The QuoteKit is a Swift framework to use the free APIs provided by Quotable created by Luke Peavey.


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The QuoteKit is a Swift framework to use the free APIs provided by Quotable created by Luke Peavey. It uses the latest async/await syntax for easy access and contains all the APIs like fetching a random quote, all quotes, authors, tags and searching quotes and authors.


As it uses the async/await feature of Swift 5.5, the platforms currently supported are iOS 15.0+, macOS 12.0+, watchOS 8.0+ and tvOS 15.0+. There's a PR merged in Swift language related to back deployment, and the framework will be updated accordingly to support the older OSes.

Edit: While waiting and hoping for the backport to happen, the framework now supports iOS 13.0+, macOS 11.0+, watchOS 6.0+ and tvOS 13.0+


To add QuoteKit in your project, the best way is via the Swift Package Manager.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "")


The struct QuoteKit contains static methods you can call for fetching the revelant data. For example, to get the list of quotes -

do {
    var quotes: Quotes?
    quotes = try await QuoteKit.quotes()
} catch {

The examples given below are similar to the ones in Quotable's README.

Random Quote

Returns a single random Quote object from the /random API.

var randomQuote: Quote?
randomQuote = try await QuoteKit.randomQuote()

You can customise the request by adding query parameters like minimum and maximum length of the quote or the tag associated with it. You can also get a random quote by a specific author(s).

Few examples:

Random Quote with tags "technology" AND "famous-quotes" -

try await QuoteKit.randomQuote(tags: [.technology, .famousQuotes], type: .all)

Random Quote with tags "History" OR "Civil Rights" -

try await QuoteKit.randomQuote(tags: [.history, .civilRights], type: .either)

Random Quote with a maximum length of 50 characters -

try await QuoteKit.randomQuote(maxLength: 150)

Random Quote with a length between 100 and 140 characters -

try await QuoteKit.randomQuote(minLength: 100, maxLength: 140)

Random Quote by the author "Aesop" and "Stephen Hawking" -

try await QuoteKit.randomQuote(authors: ["aesop", "stephen-hawking"])

List Quotes

Returns the Quotes object based on the given queries from the /quotes API. By default, the list contains 20 Quote in one page.

var quotes: Quotes?
quotes = try await QuoteKit.quotes()

Few examples:

Get all quotes with a maximum length of 50 characters -

try await QuoteKit.quotes(maxLength: 150)

Get all quotes with a length between 100 and 140 characters -

try await QuoteKit.quotes(minLength: 100, maxLength: 140)

Get the first page of quotes, with 20 results per page -

try await QuoteKit.quotes(page: 1)

Get the second page of quotes, with 20 results per page, with a limit of 10 quotes -

try await QuoteKit.quotes(limit: 10, page: 2)

Get all quotes with the tags love OR happiness -

try await QuoteKit.quotes(tags: [.love, .happiness], type: .either)

Get all quotes with the tags technology AND famous-quotes -

try await QuoteKit.quotes(tags: [.technology, .famousQuotes], type: .all)

Get all quotes by author, using the author's slug -

try await QuoteKit.quotes(authors: ["albert-einstein"])

Get all quotes sorted by author -

try await QuoteKit.quotes(sortBy: .author)

Get all quotes sorted by content, in descending order -

try await QuoteKit.quotes(sortBy: .content, order: .descending)

Quote By ID

If there is one, return a single Quote object for the given id from the /quotes/:id API.

var quote: Quote?
quote = try await QuoteKit.quote(id: "2xpHvSOQMD")

List Authors

Returns the Authors object matching the given queries from the /authors API. By default, the list contains 20 Author in one page. You can filter multiple authors by providing their slugs in the query parameter.

var authors: Authors?
authors = try await QuoteKit.authors()

Few examples:

Get the first page of authors, with 20 results per page -

try await QuoteKit.authors(page: 1)

Get the second page of authors, with 20 results per page, with a limit of 10 authors -

try await QuoteKit.authors(limit: 10, page: 2)

Get all authors, sorted alphabetically by name -

try await QuoteKit.authors(sortBy: .name)

Get all authors, sorted by number of quotes in descending order -

try await QuoteKit.authors(sortBy: .quoteCount, order: .descending)

Get a single author by slug -

try await QuoteKit.authors(slugs: ["albert-einstein"])

Get multiple authors by slug -

try await QuoteKit.authors(slugs: ["albert-einstein", "abraham-lincoln"])

Author By ID

If there is one, return a single Author object for the given id from the /authors/:id API.

var author: Author?
author = try await "XYxYtSeixS-o")

Author Profile Image URL

Returns the image URL for given author slug. You can specify the image size as well. The default image size is 700x700.

var authorImageURL: URL?
authorImageURL = QuoteKit.authorProfile(size: 1000, slug: "aesop")

List Tags

Returns the Tags object containing the list of all tags from the /tags API. You can sort it and order the sorted results.

var tags: Tags?
tags = try await QuoteKit.tags()

Get all tags, sorted alphabetically by name -

try await QuoteKit.tags(sortBy: .name)

Get all tags, sorted by number of quotes in descending order -

try await QuoteKit.tags(sortBy: .quoteCount, order: .descending)

Search Quotes

Returns the Quotes object based on the search query from the /search/quotes API. By default, the list contains 20 Quote in one page.

var quotes: Quotes?
quotes = try await QuoteKit.searchQuotes(for: "love")

Get the first page of searched quotes, with 20 results per page -

try await QuoteKit.searchQuotes(for: "love", page: 1)

Get the second page of searched quotes, with 20 results per page, with a limit of 10 quotes -

try await QuoteKit.searchQuotes(for: "love", limit: 10, page: 2)

Search Authors

Returns the Authors object based on the search query from the /search/authors API. By default, the list contains 20 Author in one page.

var quotes: Quotes?
quotes = try await QuoteKit.searchAuthors(for: "kalam")

Get the first page of searched authors, with 20 results per page -

try await QuoteKit.searchAuthors(for: "kalam", page: 1)

Get the second page of searched authors, with 20 results per page, with a limit of 10 authors -

try await QuoteKit.searchAuthors(for: "kalam", limit: 10, page: 2)

Data Models

There are many different data models for using this framework.

  • Quote

The object represents a single quote. You can get the content of the quote using the content variable. The tags is an array of the relevant tag associated with the quote. To get the number of characters in the quote, use length.

struct Quote: Decodable, Identifiable {
    var id: String
    var tags: [String]
    var content: String
    var author: String
    var authorSlug: String
    var length: Int
    var dateAdded: String
    var dateModified: String
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case id = "_id"
        case tags, content, author, authorSlug, length, dateAdded, dateModified
  • Author

The object represents a single author. You can get the link to their Wikipedia page or their official website using link. bio contains a brief, one paragraph about the author. Use description instead to get a shorter description of the person's occupation or what they're known for. quotes contains an array of the author's quote.

Bool { == } } ">
struct Author: Decodable, Identifiable {
    var id: String
    var link: String
    var bio: String
    var description: String
    var name: String
    var quoteCount: Int
    var slug: String
    var dateAdded: String
    var dateModified: String
    var quotes: [Quote]?
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case link, bio, description
        case id = "_id"
        case name, quoteCount, slug
        case dateAdded, dateModified
        case quotes

extension Author: Equatable {
    static func ==(lhs: Author, rhs: Author) -> Bool { ==
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    Hi there! This update contains backward compatibility of Swift's new concurrency system! In simple terms, you can use async/await syntax targeting iOS 13, macOS Catalina, watchOS 6, and tvOS 13!

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  • 1.1.0(Oct 3, 2021)

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