LayoutKit is a fast view layout library for iOS, macOS, and tvOS.



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LayoutKit is a fast view layout library for iOS, macOS, and tvOS.


LinkedIn created LayoutKit because we have found that Auto Layout is not performant enough for complicated view hierarchies in scrollable views. For more background, read the blog post.


LayoutKit has many benefits over using Auto Layout:

  • Fast: LayoutKit is as fast as manual layout code and is significantly faster than Auto Layout.
  • Asynchronous: Layouts can be computed in a background thread so user interactions are not interrupted.
  • Declarative: Layouts are declared with immutable data structures. This makes layout code easier to develop, document, code review, test, debug, profile, and maintain.
  • Cacheable: Layout results are immutable data structures so they can be precomputed in the background and cached to increase user perceived performance.

LayoutKit also provides benefits that make it as easy to use as Auto Layout:

  • UIKit friendly: LayoutKit produces UIViews and also provides an adapter that makes it easy to use with UITableView and UICollectionView.
  • Internationalization: LayoutKit automatically adjusts view frames for right-to-left languages.
  • Swift: LayoutKit can be used in Swift applications and playgrounds.
  • Tested and production ready: LayoutKit is covered by unit tests and is being used inside of recent versions of the LinkedIn and LinkedIn Job Search iOS apps.
  • Open-source: Not a black box like Auto Layout.
  • Apache License (v2): Your lawyers will be happy that there are no patent shenanigans.

Hello world

let image = SizeLayout<UIImageView>(width: 50, height: 50, config: { imageView in
    imageView.image = UIImage(named: "earth.jpg")

let label = LabelLayout(text: "Hello World!", alignment: .center)

let stack = StackLayout(
    axis: .horizontal,
    spacing: 4,
    sublayouts: [image, label])

let insets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 4, left: 4, bottom: 4, right: 8)
let helloWorld = InsetLayout(insets: insets, sublayout: stack)
helloWorld.arrangement().makeViews(in: rootView)

Hello world example layout


We have found LayoutKit to be a useful tool, but you should be aware of what it is not.

  • LayoutKit is not a constraint based layout system. If you wish to express a constraint between views, then those views need to be children of a single layout that implements code to enforce that constraint.
  • LayoutKit is not flexbox, but you may find similarities.


LayoutKit can be installed with CocoaPods or Carthage.


Add this to your Podspec:

pod 'LayoutKit'

Then run pod install.


Add this to your Cartfile:

github "linkedin/LayoutKit"

Then run carthage update.


Now you are ready to start building UI.

  • Remove shared example layouts scheme so as not to be built by carthage

    Remove shared example layouts scheme so as not to be built by carthage

    @nicksnyder I would like to remove ExampleLayouts from the shared schemes, since it builds when you specify LayoutKit as a Carthage dependency, which is undesirable as it takes additional build time.

    If we are to have LayoutKit, which is swift-based, as a dependency, when building on ci without a pre-built artifact, we would like to minimize the build time for swift dependencies.

    Swift dependencies can't really be stored as pre-built artifacts AFAIK due to the lack of ABI stability.

    opened by stowy 14
  • BatchUpdates reloadItems has slow performance

    BatchUpdates reloadItems has slow performance

    I have built a horizontally scrolling control that uses a fixed number of fixed-size cells using LayoutKit. When the user taps a cell, I'd like to reload the previously selected cell and the newly selected cell in order to move the selection indicator. I attempted to do this by using BatchUpdates and setting the reloadItems property, but the performance is very slow.

    Once I build BatchUpdates, I call layoutAdapter.reload() with a fixed width and height, passing in the BatchUpdates I just built, and returning a cached array of Layout items to the layoutProvider (with the 2 indexPaths already rebuilt and updated in the cache).

    To work around this, I've instead just fetched each cell manually (cellForItemAtIndexPath), built the new layout, and arranged/made in the cell.contentView. This shows much faster performance. What's the intended use of BatchUpdates, and is there a way to get better performance out of it?

    defect question needs clarification 
    opened by stephensilber 14
  • Swift 3 branch without any API changes

    Swift 3 branch without any API changes

    Hello, LayoutKit is awesome, but I would like to develop apps with Swift 3, unfortunately LayoutKit has no Swift 3 support yet, so I create a new branch for that reason. It's migrated by Xcode 8 beta, I don't touch any API names but I'm not sure if the migrations affect the API names, and fix some un-migratable errors manualy.

    opened by cxa 10
  • ReloadableViewLayoutAdapter batchUpdates animation style

    ReloadableViewLayoutAdapter batchUpdates animation style

    Hi. I am finding ReloadableViewLayoutAdapter quite useful, but most of the methods are not open making it hard to use it for anything but the simplest of cases. Is there any reason for this?

