, the following would turn the icons and buttons purple:

    // Colors
            cell.iconView.color = .systemPurple
            cell.button.allowedBackgroundColor = .systemPurple
            cell.button.allowTitleColor = .systemPurple

    In 6x, the following turns the icons purple, but not the buttons:

    // Colors
            cell.permissionDrawIconView.tintColor = .systemPurple
            cell.permissionButton.allowedBackgroundColor = .systemPurple
            cell.permissionButton.allowTitleColor = .systemPurple

    Is that syntax incorrect or is it a bug w/ the color configuration? Thank you in advance!

    opened by jminutaglio 15
  • Problem..


    Hello sir, i'm trying to implement the notification permission and i got a crash , the famous :

    " Fatal error: SPPermissions - Notification not import. Problem NOT with usage description key. I recomend to see installation guide: More details in Readme: "

    i saw the guide video in youtube but i cannot understand russian :(

    i need to import all the source folder ? or should i need to import just the .config permissionfile ? where to put it ? please help :(

    opened by ghost 15
  • SPPermission not able to check for permissions

    SPPermission not able to check for permissions

    When calling the function hasPermission() the console shows this error

    Fatal error: SPPermission - Camera not import. See Readme:

    I am aware of the situation with the permissions and Apple's new policy. But I am using Carthage and in SPPermission Readme doesn't say that I have to do anything extra. Is there any way to solve this issue?

    opened by davidvpe 15
  • Question: Is there a way to keep the status bar displayed?

    Question: Is there a way to keep the status bar displayed?


    Firstly I must say your project is great and extremely handy. Really appreciate your work.

    I wanted to ask about the status bar and it's animation in the app. I will provide some screenshots to illustrate what i mean.



    As you can see in the first screen shot, I show the SPPermissionDialog on top of a Video Recording View Controller i've set up. In the second screen shot, once the dialog has stopped showing, the status bar pushes my top most views down a bit and suddenly my camera preview view is overlapping with my record button.

    I have tried to relayout the subviews once the didHide() function is called in the SPPermissionDialogDelegate, and I have tried to set prefersStatusBarHidden to false in the SPPermissionDialogController code, but both of these haven't helped. I've also gone through the Controller code and found where you are operating on or with the status bar and tried to set the value to statically keep the status bar showing, but that also hasn't worked.

    I was wondering if you have any suggestions on how I can deal with this scenario.

    Thank you, Alan

    opened by alanpridestar 11
  • Message when access denied

    Message when access denied

    Firstly, thanks for doing this awesome project!🙂 I would like to use this library in my app, so I have a question. I ran example project on a real device. My question probably relates to this. So, when the user denies access to a calendar for example. I didn't see any message asking the user to go to settings. Is this message exists? Maybe I missed something? Thanks for help in advance. example_app

    opened by Yurssoft 11
  • Suggestion: add callback method to determine whether to authorize status

    Suggestion: add callback method to determine whether to authorize status

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Open the app for the first time and request notification permission. Click Allow
    2. Manually open the system settings page and turn off the App notification permission
    3. Open the app again and request notification permission. Calling the request method will still take the request callback scheme
    image bug 
    opened by GPX-NSlog 1
  • Bluetooth status (powered)

    Bluetooth status (powered)

    We can check the status o f the bluetooth if it's turned on or off

    Should be great to check that too with PermissionsKit

    var manager:CBCentralManager!
     viewDidLoad() {      // Or init()
         manager          = CBCentralManager()
         manager.delegate = self
    func centralManagerDidUpdateState(_ central: CBCentralManager) {
        switch central.state {
        case .poweredOn:
        case .poweredOff:
            print("Bluetooth is Off.")
        case .resetting:
        case .unauthorized:
        case .unsupported:
        case .unknown:
    opened by CavalcanteLeo 4
  • Delegate method when user taps on

    Delegate method when user taps on "settings" or "cancel"

    When you deny, PermissionsKit show up a alert with 2 options: "cancel" and "settings", you can change the text of settings using deniedPermissionAlertTexts

    But I need to know if the user has tapped in some of these 2 buttons, and it's private

    Is there a way to detect that?

    opened by CavalcanteLeo 2
  • Local Network Permission

    Local Network Permission

    Feature Description Describe what functionality you want to see.

    Thank you for your development of this library. I have a small demand. When the application is started for the first time, it mistakenly touches that it is not allowed to use the network permission. How can I know that the user does not open the network permission and let the user go to the setting page to open the network permission?

    let data = CTCellularData()
            let state = data.restrictedState
            switch state {
              case .notRestricted:
              DispatchQueue.main.async {
              DispatchQueue.main.async {
    enhancement wait more 
    opened by z234009184 19
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