a TableView have thumbnail cell only, and you can use gesture let it expands other expansionView, all diy



#####可展开型预览TableView,开放接口,完全自由定制 #####An expandable preview TableView, custom-made all the modules completely with open API you can.
######Design by Sergii Ganushchak

Carthage compatible

a TableView have thumbnail cell only, and you can use gesture let it expands other expansionView, all DIY
高度自由定制可扩展TableView, 其中tableViewCell,topExpansionView,bottomExpansionView均提供接口自由定制,功能堪比小型阅读app

#####If you have updated Xcode 7.3 yet, please use the branch named 'Xcode7.3-Handle'.

#英文文档 ##Summary
With TableView skin, the powerful heart similar to a small app, decoupling arms and legs and support highly customized there are. Every cell as a whole with the vocational work. you can expand more extension views through slide up&down with your finger, and that the cell and extension views you can custom-made completely with open API, which carry the param can meet your needs to make interaction.

  • Working characteristics: TableViewCell act as a container with thumbnail content, the contents of the initial display be limited to 'cellHeight',it will recalculate the complete height when you click it, and you can slide to expand the extension views after that.
  • Custom-made: tableViewCell, topExtensionView, bottomExtensionView all you can provide to thumbnailTableView.
  • Simple to use: alloc a ZYThumbnailTableViewController object, assign your tableViewCell, ExtensionView(top or bottom), and your can uses the indexPath that the param with the assign Block to come true your demand.


pod 'ZYThumbnailTableView', '~> 1.0.5'

Setting up with Carthage

Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that automates the process of adding frameworks to your Cocoa application.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate ZYThumbnailTableView into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "Dershowitz011/ZYYT"

You can consult the Demo to complete your own thumbnailTableView. Have fun.
create a ZYThumbnailTableView object:

zyThumbnailTableVC = ZYThumbnailTableViewController()

configure the necessary param of tableViewCell, cellHeight, reused identification, dataSource...

zyThumbnailTableVC.tableViewCellReuseId = "DIYTableViewCell"
zyThumbnailTableVC.tableViewCellHeight = 100.0
zyThumbnailTableVC.tableViewDataList = dataList
//you can modify the cellHeight & dataList all the place dynamically
//you must ensure the dataSource newest, dont forget to update it in network callback .
zyThumbnailTableVC.tableViewBackgroudColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
//default backgroundColor is white.

and then configure your tableViewCell

//--------insert your custom tableview cell
zyThumbnailTableVC.configureTableViewCellBlock = {
    return DIYTableViewCell.createCell()

configure the update cell function

zyThumbnailTableVC.updateTableViewCellBlock =  { [weak self](cell: UITableViewCell, indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> Void in
    let myCell = cell as? DIYTableViewCell
    //Post is my datasource model
    guard let dataSource = self?.zyThumbnailTableVC.tableViewDataList[indexPath.row] as? Post else {
        print("ERROR: illegal tableview dataSource")

configure your expansionView(Top or bottom) - Both two Block provides the 'indexPath' as a param, i omit the param indexPath in Demo because of it`s no used to my BottomView. - it is an assignment about zyThumbnailTableVC.keyboardAdaptiveView, becouse of there are a TestField in my BottomView, assign to keyboardAdaptiveView, [ZYKeyboardUtil](https://github.com/liuzhiyi1992/ZYKeyboardUtil) will handle the event that keyboard cover the TextField.(Take care: there are the same object i assign to zyThumbnailTableVC.keyboardAdaptiveView and deliver to the createBottomExpansionViewBlock)
//--------insert your diy TopView
zyThumbnailTableVC.createTopExpansionViewBlock = { [weak self](indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UIView in
    let post = self?.zyThumbnailTableVC.tableViewDataList[indexPath.row] as! Post
    let topView = TopView.createView(indexPath, post: post)!
    topView.delegate = self;
    return topView

let diyBottomView = BottomView.createView()!
//--------let your inputView component not cover by keyboard automatically (animated) (ZYKeyboardUtil)
zyThumbnailTableVC.keyboardAdaptiveView = diyBottomView.inputTextField;
//--------insert your diy BottomView
zyThumbnailTableVC.createBottomExpansionViewBlock = { _ in
    return diyBottomView

The effects working with ZYKeyboardUtil

In general, your own thumbnailtableView is completed, you can produce the Interaction in your custom view file, and use 'indexPath' to connected them.

how i used 'indexPath' in my Interaction

  • mark as read, the green dot disappear.
  • mark as favorite, show a star on the edge of the cell.