    For example, I need to change UITableView batchUpdates animation style. Method public func perform(batchUpdates: BatchUpdates) in extension UITableView: ReloadableView uses .automatic and cannot be overridden.

    open func reload<T: Collection, U: Collection> in ReloadableViewLayoutAdapter is open but var currentArrangement is internal(set) because of which it is needed to call super. reload. As such it is not possible custom reload and call custom batchUpdates.

    I ended up implementing custom ReloadableViewLayoutAdapter. Any better ideas? Would it be possible to make open some of the methods?

    opened by Rep2 8
  • LayoutKit CI build is broken

    LayoutKit CI build is broken

    As of the build script that runs on Travis no longer builds or runs tests for the main LayoutKit target.

    Before (tests run): After (no tests run): Current (no tests run):

    The build script used to be a chain of commands linked with && so that any failure would cause the whole script to fail. As it is now, the first command fails, but the next two commands still run and the build script (erroneously) passes.

    Please do not merge or commit any more changes to master until this is fixed.

    opened by nicksnyder 7
  • Should the config block execute at last?

    Should the config block execute at last?

    For instance:

    Sometimes I want to change some property when configuration, it will be override by the initial setup.

    Should the config block execute after initial setup will be better?

    opened by RoCry 7
  • Clips to bounds is not respected

    Clips to bounds is not respected

    I'm trying to add a drop shadow to a view spawned from an inset layout. In the config handler, I'm setting:

            view.layer.shadowColor = kShadowColor
            view.layer.shadowRadius = kShadowRadius
            view.layer.shadowOffset = kShadowOffset
            view.layer.masksToBounds = false
            view.clipsToBounds = false

    But the shadow is not showing up. If I set the border color, however, that appears to work fine. What's going on here?

    opened by AttilaTheFun 6
  • UIButton Layout

    UIButton Layout

    Hey there Is there something equivalent to LabelLayout for views such as UIButton (or any other view that define an intrinsicContentSize)?

    Right now I am using a SizeLayout but I am forced to define the size of my button

      width: 100, height: 50,
      alignment: .centerTrailing,
      flexibility: .flexible,
      config: { button in
        button.backgroundColor =
        button.setTitle("Button", for: .normal)
        button.setTitleColor(.black, for: .normal)
    screen shot 2016-10-13 at 3 19 47 pm enhancement 
    opened by pgherveou 6
  • Make LayoutKit extension safe

    Make LayoutKit extension safe

    This line is not compatible with today extension.

    Could this get checked like to add support for extensions as well?

    opened by FabianTerhorst 6
  • Adding an Objective-C compatible API to LayoutKit

    Adding an Objective-C compatible API to LayoutKit

    This is related to issue #178 regarding adding support for Objective-C consumers. This objc-api branch is now ready for review.

    Two of the open questions are:

    1. How do we make these long initializers more convenient for use from Objective-C? I have several options in mind.
    2. Should we make these new classes unavailable from Swift somehow? My understanding is that there's a way to use pods to exclude some directories at import time?

    The builders for (1) can be added as a separate follow-up change. Currently working on figuring out what we can do for (2).

    opened by staguer 5
  • Fix StackLayout fillEqualSpacing distribution with spacing

    Fix StackLayout fillEqualSpacing distribution with spacing

    Updates StackLayout.distributionConfig and calculates the axisSpacing taking into account the spaces that were already added during the measurement phase. Actual excessAxisLength for .fillEqualSpacing is increased by numberOfSpaces * spacing so it can be redistrubuted.

    See issue

    opened by domasn 5
  • Update ButtonLayout sizeOf(image:) for iOS13+

    Update ButtonLayout sizeOf(image:) for iOS13+

    iOS13+ has different CGSize for some button types: .contactAdd, .infoLight, .infoDark, .detailDisclosure

    Tests were failing when testing with simulators iOS13+

    opened by robinbonin 0
  • Remove UIView.init() is called in outside of the main thread

    Remove UIView.init() is called in outside of the main thread

    In class LabelLayoutDefaults, UILabel.init() is called on static stored property declaration. This leads [UIView init] must be used from main thread only warning on Xcode. Moreover, it breaks on runtime some cases (e.g. XCUITest tests layout built with using LabelLayout)

    This PR fixes this problem.


    opened by getogrand 0
  • Make the designated initializers with a viewClass argument public

    Make the designated initializers with a viewClass argument public

    Hi there,

    Is there any reason why the initializers, containing the viewClass argument, are marked internal? It would be extremely useful if they were exposed as public.

