Flow layout / tag cloud / collection view in SwiftUI.



A Flow Layout is a container that orders its views sequentially, breaking into a new "line" according to the available width of the screen. You can compare it to a left-aligned block of text, where every word is a View. A common use for this layout is to create a tag cloud.

The end result looks like this:

in action

  • The layout algorithm behaves differently if your FlowLayout is nested in a VStack or a scrollable parent, such as ScrollView or a List. Therefore, there's the Mode enum and mode property.


Check out this recipe for in-depth description of the component and its code. Check out SwiftUIRecipes.com for more SwiftUI recipes!

Sample usage

struct FlowLayout_Previews: PreviewProvider {
  static var previews: some View {
    FlowLayoutView(mode: .scrollable,
                               binding: .constant(5),
                               items: ["Some long item here", "And then some longer one",
                                          "Short", "Items", "Here", "And", "A", "Few", "More", 
                                          "And then a very very very long one"]) {
        .font(.system(size: 12))
        .background(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 4)


This component is distrubuted as a Swift package.

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