MacOS Serial solution (Observable & Event-Driven) to make integration of Serial peripherals trivial



SerialSwift makes communicating with your Serial Peripherals on MacOS trivial.

Better still, SerialSwift is designed to be fundamnetally Observable and Event-Driven, making it easier than ever before to consume information coming into your application from your external Serial peripheral(s).

SerialSwift is built on top of a number of packages:

In this way, SerialSwift can be integrated into your code in any way you prefer, making it extremely versatile.


Xcode Projects

Select File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency and enter

Swift Package Manager Projects

You can use SerialSwift as a Package Dependency in your own Packages' Package.swift file:

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
            url: "",
            .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")

From there, refer to SerialSwift as a "target dependency" in any of your package's targets that need it.

targets: [
        name: "YourLibrary",
        dependencies: [

You can then do import SerialSwift in any code that requires it.


Here are some quick and easy usage examples for the features provided by SerialSwift:

Connecting to your Serial Peripheral

You can create an instance of SerialSwift per Peripheral as easily as this:

var mySerialDevice = Serial["/dev/cu.myserialdevice", .baud9600]

You would, of course, substitute both parameters in the above example with (firstly) the path to your Serial device, followed by (secondly) the Baud Rate your Serial Device uses.

It is recommended that you retain a reference to your Serialable object somewhere globally in your application (such as on the Environment of your application, or as a Singleton). This is because, from the moment you connect to your Serial peripheral, it will begin emitting Events that you can consume anywhere in your application... as demonstrated below.

Events your Serial device will emit throughout your Application

Now that you have connected to your Serial device, the following Events will be emitted universally throughout your application, and can be consumed from anywhere in your code.


If you need to perform a specific operation any time your connection to your Serial device closes, you can do so simply from anywhere in your code:

SerialPortClosedEvent.addListener(self) { (event: SerialPortClosedEvent, priority) in
        Your code goes in here!
        Properties available to you:
        `event.refTime` = the precise "Mach Time" at which the Serial Port closed
        `event.serial` = A reference to the Serial device which triggered the Event.
        You can use `if ObjectIdentifier(event.serial) != ObjectIdentifier(mySerialDevice) { return }` to ensure you're only acting on Events emitted by a specific Serial device 


If you need to perform a specific operation any time your Serial device sends Data to your computer, you can do so simply from anywhere in your code:

SerialPortDataReceivedEvent.addListener(self) { (event: SerialPortDataReceivedEvent, priority) in
        Your code goes in here!
        Properties available to you:
        `event.refTime` = the precise "Mach Time" at which the Serial Port closed
        `event.serial` = A reference to the Serial device which triggered the Event.
        `` = The actual `Data` your Serial device sent to your computer.
        You can use `if ObjectIdentifier(event.serial) != ObjectIdentifier(mySerialDevice) { return }` to ensure you're only acting on Events emitted by a specific Serial device 


If you need to perform a specific operation any time your Serial device encounters an Error, you can do so simply from anywhere in your code:

SerialPortErrorEvent.addListener(self) { (event: SerialPortErrorEvent, priority) in
        Your code goes in here!
        Properties available to you:
        `event.refTime` = the precise "Mach Time" at which the Serial Port closed
        `event.serial` = A reference to the Serial device which triggered the Event.
        `event.error` = The actual `Error` your Serial device encountered.
        You can use `if ObjectIdentifier(event.serial) != ObjectIdentifier(mySerialDevice) { return }` to ensure you're only acting on Events emitted by a specific Serial device 


If you need to perform a specific operation any time your Serial device establishes a connection with your Computer, you can do so simply from anywhere in your code:

SerialPortOpenedEvent.addListener(self) { (event: SerialPortOpenedEvent, priority) in
        Your code goes in here!
        Properties available to you:
        `event.refTime` = the precise "Mach Time" at which the Serial Port closed
        `event.serial` = A reference to the Serial device which triggered the Event.
        You can use `if ObjectIdentifier(event.serial) != ObjectIdentifier(mySerialDevice) { return }` to ensure you're only acting on Events emitted by a specific Serial device 


If you need to perform a specific operation any time your Serial device disconnects from your Computer, you can do so simply from anywhere in your code:

SerialPortRemovedEvent.addListener(self) { (event: SerialPortRemovedEvent, priority) in
        Your code goes in here!
        Properties available to you:
        `event.refTime` = the precise "Mach Time" at which the Serial Port closed
        `event.serial` = A reference to the Serial device which triggered the Event.
        You can use `if ObjectIdentifier(event.serial) != ObjectIdentifier(mySerialDevice) { return }` to ensure you're only acting on Events emitted by a specific Serial device 


SerialSwift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

Join us on Discord

If you require additional support, or would like to discuss SerialSwift, Swift, or any other topics related to Flowduino, you can join us on Discord.

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