Easy to read and write chainable animations in Objective-C and Swift


language language Version Build Status MIT License Platform Platform

Whats new in version 3.x?

  • Swiftier syntax
  • Swift 4 support
  • Bug fixes and improvements

Whats new in version 2.x?

  • Re-architected from the ground up, no more hacking UIView 🛠
  • Added pre-animation and post-animation hooks for each animation step
  • Added pause and resume functionality
  • Added repeat animation functionality 🔂
  • Added friendly Swift interface in separate framework 🔥 🕊

Whats wrong with animations?

CAAnimations and UIView animations are extremely powerful, but it is difficult to chain multiple animations together, especially while changing anchor points.

Furthermore, complicated animations are difficult to read.

Say I want to move myView 50 pixels to the right with spring and then change the background color with inward easing when the movement has finished:

The Old Way

    [UIView animateWithDuration:1.0
                        options:0 animations:^{
                            CGPoint newPosition = self.myView.frame.origin;
                            newPosition.x += 50;
                            self.myView.frame.origin = newPosition;
    } completion:^(BOOL finished) {
        [UIView animateWithDuration:0.5
            self.myView.backgroundColor = [UIColor purpleColor];
        } completion:nil];

Thats pretty gross huh... With JHChainableAnimations it is one line of code.

Using JHChainableAnimations

JHChainableAnimator *animator = [[JHChainableAnimator alloc] initWithView:self.myView];
animator.moveX(50).spring.thenAfter(1.0).makeBackground([UIColor purpleColor]).easeIn.animate(0.5);

There are also a lot of really good animation libraries out there such as RBBAnimation, DCAnimationKit, and PMTween, but they still fall short of having powerful chainable animations AND easy to read/write syntax.


There are a few ways you can add this framework to your project. The Objective-C framework is called JHChainableAnimations and the Swift framework is called ChainableAnimations. More notes on Swift usage can be found here


pod 'JHChainableAnimations', '~> 3.0.1'

Then add the following:

#import <JHChainableAnimations/JHChainableAnimations.h>
pod 'ChainableAnimations', '~> 3.0.1'

Then add the following:

import ChainableAnimations


Add the following to your Cartfile

github "jhurray/JHChainableAnimations" ~> 3.0.1

Add the JHChainableAnimations framework to your project.


Add the ChainableAnimations framework to your project.

Add to project Manually

Either clone the repo and manually add the Files in JHChainableAnimations


Creating an Animator

To create an instance of JHChainableAnimator you must call the initWithView: method.

JHChainableAnimator *animator = [[JHChainableAnimator alloc] initWithView:self.myView];


Chainable properties like moveX(x) must come between the view and the animate(t) function

Below is an example of how to double an objects size over the course of one second.


Combining Animations

If you want to move the view while you scale it, add another chainable property. Order is not important

animator.makeScale(2.0).moveXY(100, 50).animate(1.0);
// the same as animator.moveXY(100, 50).makeScale(2.0).animate(1.0);

A full list of chainable properties can be found here

Chaining Animations

To chain animations seperate the chains with the thenAfter(t) function.

Below is an example of how to scale and object for 0.5 seconds, and then move it for 1 second when that is done.

animator.makeScale(2.0).thenAfter(0.5).moveXY(100, 50).animate(1.0);

Animation Effects

To add an animation effect, call the effect method after the chainable property you want it to apply to.

Below is an example of scaling a view with a spring effect.


If you add 2 to the same chainable property the second will cancel the first out.

// The same as animator.makeScale(2.0).spring.animate(1.0);

A full list of animation effect properties can be found here


To anchor your view call an achoring method at some point in an animation chain. Like effects, calling one after another in the same chain will cancel the first out.

Below is an example of rotating a view around different anchor points


// animator.rotateZ(90).anchorTopLeft.anchorCenter == animator.rotateZ(90).anchorCenter

A full list of anchor properties can be found here


To delay an animation call the wait(t) or delay(t) chainable property.

Below is an example of moving a view after a delay of 0.5 seconds

animator.moveXY(100, 50).wait(0.5).animate(1.0);
// The same as animator.moveXY(100, 50).delay(0.5).animate(1.0);


To run code after an animation finishes set the completionBlock property of your animator or call the animateWithCompletion(t, completion)*function.

animator.makeX(0).animateWithCompletion(1.0, ^{
	NSLog(@"Animation Done");

Is the same as:

animator.completionBlock = ^{
	NSLog(@"Animation Done");

Repeating Animations

You can repeat an animation by replacing the thenAfter(time) method with the repeat(time, count) method. This will repeat the previously defined animations.

