A free and open source xkcd comic reader for iOS.



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A free, ad-free, open-source, native, and universal xkcd.com reader for iOS. Download it from the app store now!



Version History

  • v2.5 (Submitted to the App Store)

    • iPhone X support
    • Added support for the four most common languages used by users other than English. German, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, and Russian.
    • Conducted full accessibility audit and implemented improvements.
    • Added 3d-touch previewing of comics from list.
    • New light-weight iOS app rating prompt replaced old alert-view style implementation.
    • Minor bug fixes and improvements
  • v2.4

    • Bookmarking comics - If you enjoy reading all the comics in order, you can bookmark a comic from the comic screen and we've provided an option from the main comic list to be taken back to where you left off at any time.
    • The "alt" view now includes the comic number as well as a "Explain" button that will take you to the explainXKCD site for that comic, in case you'd like a little more context.
    • View All Unread - quickly filter out all viewed comics, seeing only unread comics in the list.
    • Clear Cache - deletes all comics, resets all saved information including
    • View Bookmarked Comic - As previously mentioned, when you select this menu option you will be taken back to the comic you bookmarked and can continue browsing in-order.
    • View All Comics - this option will return to the unfiltered list if any of the above filters were applied.
  • v2.3

    • Fixes a comic view controller zooming issue caused by zooming in on a comic, viewing the alt text, then moving to the next/prev comic, resulting in the comic being zoomed out too far.
    • Added a Today Widget showing the most recent comic.
    • Removed GTrack and Google Analytics libraries.
  • v2.2

    • Fixes an issue with some of the known interactive comics, using a web view controller instead of the native comic view controller as a stop-gap until we work out some other solution.
    • Ask users to leave a review, only once ever, to get some more feedback.
    • Swipe navigation between comics.
    • Share sheet.
    • Moved alt button to bottom for easier use on larger devices.
    • Random comics can be viewed from the comic list, making it easier to randomly browse.
  • v2.1.1

  • v2.1

    • Share comics to Facebook and Twitter
  • v2.0

    • Added the ability to favorite a comic, which is indicated on the comic list with a pretty red heart. Along with this, you're able to toggle a filter on the comic list to see only favorites
    • Roll-the-dice to view a random comic
    • Navigate forward and backward through comics directly from the comic view controller
    • Fixed a potential issue with comics not loading on the first launch
  • v1.2

    • Visual indication that comics are read vs. unread
    • Improved comic view layout so some comics won't be cut off by the alt button
    • Hopefully corrected issue related to disappearing push notifications
  • v1.1

    • Improved scrolling performance
    • Search beta
    • Silent push notifications w/ vibration & app badge
    • Bug fixes
  • v1.0

    • Initial Release - you can read comics and stuff...


Want to help?

Download the app and use it - give us feedback! Leave a star on the repo, and a review on the app. If you find any bugs, have any feature requests, or want to say mean and nasty things to me, open an issue, and if you can patch the bug or add a feature and submit a pull request, even better - just make sure to follow the same code formatting/style and BE SURE TO ADD TESTS if applicable.

License / Attribution

The source is made available under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for details. For information regarding xkcd licensing, click here.

Social sharing icons from Zlatko Najdenovski via a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

  • Remove tracking/Add option to disable tracking

    Remove tracking/Add option to disable tracking

    I am concerned that this software is tracking users without their consent, and without the option for users to disable this tracking. After reviewing the source of this application, I see that almost every event is tracked.

    opened by JohnMH 18
  • [Feature Request] Search comics including text

    [Feature Request] Search comics including text

    In the other XKCD app I have, I can search a phrase or text from the comic content itself, not just the title and it will find it. That would be awesome for this app! I even have an idea for how to do it.

    opened by Pocketkid2 13
  • Handle Interactive Comics

    Handle Interactive Comics

    Some comics aren't just images, they might be interactive pages or GIFs or some other stuff that we need to handle accordingly. First we need to investigate what these comics are and how to handle them. We should also use this area to keep track of any we come across.

    opened by mamaral 8
  • Privacy


    Locking an issue like that is absurd. The issues with privacy on Apple software is as well documented as with Microsoft software. That is not relevant to the issue that I created, which you ignored the important part of. The important part of the issue was the tracking code itself, not with the tracking account.

    opened by JohnMH 7
  • Won’t launch

    Won’t launch

    Brand new install on iPhone X with iOS 11.4. A small comic thumbnail appears for a second, then goes away, then a dialog box shows up with: “Oops! Am error occurred while loading this content. Please check your connection and try again” I am on WiFi. Uninstalling and reinstalling haven’t helped

    opened by wallrodt 5
  • Swipe to move between comics

    Swipe to move between comics

    I always find myself attempting to swipe left and right when viewing comics on my phone, before remembering that the forward/back buttons are in the toolbar. A swipe-to-change-comics feature could be useful.

    opened by AndrewC-B 3
  • [Feature Request] Bookmark Comic

    [Feature Request] Bookmark Comic

    Add ability to bookmark so you can quickly navigate to a specific comic - i.e. if you are reading them all in order and want to continue where you left off.

