Open Event Orga iOS App


Open Event Organizer iOS App

Event management app for organizers using Open Event Platform


Make the app functionality and UI/UX similar to the Android app for Open Event Organizer.


Please join our mailing list to discuss questions regarding the project:!forum/open-event

Our chat channel is on gitter here:


Development Setup

This project is written in Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10 is required for development.

Before you begin, you should already have the Xcode downloaded and set up correctly. You can find a guide on how to do this here: Setting up Xcode

       Steps to install Cocoapods (one time installation)
  • Run sudo gem install cocoapods to install the latest version of cocoapods. To install cocoapods from HomeBrew, brew install cocoapods.

  • Next, run pod setup for setting up cocoapods master repo. You may include --verbose for more descriptive logs. NOTE: This might take a while to setup depending on your network speed.

Setting up the iOS Project

  1. Download the open-event-orga-iOS project source. You can do this either by forking and cloning the repository (recommended if you plan on pushing changes) or by downloading it as a ZIP file and extracting it. OR
$ git clone
  1. Navigate to the unzipped folder and run pod install.

  2. Open EventyayOrganizer.xcworkspace from the folder.

  3. Build the project (⌘+B) and check for any errors.

  4. Run the app (⌘+R).and test it.

Branch Policy

Note: For the initialization period all commits go directly to the master branch. In the next stages we follow the branch policy as below:

We have the following branches

  • ipa All the automatic builds generates, i.e., the ipas go into this branch
  • master This contains shipped code. After significant features/bugfixes are accumulated on development, we make a version update, and make a release.
  • development All development goes on in this branch. If you're making a contribution, you are supposed to make a pull request to development.

Code practices

Please help us follow the best practice to make it easy for the reviewer as well as the contributor. We want to focus on the code quality more than on managing pull request ethics.

  • Single commit per pull request
  • For writing commit messages please read the COMMITSTYLE carefully. Kindly adhere to the guidelines.
  • Follow uniform design practices. The design language must be consistent throughout the app.
  • The pull request will not get merged until and unless the commits are squashed. In case there are multiple commits on the PR, the commit author needs to squash them and not the maintainers cherrypicking and merging squashes.
  • If the PR is related to any front end change, please attach relevant screenshots in the pull request description.
  • Please follow the guides and code standards: Swift Style Guide
  • Please follow the good iOS development practices: iOS Good Practices
  • For contributors new to Git please have a look at the Git Configuration commands .


This project is currently licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. A copy of LICENSE should be present along with the source code. To obtain the software under a different license, please contact FOSSASIA.

  • feat: Getting started screen with user account validation via email

    feat: Getting started screen with user account validation via email

    Implemented: #20

    Changes: Implemented the getting started screen which asks the user for the email to validate whether the user already has an account or not. if the user has an account already the starting screen will navigate directly to the login screen after the email validation. if the user doesn't have an account it will redirect the user to the signup screen.

    Screenshots for the change: Screen Shot 2019-04-07 at 1 33 27 PM

    opened by dilumdesilva 4
  • Missing development branch for the contributors

    Missing development branch for the contributors

    Actual Behaviour For the moment open-event-orga-iOS project only contains ipa branch and master branch. Screen Shot 2019-03-29 at 3 00 36 AM

    Expected Behaviour

    As mentioned under branch policy section of the project readme, contributors are supposed to push their changes related PR s to the development branch. Since the branch creation is only possible for maintainers or the mentors of the project, It would be much appreciated if one of the mentors/maintainers of the project could create the development branch.

    Screen Shot 2019-03-29 at 2 54 41 AM

    Would you like to work on the issue? One of the mentors/maintainers have to work on this.

    opened by dilumdesilva 3
  • Implemented new progress HUD

    Implemented new progress HUD

    • Fixes #30
    • Also fixed an issue where users were able to interact with the app while in the loading state


    1. Added SVProgressHUD in Podfile
    2. Removed old IndicatorView and used SVProgressHUD in the Welcome Screen.
    3. Added a method to ignore Interaction Events while loading.

    Screenshots for the change:

    Screenshot 2019-06-11 at 12 51 20 PM

    opened by obitodarky 1
  • Adding a file which includes all the project constants

    Adding a file which includes all the project constants

    Actual Behaviour Currently the project doesn't manage constants such as common URLs, strings and other app related values in a constant file (at the moment we use them in the individual controllers (classes) whenever we need).

    Expected Behaviour As @chashmeetsingh suggested in the following PR it's better to have a constatn file to the project and it will help us to reduce repeated common values in the project.

    Would you like to work on the issue? Yes

    opened by dilumdesilva 0
  • Adding app icon to open-event-orga-iOS

    Adding app icon to open-event-orga-iOS

    Actual Behaviour

    Currently, there's no app icon has been added to the project.

    current behaviour

    Expected Behaviour

    Since the open-event-orga-iOS application supposed to follow the same app UI/Design of open-event-orga android application, I would like to work on this to add the app icon to project

    expected behaviour

    Would you like to work on the issue?


    opened by dilumdesilva 0
  • Change 'Eventyay Organizer' to 'EventyayOrganizer' for project

    Change 'Eventyay Organizer' to 'EventyayOrganizer' for project

    Fixes #11

    Changes: Change project name to EventyayOrganizer so that space could not create the issue in scripts The App display name is still Eventyay Organizer

    Screenshots for the change: N/A

    opened by jogendra 0
  • Change 'Eventyay Organizer' to 'EventyayOrganizer' for project