// The animator will double its scale 3 times for 0.5 seconds each before it calls `moveXY` and finishes the animation
animator.makeScale(2.0).repeat(0.5, 3).moveXY(100, 50).animate(1.0);

You can repeat the last part of an animation by calling animateWithRepeat(time, count).

// The animator will double its scale then rotate by 90 degrees 3 times for 1 second each.
animator.makeScale(2.0).thenAfter(0.5).rotate(90). animateWithRepeat(1.0, 3);

Pausing and Cancelling

To Pause the animation, call the pause method on the animator. When you call pause, the current animation in the chain will complete but nothing beyod that will be executed. You can use the isPaused and isAnimating readonly properties to inspect state. If an animation is paused but not stopped, it will still evaluate as animating.

To resume in a paused state, call the resume method on the animator.

To stop animation and clear state, call the stop method on the animator.

// In this case the `moveX` animation will execute but the `moveY` will not
// If `resume` is called `moveY` will be executed
// If `stop` is called, nothing will be executed and the animator will get a fresh state
[animator pause];


You can hook into the different steps of the animation process by calling the preAnimationBlock(block), animationBlock(block), and postAnimationBlock(block) methods. All take a simple block void(^)() as an argument. Order of calling these in the animation chain does not matter.

	NSLog(@"before the first animation");
 	NSLog(@"After the second animation");

Bezier Paths

You can also animate a view along a UIBezierPath. Create a UIBezierPath * instance, then add points or curves or lines to it and use it in a chainable property.

UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
[path moveToPoint:self.myView.center];
[path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(25, 400)];
[path addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(300, 500)];

Animation effects do not work on path movements.

Using with Auto Layout


Use the transform chainable properties. These are better for views constrained with Autolayout. You should not mix these with other chainable properties


Using with Swift

Using JHChainableAnimations with Swift is now a little more readable in version 2.x. I created a separate framework for swift that provides a class called ChainableAnimator. This is a thin wrapper over JHChainableAnimator that has a slightly more readable syntax.

let animator = ChainableAniamtor(view: myView)
animator.moveX(x: 50).thenAfter(t: 1.0).rotate(angle: 360).bounce.animate(t:1.0)

All Objective-C methods map to a swift method.

Chainable Properties

Property Takes a... Usage
- (JHChainableRect) makeFrame; CGRect animator.makeFrame(rect).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableRect) makeBounds; CGRect animator.makeBounds(rect).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableSize) makeSize; (CGFloat: width, CGFloat: height) animator.makeSize(10, 20).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainablePoint) makeOrigin; (CGFloat: x, CGFloat: y) animator.makeOrigin(10, 20).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainablePoint) makeCenter; (CGFloat: x, CGFloat: y) animator.makeCenter(10, 20).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableFloat) makeX; (CGFloat: f) animator.makeX(10).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableFloat) makeY; (CGFloat: f) animator.makeY(10).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableFloat) makeWidth; (CGFloat: f) animator.makeWidth(10).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableFloat) makeHeight; (CGFloat: f) animator.makeHeight(10).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableFloat) makeOpacity; (CGFloat: f) animator.makeOpacity(10).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableColor) makeBackground; (UIColor: color) animator.makeBackground(color).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableColor) makeBorderColor; (UIColor: color) animator.makeBorderColor(color).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableFloat) makeBorderWidth; (CGFloat: f) animator.makeBorderWidth(3.0).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableFloat) makeCornerRadius; (CGFloat: f) animator.makeCornerRadius(3.0).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableFloat) makeScale; (CGFloat: f) animator.makeScale(2.0).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableFloat) makeScaleX; (CGFloat: f) animator.makeScaleX(2.0).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableFloat) makeScaleY; (CGFloat: f) animator.makeScaleY(2.0).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainablePoint) makeAnchor; (CGFloat: x, CGFloat: y) animator.makeAnchor(0.5, 0.5).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableFloat) moveX; (CGFloat: f) animator.moveX(50).animate(1.0)
- (JHChainableFloat) moveY; (CGFloat: f) animator.moveY(50).animate(1.0)
- (JHChainablePoint) moveXY; (CGFloat: x, CGFloat: y) animator.moveXY(100, 50).animate(1.0)
- (JHChainableFloat) moveHeight; (CGFloat: f) animator.moveHeight(50).animate(1.0)
- (JHChainableFloat) moveWidth; (CGFloat: f) animator.moveWidth(50).animate(1.0)
- (JHChainableDegrees) rotateX; (CGFloat: angle) #not radians! animator.rotateX(360).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableDegrees) rotateY; (CGFloat: angle) #not radians! animator.rotateY(360).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableDegrees) rotateZ; (CGFloat: angle) #not radians! animator.rotateZ(360).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainablePolarCoordinate) movePolar; (CGFloat: radius, CGFloat: angle) animator.movePolar(30, 90).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableBezierPath) moveOnPath; (UIBezierPath *path) animator.moveOnPath(path).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableBezierPath) moveAndRotateOnPath; (UIBezierPath *path) animator.moveAndRotateOnPath(path).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableBezierPath) moveAndReverseRotateOnPath; (UIBezierPath *path) animator.moveAndReverseRotateOnPath(path).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableFloat) transformX; (CGFloat f) animator.transformX(50).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableFloat) transformX; (CGFloat f) animator.transformX(50).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableFloat) transformY; (CGFloat f) animator.transformY(50).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableFloat) transformZ; (CGFloat f) animator.transformZ(50).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainablePoint) transformXY; (CGFloat x, CGFloat y) animator.transformXY(50, 100).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableFloat) transformScale; (CGFloat f) animator.transformScale(50).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableFloat) transformScaleX; (CGFloat f) animator.transformScaleX(50).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableFloat) transformScaleY; (CGFloat f) animator.transformScaleY(50).animate(1.0);
- (JHChainableAnimator *) transformIdentity; Nothing animator.transformIdentity.animate(1.0);