I save the param 'indexpath' in my topView object while createView, if the favorite button be clicked, i modify the dataSource according to ‘indexPath' with delegate, and zyThumbnailTableVC.reloadMainTableView().

class func createView(indexPath: NSIndexPath, post: Post) -> TopView? {
    //--------do something
    view.indexPath = indexPath
    return view

//touch up inside---------------------------------------------
@IBAction func clickFavoriteButton(sender: UIButton) {
    //--------do something

//delegate func    in   ViewController---------------------------
func topViewDidClickFavoriteBtn(topView: TopView) {
    let indexPath = topView.indexPath
    //Post is my dataSource model
    let post = zyThumbnailTableVC.tableViewDataList[indexPath.row] as! Post
    post.favorite = !post.favorite

For NavigationBar, i deal with navigationItem of zyThumbnailTableView object in ViewController in Demo, eh, maybe you can let ZYThumbnailTabelViewController inherit your communal Controller in the my Source Code.

func configureZYTableViewNav() {
        let titleView = UILabel(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 44))
        titleView.text = "ZYThumbnailTabelView"
        titleView.textAlignment = .Center
        titleView.font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(20.0);
        titleView.textColor = UIColor(red: 63/255.0, green: 47/255.0, blue: 41/255.0, alpha: 1.0)
        zyThumbnailTableVC.navigationItem.titleView = titleView

#For Chinese ##Summary:

  • 工作特点:tableViewCell充当一个缩略内容的容器,初始内容展示局限于cellHeight,当cell被点击后,根据缩略view内容重新计算出完整的高度,装入另外一个容器中完整展示出来,并且可以上下拖拽扩展出上下功能视图。

  • 自由定制:看见的除了功能以外,全部视图都开放接口灵活Diy,tableViewCell,头部扩展视图(topView),底部扩展视图(bottomView)都是自己提供。

  • 使用简单:只需要把自己的tableViewCell,topView,bottomView配置给ZYThumbnailTableViewController对象。


pod 'ZYThumbnailTableView', '~> 1.0.5'


zyThumbnailTableVC = ZYThumbnailTableViewController()


zyThumbnailTableVC.tableViewCellReuseId = "DIYTableViewCell"
zyThumbnailTableVC.tableViewCellHeight = 100.0
zyThumbnailTableVC.tableViewDataList = dataList
zyThumbnailTableVC.tableViewBackgroudColor = UIColor.whiteColor()

接下来给ZYTableView配置你自己的tableViewCell,当然除了createCell外还可以在里面进行其他额外的操作,不过这个Block只会在需要生成cell的时候被调用,而重用cell并不会 ```swift //--------insert your diy tableview cell zyThumbnailTableVC.configureTableViewCellBlock = { return DIYTableViewCell.createCell() } ```


zyThumbnailTableVC.updateTableViewCellBlock =  { [weak self](cell: UITableViewCell, indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> Void in
    let myCell = cell as? DIYTableViewCell
    guard let dataSource = self?.zyThumbnailTableVC.tableViewDataList[indexPath.row] as? Post else {
        print("ERROR: illegal tableview dataSource")

配置你自己的顶部扩展视图 & 底部扩展视图(expansionView) - 两个Block均提供indexPath参数,只是因为我的BottomView的业务暂时不需要识别对应的是哪个cell,所以使用时把参数省略掉了。 - 这里还有一个对zyThumbnailTableVC.keyboardAdaptiveView的赋值,是因为我的BottomView中包含有TextField,正如上文所说,```ZYKeyboardUtil```会自动帮我处理键盘遮挡事件。(==注意==:赋值给keyboardAdaptiveView的和我往Block里送的是同一个对象) ```swift //--------insert your diy TopView zyThumbnailTableVC.createTopExpansionViewBlock = { [weak self](indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UIView in //Post是我的数据model let post = self?.zyThumbnailTableVC.tableViewDataList[indexPath.row] as! Post let topView = TopView.createView(indexPath, post: post)! topView.delegate = self; return topView }

let diyBottomView = BottomView.createView()! //--------let your inputView component not cover by keyboard automatically (animated) (ZYKeyboardUtil) zyThumbnailTableVC.keyboardAdaptiveView = diyBottomView.inputTextField; //--------insert your diy BottomView zyThumbnailTableVC.createBottomExpansionViewBlock = { _ in return diyBottomView }





- 标记为已读后,小圆点会消失  
- 标识为喜欢后,会在对应的cell旁边出现一个星星  

class func createView(indexPath: NSIndexPath, post: Post) -> TopView? {
    //--------do something
    view.indexPath = indexPath
    return view