    Change 'Eventyay Organizer' to 'EventyayOrganizer' for project

    Actual Behaviour

    Currently, Eventyay Organizer is being used

    Expected Behaviour

    Change it to EventyayOrganizer so that space could not create the issue in scripts NOTE - The App display name should be Eventyay Organizer

    Would you like to work on the issue?


    opened by jogendra 0
  • Update README content

    Update README content

    Actual Behaviour

    Currently, there is not any content in README file

    Expected Behaviour

    Add required info related to the project in README file

    Would you like to work on the issue?


    opened by jogendra 0
  • Deploy job is failing to run in circle-ci

    Deploy job is failing to run in circle-ci

    Actual Behaviour

    Deploy job is failing to run in circle-ci

    LogCat for the issue

    #!/bin/bash -eo pipefail
    sh ./Scripts/
    ^D^DEventyay Organizer		Podfile.lock
    Eventyay Organizer.xcodeproj
    Eventyay Organizer.xcworkspace	Scripts
    Eventyay OrganizerUITests	docs
    LICENSE				ipa
    [ipa 170418b] temp
     21 files changed, 1162 deletions(-)
     delete mode 100644 .circleci/config.yml
     delete mode 100644 .github/
     delete mode 100644 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE
     delete mode 100644 .github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE
     delete mode 100644 .gitignore
     delete mode 100644 Eventyay Organizer.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
     delete mode 100644 Eventyay Organizer.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata
     delete mode 100644 Eventyay Organizer.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist
     delete mode 100644 Eventyay Organizer.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/jogendra.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate
     delete mode 100644 Eventyay Organizer.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/jogendra.xcuserdatad/xcschemes/xcschememanagement.plist
     delete mode 100644 Eventyay Organizer/AppDelegate.swift
     delete mode 100644 Eventyay Organizer/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json
     delete mode 100644 Eventyay Organizer/Assets.xcassets/Contents.json
     delete mode 100644 Eventyay Organizer/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard
     delete mode 100644 Eventyay Organizer/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard
     delete mode 100644 Eventyay Organizer/Info.plist
     delete mode 100644 Eventyay Organizer/ViewController.swift
     delete mode 100644 Eventyay OrganizerUITests/Eventyay_OrganizerUITests.swift
     delete mode 100644 Eventyay OrganizerUITests/Info.plist
     delete mode 100644 LICENSE
     delete mode 100644
    Switched to a new branch 'temp'
    cp: /Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Susi-*/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Eventyay No such file or directory
    mv: rename Eventyay to Payload/Eventyay No such file or directory
      adding: Payload/ (stored 0%)
    .			.git
    ..			Eventyay Organizer.ipa
    fatal: pathspec 'Eventyay' did not match any files
    On branch temp
    Initial commit
    Untracked files:
    	Eventyay Organizer.ipa
    nothing added to commit but untracked files present
    Deleted branch ipa (was 170418b).
    error: refname refs/heads/temp not found
    fatal: Branch rename failed
    error: src refspec ipa does not match any.
    error: failed to push some refs to ''
    Exited with code 1

    Screenshots of the issue


    Would you like to work on the issue?


    opened by jogendra 0
  • Add 'test' job in circle-ci to required for deploying

    Add 'test' job in circle-ci to required for deploying

    Actual Behaviour

    test is not in the required list

    Expected Behaviour

    Deployment job should require for deploy job

    Screenshots of the issue N/A

    Would you like to work on the issue? Yes

    opened by jogendra 0
  • Not able to build the app, got some errors!

    Not able to build the app, got some errors!

    Actual Behaviour

    Not able to build the app, got some errors!

    Expected Behaviour

    Steps to reproduce it

    LogCat for the issue

    Screenshots of the issue

    Would you like to work on the issue?

    opened by muhammadarslan 3
  • Use better indicators

    Use better indicators

    Actual Behaviour

    The indicator on loading should look nice or have some text. Screenshot 2019-06-11 at 12 52 46 PM

    Expected Behaviour

    The SVProgressHUD Pod allows us to use a smooth and fine HUD, which I think looks and feels much better. Screenshot 2019-06-11 at 12 51 20 PM

    Would you like to work on the issue?


    opened by obitodarky 0
  • Circle-Ci checks fail

    Circle-Ci checks fail

    Actual Behaviour Some of the Circle-ci checks such as circle-ci/lint and circle-ci/jobs fail for the project related PRs.

    but circle-ci/tests passing.

    Expected Behaviour Circle-ci checks should pass all the categories including lint and jobs

    Screenshots of the issue Screen Shot 2019-04-07 at 10 57 29 PM

    Would you like to work on the issue? Yes but need some input from the project mentors.

    opened by dilumdesilva 2
  • SignUp Functionality

    SignUp Functionality

    Actual Behaviour Currently, the application UI related to the signUp screen has already implemented without the signUp functionality such as allowing new users to create an account by entering their details (first name, last name, password).

    Expected Behaviour In the app signUp screen, a new user should be able to create an account with his basic details and after creating the user account user (h/s) should be able to login to the application and use the app features.

    Would you like to work on the issue? Yes

    opened by dilumdesilva 0
  • Login Functionality

    Login Functionality

    Actual Behaviour Currently, the application UI related to the login screen has already implemented without the login functionality such as validating login credentials with the backend.

    Expected Behaviour In the app login screen, once a particular user(already registered) entered the login credentials, that user should be able to visit the application dashboard page.

    Would you like to work on the issue? Yes

    opened by dilumdesilva 1
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