Animation Effects

A quick look at these funcs can be found here

These animation functions were taken from a cool keyframe animation library that can be found here

They are based off of JQuery easing functions that can be found here


Info on anchoring can be found here

To Do

I have gotten a ton of great suggestions of what to do next. If you think this is missing anything please let me know! The following is what I plan on working on in no particular order.

  • OSX port
  • Constraint animator

Contact Info && Contributing

Feel free to email me at jhurray33@gmail.com. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, or see examples where this has been used.

MIT License

  • Order of  callbacks

    Order of callbacks

    Hi! I test version 2 and found that the callbacks pre and post are called at the same time:

    JHChainableAnimator *animator = [[JHChainableAnimator alloc] initWithView:self.label];
        transformScale(0.01f).makeOpacity(0.0f).postAnimationBlock(@weakself(^() ){
            NSLog(@"postAnimationBlock %@",[NSDate date]);
        preAnimationBlock(@weakself(^() ){
            NSLog(@"preAnimationBlock %@",[NSDate date]);
        animationBlock(@weakself(^() ){
            NSLog(@"animationBlock %@",[NSDate date]);
        postAnimationBlock(@weakself(^() ){
            NSLog(@"postAnimationBlock %@",[NSDate date]);
        animationBlock(@weakself(^() ){
            NSLog(@"animationBlock %@",[NSDate date]);
        preAnimationBlock(@weakself(^() ){
            NSLog(@"preAnimationBlock %@",[NSDate date]);


    preAnimationBlock 2017-02-07 16:53:35 +0000 animationBlock 2017-02-07 16:53:35 +0000 postAnimationBlock 2017-02-07 16:53:35 +0000

    preAnimationBlock 2017-02-07 16:53:45 +0000 animationBlock 2017-02-07 16:53:45 +0000 postAnimationBlock 2017-02-07 16:53:45

    This is a bug or something I do not understand?

    opened by andrey-morozov 5
  • Grow Action and Shrink Chain not working

    Grow Action and Shrink Chain not working

    I want to grow (scale) a view set a new value and then shrink (scale) the view to its original size again.

    I tried to do:

        var isGrowing = true
          self.badgeView?.animationCompletion = {
            if isGrowing {
              isGrowing = false
              self.badgeView?.badgeText = "\(self.selectionCounter)"

    But it does not work that way. How can I fix this?

    opened by confile 5
  • Adding a .animationCompletion causes view to flash after animation finishes

    Adding a .animationCompletion causes view to flash after animation finishes

    For example, given _myButton

    self.myButton.animationCompletion = JHAnimationCompletion() { NSLog(@"Done!"); }); self.myButton.makeX(5).animate(1.0);

    And myButton will flash.

    opened by andrewschreiber 5
  • Swift?


    Is there a way to get this working with Swift?

    I can get it to compile by changing:

    #import "NSBKeyframeAnimationFunctions/NSBKeyframeAnimationFunctions.h"


    #import "NSBKeyframeAnimationFunctions.h"

    but attempting to animate a button:


    doesn't compile.

    opened by cannyboy 5
  • Remove named parameter duplications on call site in Swift

    Remove named parameter duplications on call site in Swift

    When using this library in Swift I saw several things that don't comply with the Swift API Design Guidelines. The most striking one for me was the duplication of names by using parameter naming everywhere, even when the method name includes it already.

    In this PR I took a very conservative approach and tried to change as little as possible but still remove the duplication on the call site. For Objective-C this PR shouldn't have any impact, on Swift side the impact is little.

