A grid layout view for SwiftUI

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Layout FlowStack

Update July 2020 - latest SwiftUI now has built-in components to do this, which should be used instead.


FlowStack is a SwiftUI component for laying out content in a grid.


Xcode 11 beta on MacOS 10.14 or 10.15


In Xcode, choose File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency and enter this repo's URL.


FlowStack(columns, numItems, alignment) { index, colWidth in }

columns (Int)
The number of columns to display.
numItems (Int)
The total count of items you will be displaying.
alignment (HorizontalAlignment?)
Default: .leading
The alignment of any trailing columns in the last row.

Callback parameters

index (Int)
The index of the item currently being processed.
colWidth (CGFloat)
The computed width of the column currently being processed.


1) Simple

The simplest possible example:

FlowStack(columns: 3, numItems: 27, alignment: .leading) { index, colWidth in
  Text(" \(index) ").frame(width: colWidth)

You should always add .frame(width: colWidth) to the immediate child of FlowStack.

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2) Displaying Data

struct Item {
  var image: String
  var label: String

let items = [
  Item(image: "hand.thumbsup", label: "Up"),
  Item(image: "tortoise", label: "Tortoise"),
  Item(image: "forward", label: "Forward"),
  Item(image: "hand.thumbsdown", label: "Down"),
  Item(image: "hare", label: "Hare"),
  Item(image: "backward", label: "Backward")

FlowStack(columns: 3, numItems: items.count, alignment: .leading) { index, colWidth in
  Button(action: { print("Tap \(index)!") }) {
    Image(systemName: items[index].image)
  .frame(width: colWidth)

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Let's draw a border on our cells to visualize some concepts:

FlowStack(columns: 3, numItems: 27, alignment: .leading) { index, colWidth in
  Text(" \(index) ").frame(width: colWidth).border(Color.gray)

Screen Shot 2019-06-25 at 11 03 05 PM

Now let's swap the .frame and .border order and note what happens. This demonstrates the order of operations is important when chaining layout modifiers.

FlowStack(columns: 3, numItems: 27, alignment: .leading) { index, colWidth in
  Text(" \(index) ").border(Color.gray).frame(width: colWidth)

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Now let's swap the order back and add some padding:

FlowStack(columns: 3, numItems: 27, alignment: .leading) { index, colWidth in
  Text(" \(index) ").padding().frame(width: colWidth).border(Color.gray)

Screen Shot 2019-06-25 at 11 10 10 PM

To add actions, you can of course just put buttons in your cells like example #2. But there is also a way to detect a tap on the entire cell. Note we add a background to detect taps in the empty areas outside the text.

FlowStack(columns: 3, numItems: 27, alignment: .leading) { index, colWidth in
  Text(" \(index) ")
    .frame(width: colWidth)
    .tapAction {

Example with images

Here's an example with images. LoadableImageView is from here.

FlowStack(columns: 3, numItems: 27, alignment: .leading) { index, colWidth in
  VStack {
    LoadableImageView(with: "https://cataas.com/cat?type=sq?foo")
      .frame(width: colWidth, height: colWidth)
      .tapAction { print("Meow!") }
    Text(" \(index) ")
  .frame(width: colWidth)
  .tapAction {

Screen Shot 2019-06-25 at 11 41 18 PM

Evenly spaced grid

FlowStack(columns: 4, numItems: 27, alignment: .leading) { index, colWidth in
  LoadableImageView(with: "https://cataas.com/cat?type=sq?rando")
    .frame(width: colWidth, height: colWidth)

Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at 12 13 21 AM


Please file a github issue if you're having trouble or spot a bug.

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  • Patch 1

    Patch 1

    the former version did not compile on current Xcode versions as of 11.0, I think. The compiler could not determine the view type. by adding some automatically computed variables it is compiling, again.

    opened by GoldenStat 0
  • license


    I notice most swift code is released under no license. Coming from JS, where 98%+ has MIT it's not as easy to get going with! Maybe consider adding a permissive license.

    opened by natew 0
  • The compiler is unable to type-check this expression in reasonable time

    The compiler is unable to type-check this expression in reasonable time

    It seems that beta5 broke the code: .../SourcePackages/checkouts/FlowStack/Sources/FlowStack/FlowStack.swift:35:5: The compiler is unable to type-check this expression in reasonable time; try breaking up the expression into distinct sub-expressions

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