//touch up inside---------------------------------------------
@IBAction func clickFavoriteButton(sender: UIButton) {
    //--------do something

func topViewDidClickFavoriteBtn(topView: TopView) {
    let indexPath = topView.indexPath
    let post = zyThumbnailTableVC.tableViewDataList[indexPath.row] as! Post
    post.favorite = !post.favorite


func configureZYTableViewNav() {
        let titleView = UILabel(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 44))
        titleView.text = "ZYThumbnailTabelView"
        titleView.textAlignment = .Center
        titleView.font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(20.0);
        titleView.textColor = UIColor(red: 63/255.0, green: 47/255.0, blue: 41/255.0, alpha: 1.0)
        zyThumbnailTableVC.navigationItem.titleView = titleView

##profile: **Block:** - ConfigureTableViewCellBlock = () -> UITableViewCell? - UpdateTableViewCellBlock = (cell: UITableViewCell, -indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> Void - CreateTopExpansionViewBlock = (indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UIView - CreateBottomExpansionViewBlock = () -> UIView




  • tableViewCellHeight
  • tableViewDataList
  • tableViewCellReuseId
  • tableViewBackgroudColor
  • keyboardAdaptiveView 你自定义控件里如果有希望不被键盘遮挡的输入控件,赋值给他,会帮你==自动处理遮盖事件==


  • mainTableView
  • clickIndexPathRow 记录被点击cell的indexPath row
  • spreadCellHeight 存储thumbnailCell展开后的真实高度
  • cellDictionary 存储所有存活中的cell
  • thumbnailView 缩略view
  • thumbnailViewCanPan 控制缩略view展开(扩展topView&buttomView)手势是否工作
  • animator UI物理引擎控制者
  • expandAmplitude view展开时抖动动作的振幅
  • keyboardUtil 自动处理键盘遮挡事件工具对象ZYKeyboardUtil

Delegate func:

  • optional func zyTableViewDidSelectRow(tableView: UITableView, indexPath: NSIndexPath)


  • dismissPreview() 让thumbnailView消失,在TopView,BottomView等没有zyThumbnailTableView对象的地方可以使用通知NOTIFY_NAME_DISMISS_PREVIEW
  • reloadMainTableView() 重新加载tableView

@liuzhiyi1992 on Github

ZYThumbnailTableView is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


  • Errors Xcode 7.3

    Errors Xcode 7.3

    Hi I just tried to run this in Xcode 7.3 and I got these errors.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swiftc failed with exit code 1

    Command failed due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11

    Command /usr/bin/ditto failed with exit code 1

    opened by Ged2323 1
  • 文档格式太乱了,可读性很差


    原谅我提了一个和技术本身无关的issue,但项目的README格式实在太乱了,估计是你使用了某款markdown编辑器的语法渲染与github与比较大的出入,所以最好还是根据github上的效果做一些调整,这样对初次接触、想了解你的repo的人会有很大的帮助,说不定可以新增一大波star :P



    opened by maxhis 0
  • Cannot convert value of type '() -> ()' to specified type 'UpdateTableViewCellBlock' (aka '(UITableViewCell, IndexPath) -> ()')

    Cannot convert value of type '() -> ()' to specified type 'UpdateTableViewCellBlock' (aka '(UITableViewCell, IndexPath) -> ()')

    Hi I tried running this with swift 3.1 and I'm getting this issue on this func.

    open lazy var updateTableViewCellBlock: UpdateTableViewCellBlock = { return { print("ERROR: You must configure the updateTableViewCellBlock") } }()

    Cannot convert value of type '() -> ()' to specified type 'UpdateTableViewCellBlock' (aka '(UITableViewCell, IndexPath) -> ()')

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Yours Sincerely Gerard Grundy

    opened by Ged2323 1
  • constraints top bar and bottom bar

    constraints top bar and bottom bar

    @liuzhiyi1992 @Dershowitz011 The constraints for the bottom bar and top bar are messed up. When you slide up the top bar is cut short and when you slide down the message bar nearly takes up the entire screen. Can you fix it to look the way you have it on github.

    opened by jackpaster 0
  • Clearer Description of how to Create Expandable Cells

    Clearer Description of how to Create Expandable Cells

    I've just been using the ZY Thumbnail Table View and love what its capable of. One issue I was stuck on was designing custom table view cells that expanded correctly when clicked on.

    I finally managed to get expanding table cells by ensuring the text label had 'Lines' set to 0, and Line Breaks set to 'Word Wrap'. In the hierarchy I had a single child view of the Content View which was pinned to the top, bottom, left and right of the superview. Inside the view were the child elements, including the text block I wanted to expand. Each of these child elements was separated by a vertical spacer. The last two elements were my expanding text label, and a 'dummy' image view (as shown in the Demo).

    I thought it might be helpful to future users trying to make their table cells expand correctly, as I've spent a few hours trying to get it right.

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