    For example, code previously looked something like this:

    buttonAnimator.moveY(y: -50).easeInOutExpo.animateWithCompletion(t: 1.1, completion: { ... })

    Note that moveY(y:) duplicates the Y part and that animateWithCompletion(t:completion:) duplicates the completion part.

    After my PR is merged, it will look like this:

    buttonAnimator.moveY(-50).easeInOutExpo.animate(t: 1.1, completion: { ... })

    This is not only shorter but also closer to the Swift API Design Guidelines.

    I suggest that you release a new version with a minor version bump (e.g. 2.1) with these changes. Technically it is a breaking change as existing code is not going to work as is. But Xcode provides auto-fixes for most of them.

    By the way, please consider making all calls compliant to the Design Guidelines if you ever plan to release a major upgrade. For example the above code actually might look something like the following if it was completely compliant:

    buttonAnimator.move(y: -50).ease(.inOutExpo).animate(duration: 1.1, completion: { ... })

    I also liked the changes made by @Draveness to make the animations callable directly on a view object like view.animation.move.... But that's all completely out of this PRs scope. :)

    opened by Jeehut 4
  • Stop (cancel), pause, resume animation

    Stop (cancel), pause, resume animation

    Hi! Thank you for so awesome animation library.

    A wanted to ask you to add animation controlling features like stopping, pausing and resuming animations.

    opened by abekert 3
  • Not working for UILabel

    Not working for UILabel


    After calling this code, the label is shifted to the left and not scaling!

    opened by nsleader 3
  • makeScale scales bounds

    makeScale scales bounds

    I was expecting it to apply a scaling CGAffineTransform.

    Not many views scale well by adjusting their bounds, for me I was trying to scale a UILabel, which by default just truncates the text when smaller.

    opened by mxcl 3
  • easeInCirc


    Hi, trying to use easeInCirc effect I got a runtime error. With the same line of code but a different effect everything works fine.


    Error: file JHKeyframeAnimation.m line 166

    Assertion failed: (CGFloatIsValid(x) && CGFloatIsValid(y)), function void >CGPathAddLineToPoint(CGMutablePathRef, const CGAffineTransform *, CGFloat, CGFloat), file >Paths/CGPath.cc, line 265.

    opened by Zagash 2
  • autoLayout animation

    autoLayout animation

    thank you for this powerful frameworks!

    i have some questions:

    1.chainAnim with autoLaytou is useless,e.g.: self.redView.makeConstraint(self.leftMarginC,100).animate(2.0f); //do not has any effects

    2.cloud add duratiion for each chain? e.g.: self.redView.moveX(100).duration(1.5f).thenAfter.moveY(100).duration(.8f).animat;

    3.i could not understand the diff between wait/delay and thenAfter?

    thank you!

    opened by CharlinFeng 2
  • UIView is blinking at the end of animation on a Device

    UIView is blinking at the end of animation on a Device

    First, thanks @jhurray for the awesome lib. Great work!

    Now back to the problem - has anyone encountered a blinking issue? No matter what animation (move, scale) I'm using, each view (with its own animator) blinks with white color at the end of an animation.

    This is happening on an iPhone 6 device, iOS 10.3. Works smoothly on a Simulator, Xcode 9.0. Any thoughts?

    I'm using Swift and pod 'ChainableAnimations', '~> 3.0.1'

    opened by gtennis 1
  • How do I repeat composite animation

    How do I repeat composite animation

    For example, I want a view repeat a "up-down animation". code: JHChainableAnimator *anim = [[JHChainableAnimator alloc] initWithView:view]; anim.moveY(10).thenAfter(0.2).moveY(-10).animateWithRepeat(0.2,5);

    But the view will move down once and move up five times

    opened by lylcf 2
  • New version does not work

    New version does not work


    I tried to add this library in my project, but the last changes of the last commit does not appears actually if I browse in the code. Maybe, because the name of the last version (3.0.1) is the same as the previous one.

    Please, fix it. Thanks

    opened by sanchofox 1
  • Change Request: Spring animation

    Change Request: Spring animation

    In current implementation spring easing is just an easeOutElastic now. I want spring animation has dampingRatio and velocity parameters and to be implemented as a real spring animation.

    Thank you.

    opened by abekert 1
  • Combine animations with different durations

    Combine animations with different durations

    Hello! I need to fade in a view while it is moving to its destination point. So I setup it with zero alpha and start coordinates, then I need to move it to the destination in 1 second and change its alpha to 1 in 0.3 second.

    Is there a possibility to do that? a.makeOpacity(1).animate(0.3).moveX(destination).animate(1) doesn't work.

    opened by abekert 2
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