    Reason: Let's say for example you want to define a SizeLayout and you want to determine what UITextField.Type you want to use at runtime, the current public initializers for SizeLayout prevents you from doing so.

    func createSizeLayout<T: UITextField>(type: T.Type) -> SizeLayout<T> {
        .... logic for creation here ...
    let textFieldLayout = createSizeLayout(type: YourCustomTextField.self) // this inferred as SizeLayout<UITextField> 
    // if you follow the initialization steps, the used initializer in BaseLayout is:
    public init(alignment: Alignment, flexibility: Flexibility, viewReuseId: String? = nil, config: ((V) -> Void)?) {
        self.alignment = alignment
        self.flexibility = flexibility
        self.viewReuseId = viewReuseId
        self.viewClass = V.self
        self.config = config
    // instead of:
    init(alignment: Alignment, flexibility: Flexibility, viewReuseId: String? = nil, viewClass: V.Type, config: ((V) -> Void)?) {
        self.alignment = alignment
        self.flexibility = flexibility
        self.viewReuseId = viewReuseId
        self.viewClass = viewClass
        self.config = config

    Using the latter will still yield an inferred type of SizeLayout<UITextField> BUT if you set breakpoints in the config closure it will be a YourCustomTextField instance.

    opened by hooliooo 0
  • Update SwiftPM manifest to work with Accio

    Update SwiftPM manifest to work with Accio

    This updates support for SwiftPM manifest based dependency managers. Specifically this adds support for installing via Accio but will probably also work with SwiftPM once it's integrated into Xcode.

    Please note that this project is part of Accio's official integration tests within the Demo project.

    opened by Jeehut 0
  • 10.1.0(Jan 30, 2019)

    Adding support for nested view trees that are produced by different makeViews calls. (One example is a collection view that is created by calling makeViews on a Layout object and its cells that are also similarly populated from their own specific Layout objects.)

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 10.0.1(Oct 16, 2018)

    Bugfix version fixes handling of flexibility on Overlay and Inset layouts.

    • OverlayLayout now has an optional flexibility parameter, and defaults to the flexibility of the first primary layout.
    • InsetLayout now has an optional flexibility parameter, and the corresponding builder’s flexibility parameter is now hooked up whereas it had no effect before.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 10.0.0(Oct 5, 2018)

    • On OverlayLayout the primary layout parameter is now an array of layouts rather than a single layout.
    • The view recycling mechanism in the makeViews method now resets the transform and anchorPoint for recycled views before handing them off to client code for configuration.
    • Minor warnings and playgrounds fixes.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 9.0.0(Aug 7, 2018)

    Major change in this release is that LayoutKit now builds cleanly with Swift 4.1 (Xcode 9.3).

    For the Objective-C side, the configureView: method on the LOKLayout protocol is no longer optional. It is valid to provide an empty implementation if it is legitimately not needed for a particular layout implementation.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 8.0.2(Jul 18, 2018)

    Exposing a few more APIs to Objective-C that previously were available to Swift only.

    • UserInterfaceLayoutDirection parameter added to LOKLayoutArrangement makeViews method
    • on LOKBaseLayout making needsView and configure open for overriding
    • adding horizontallyHighlyFlexible to LOKFlexibility
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 8.0.1(Jun 12, 2018)

    Added initializers to the ObjC builders in addition to their static methods. This change allows people to subclass these builders, which previously was not possible.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 8.0.0(Jun 6, 2018)

    If you use this library from Swift, there are no changes!

    There are no changes to the Swift version of the library. The changes in this release are breaking changes to the builder objects created for Objective-C compatibility. We have changed those builders so that the chainable block properties no longer have the with prefix. Also, the properties that you could also set directly are now private so that the chainable way is the only way available now.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 7.0.3(Apr 23, 2018)

    The Objective C layout wrapper builder classes now support a more succinct syntax for initializing layouts. Getting a bit closer to the convenient default parameter values we have in Swift.

    Also adding Objective C wrappers for the animation support API and for flexibility values that are flexible only on one of the horizontal or vertical axis.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 7.0.1(Mar 5, 2018)

    Some fixes for the Objective-C wrappers:

    • For LOKReloadableViewLayoutAdapter, adding batch update support.
    • For LOKSizeLayout, adding a configure block parameter.
    • For LOKFlexibility, making its values public.
    • Making Objective-C API wrapper classes open for subclassing.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 7.0.0(Feb 15, 2018)

    Adding an Objective-C compatible API.

    This API is in the new LayoutKitObjC pod and not in the pre-existing pod.

