Sessionize/Droidcon Mobile Clients
General Info
This project has a pair of native mobile applications backed by the Sessionize data api for use in events hosted by the Sessionize web application. These are specifically for Droidcon events, but can be forked and customized for anything run on Sessionize.
Touchlab's Hiring!
We're looking for a Mobile Developer, with Android/Kotlin experience, who is eager to dive into Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) development. Come join the remote-first team putting KMM in production. More info here.
The apps need a Firebase account set up to run. You'll need to get the google-services.json
and put it in android/google-services.json
for Android, and the GoogleService-Info.plist
and put that in ios/Droidcon/Droidcon/GoogleService-Info.plist
for iOS.
Kotlin multiplatform libraries used:
SQLDelight - SQL model generator from Square and AlecStrong.
SQLiter - Lightly opinionated sqlite access driver. Powering the sqldelight native driver.
multiplatform-settings - Shared settings for Android and iOS from russhwolf.
Stately - Multiplatform threading state library.
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