FileManager Project
Students and Freshers, Good opportunity for you to learn and contribute in this project.
Here you would learn
- how you can change the look and feel of the iOS interface from a small server side json containing styling of the each elements of this file manager.
- VIPER Design pattern which is widely accepted
- Network Layer with Viper Design Pattern
- Many more to come .....
I have started this from few days before and you can contribute and share your expertise in this project.
JSON based Styling -
"name":"search for documents",
"name":"982 MB",
"name":"Free of 1GB",
"name":"Add File",
"name":"FileManager Drive",
"name":"Documents in the FileManager Drive are Not treated as authentic",
Getting Started
Fork the project
- Fork Project using fork button at top right to become the part of great community of iOS App Developers
- iOS 12.0 or later
- macOS 10.12 or later (10.15 for Catalyst)
- Xcode 11.0 or later
platform :ios, '9.0'
pod 'SDWebImage'
pod 'RealmSwift'
Getting Started
- Install Pods (Can be done by following command in Terminal )
pod install
- Change environmentBaseURL, path, httpMethod, task, headers
Change according to the api specifications
- To load default list uncomment line
Who Uses It
- Those who are keen to learn and explore knowledge in iOS App Development , can contribute in project by sending pull request.
- If you need help you can ask questions in Discussions Tab
- If you have a feature request, open an issue.
- Code Optimization
- Feature Development
- Bug Finding
- Bug Fixing
Developed Modules
- File Manger Template
- Embedded styling of the native elements using json
- Added Click handlers and navigate to the folder detail screen
- Option Menu added on click
- Network Layer Added
- Default List Added
- Realm Database added to show default list
- Add File Button added
- Realm Manager added
Under Development
- File Detail Page
- DropBox Api Integration -
- File Manager
- File Detail Page