    Also, adding a lineHeight parameter to LabelLayout to support custom line heights for line limit height calculation according to the numberOfLines parameter.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 6.0.0(Oct 11, 2017)

    • Swift 4 Migration
    • Use max size for measuring overlay sublayouts
    • Incremental update is changed to use chunking
    • Fix StackLayout fillEqualSpacing distribution with spacing
    • Fixing async issue on completion callback for perform batch updates
    • Fix to make custom view for UITableViewHeaderFooterView in its contentView
    • Allow isSelectable to be overridden in TextViewLayout Configure
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 5.0.0(Jul 19, 2017)

    Added TextViewLayout and OverlayLayout.

    Swift 3.1 and Xcode 8.3 support.

    Open ReloadableViewLayoutAdapter for extension.

    Open ReloadableView and BatchUpdates for extension.

    BatchUpdates becomes a class. (BatchUpdates changing from struct to class is technically a breaking change, hence the major version increment.)

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.0.2(Mar 31, 2017)

  • 4.0.1(Jan 12, 2017)

    View recycling no longer removes views that it didn't create (#85 @inamiy)

    It is now possible to override registerViews on ReloadableView to use custom UICollectionViewCell/UITableViewCell with ReloadableViewLayoutAdapter (#86)

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.0.0(Nov 24, 2016)

    This release contains some new features and backward incompatible changes.


    • New ButtonLayout for UIButton. Please read the class documentation before using.
    • Layouts now support views whose initializers require arguments (i.e. UIButton).
    • BatchUpdates now supports reloading sections and items (thanks @RoCry).

    Backward incompatible changes

    • LabelLayoutTextType renamed to Text now that it is shared with ButtonLayout.
    • LabelLayout initializer parameter textType renamed to text.
    • needsView was moved from ConfigurableLayout to Layout.
    • func makeView(from recycler: ViewRecycler) -> View? changed to func makeView() -> View. LayoutKit now handles view recycling internally and only calls makeView() if needsView is true.
    • ViewRecycler is no longer public (it doesn't need to be anymore).

    Behavior changes

    • A non-nil viewReuseId no longer forces a Layout to generate a view. If you want to force a Layout to generate a view when it otherwise wouldn't, provide a configuration block (which may be empty).
    • Subview order is now deterministic and matches what you would expect.

    Other LayoutKitExampleLayouts target renamed to ExampleLayouts so that it isn't inadvertently pulled in by Carthage. ExampleLayouts is for experimentation and not part of the supported or documented public API of LayoutKit.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.0(Oct 26, 2016)

  • 3.0.1(Oct 18, 2016)

  • 3.0.0(Sep 19, 2016)

  • 2.1.0(Sep 12, 2016)

  • 2.0.1(Aug 24, 2016)

  • 2.0.0(Aug 22, 2016)

    This release contains new features and backwards incompatible API changes.


    LayoutKit now supports:

    • Animating between two different layouts (documentation)
    • macOS and tvOS
    • min/max height/width constraints on SizeLayout
    • Incremental updates with ReloadableViewLayoutAdapter

    Backward incompatible changes

    • All base layout now expose a generic view parameter, similar to SizeLayout in 1.x.

      InsetLayout<V: UIView>
      LabelLayout<L: UILabel>
      SizeLayout<V: UIView>
      StackLayout<V: UIView>

      Subclasses of these layouts should use this generic parameter to customize the view created instead of overriding makeView.

    • Due to generic parameters, some nested types needed to be renamed

      StackLayout.Distribution -> StackLayoutDistribution
      LabelLayout.TextType -> LabelLayoutTextType
    • New ConfigurableLayout protocol that all custom layouts should implement (instead of just Layout).

    • Layout protocol's makeView function now requires a viewRecycler parameter to support animations. ConfigurableLayout provides an implementation for this method.

    • Layout protocol now requires a configure method. Previously creating a view and configuring it happened in makeView but now it has been split into two functions. ConfigurableLayout provides an implementation for this method.

    • Layout protocol now requires a viewReuseId to help with animations and view reuse.

    • PositioningLayout is now BaseLayout

    • LayoutAxis renamed to Axis

    • Certain APIs have been updated to be consistent with Swift 3 style guidelines

      makeViews(inView view: UIView) -> makeViews(in view: UIView)
      position(size size: CGSize, inRect rect: CGRect) -> position(size size: CGSize, in rect: CGRect)
    • There are some new shim types to help support multiple platforms

      View -> UIView or NSView
      Application -> UIApplication or NSApplication
      EdgeInsets -> UIEdgeInsets or NSEdgeInsets
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.0(Jun 23, 2016)

  • 1.0.0(Jun 23, 2016)

LinkedIn's Attic
The OSS projects that LinkedIn no longer maintains live here.
LinkedIn's Attic
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