    Imagining a bookmark icon on the comic screen itself, and a bookmark icon on the comic list next to the heart icon that when selected will scroll-to and open the last bookmarked comic... Only one bookmark would exist per app?

    opened by mamaral 2
  • [Feature Request] Filter by Read/Unread

    [Feature Request] Filter by Read/Unread

    Hey there,

    Thanks for your work on such a terrific little project.

    I would love to see the option to show only unread comics, this way you can make sure you literally have not missed a single XKDC comic created.


    opened by austin-guevara 2
  • How to do to make Cell in ComicListFlowLayout between horizontal and vertical gap?

    How to do to make Cell in ComicListFlowLayout between horizontal and vertical gap?

    @mamaral Hi!

    I think inside the Cell to do clearance, this will happen asymmetric clearance, if within ComicListFlowLayout for horizontal or vertical gap will be more beautiful,

    Like this picture: fc2e13e4-eb78-4e6e-97e1-96f5554c6eba

    opened by xhzengAIB 2
  • Feature suggestion: Make Widget Clickable

    Feature suggestion: Make Widget Clickable

    Would it be possible to make the app's widget (pictured) clickable? Simply so that clicking on it opens the app and takes the user to the current comic?

    opened by aashish-khub 0
  • [Feature Request] The ability to reset images to unread, without removing favorites

    [Feature Request] The ability to reset images to unread, without removing favorites

    I would like to be able to reset my read comics to be unread, without removing my favorited comics (and cashed images), so that I can enjoy going through all of them again, and favorite any additional comics that I like.

    Currently, there is only the "clear cashe" button, which would remove all of my favorites.

    Possible solution: add another button (in the same menu that the "clear cashe" button is in) to "Mark all comics as unread"

    opened by tuckjohn 0
  • No iOS 14 Widgets

    No iOS 14 Widgets

    The new iOS 14 supports widgets directly on home screen made using SwiftUI. This app should eventually support the updated widgets. Now that multiple different widgets (on top of multiple different sizes) is possible, maybe there could be “latest comic” widgets as well as “random comic” widgets.

    opened by gallus-gallus 0
  • Doesn’t load comics anymore

    Doesn’t load comics anymore

    Didn't open app for a week, not it won't load new comics. Cleared cache, now reports an error "Oops, an error occurred while loading content." Any ideas?

    opened by JuanCab 4
  • v2.2(Aug 27, 2016)

    This version includes a number of requested updates including:

    1. The "alt" button has been moved from the nav bar to the bottom in order to be more easily reachable on larger devices.
    2. The sharing buttons have been replaced with a share button in the nav bar.
    3. You can now view a random comic from the comic screen, to quickly browse random comics for as long as you please.
    4. Tapping on the comic number on a comic in the list will now show the alt text for that comic, so users on larger devices that can read the full comic in the list don't need to navigate into the comic itself to view the alt text.
    5. You can now swipe left and right on the comic screen to more easily navigate between comics.
    6. Users are now prompted once (and only once) to leave a review - which would be really helpful to get feedback and further improve the app.
    7. Comics that are known to be interactive on the web are now displayed in a web view to help increase usability.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    xkcd.Open.Source.ipa(18.75 MB)
  • v2.1.1(Sep 25, 2015)

  • v2.1(Sep 9, 2015)

  • v2.0(Aug 12, 2015)

    • Added the ability to favorite a comic, which is indicated on the comic list with a pretty red heart. Along with this, you're able to toggle a filter on the comic list to see only favorites
    • Roll-the-dice to view a random comic
    • Navigate forward and backward through comics directly from the comic view controller
    • Fixed a potential issue with comics not loading on the first launch
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    xkcd.Open.Source.ipa(14.62 MB)
  • v1.2(Aug 3, 2015)

    • The list of comics will now display unread comics slightly different than read comics.

    • The alt-text button (the little blue circle button-thingy) on comics is now slightly smaller and should no longer cover the bottom corner of comics when they are initially viewed.

    • Fixed an issue where push notifications would be cleared before being seen.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    xkcd.Open.Source.ipa(14.25 MB)
  • v1.1(May 30, 2015)

  • v1.0(May 19, 2015)

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