A Swift client for the OpenAI API.



CI Documentation

A Swift client for the OpenAI API.


  • Swift 5.3+
  • An OpenAI API Key

Example Usage


import OpenAI

let apiKey: String // required
let client = Client(apiKey: apiKey)

let prompt = "Once upon a time"

client.completions(engine: .davinci, 
                   prompt: prompt, 
                   numberOfTokens: ...5, 
                   numberOfCompletions: 1) { result in
    guard case .success(let completions) = result else { return }
    completions.first?.choices.first?.text // " there was a girl who"


import OpenAI

let apiKey: String // required
let client = Client(apiKey: apiKey)

let documents: [String] = [
    "White House",

let query = "president"

client.search(engine: .davinci, 
              documents: documents, 
              query: query) { result in
    guard case .success(let searchResults) = result else { return }
    searchResults.max()?.document // 0 (for "White House")


import OpenAI

let apiKey: String // required
let client = Client(apiKey: apiKey)

let query = "It is a raining day :("

let examples: [(String, label: String)] = [
    ("A happy moment", label: "Positive"),
    ("I am sad.", label: "Negative"),
    ("I am feeling awesome", label: "Positive")

let labels = ["Positive", "Negative", "Neutral"]

client.classify(engine: .curie, 
                query: query, 
                examples: examples, 
                labels: labels, 
                searchEngine: .ada) { result in
    guard case .success(let classification) = result else { return }
    classification.label // "Negative"


"]) { result in guard case .success(let response) = result else { return } response.answers.first // "puppy A." } ">
import OpenAI

let apiKey: String // required
let client = Client(apiKey: apiKey)

let documents: [String] = [
    "Puppy A is happy.", 
    "Puppy B is sad."

let question = "which puppy is happy?"

let examples: (context: String, [(question: String, answer: String)]) = (
    context: "In 2017, U.S. life expectancy was 78.6 years.",
        (question: "What is human life expectancy in the United States?", answer: "78 years.")

client.answer(engine: .curie, 
              question: question, 
              examples: examples, 
              documents: documents, 
              searchEngine: .ada, 
              stop: ["\n", "<|endoftext|>"]) { result in
    guard case .success(let response) = result else { return }
    response.answers.first // "puppy A."

Swift Package Manager

Add the OpenAI package to your target dependencies in Package.swift:

// swift-tools-version:5.3
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
  name: "YourProject",
  dependencies: [
        url: "https://github.com/mattt/OpenAI",
        from: "0.1.0"

Then run the swift build command to build your project.




Mattt (@mattt)

  • Added support for more engines.

    Added support for more engines.

    Added support for newer engines in the Instruct series and Codex, so that these models can be quickly referenced via the enum. Updated enum case descriptions to reflect this.

    opened by zcutlerf 10
  • Adding user field in completions

    Adding user field in completions

    OpenAI requested that I include a user field in a recent app pre-launch review. Wanted to add it in here in case other developers are also being requested to include the field. Here's the note provided by the production review team:

    Please pass a uniqueID for every user w/ each API call (both for Completion & the Content Filter) e.g. user= $uniqueID. This 'user' param can be passed in the request body along with other params such as prompt, max_tokens etc.
    opened by benhynes 5
  • Alamofire Error: invalid_request_error - Engine not found

    Alamofire Error: invalid_request_error - Engine not found

    Alamofire throws the error invalid_request_error - Engine not found.


    class Model: ObservableObject {
    	@Published var input = ""
    	@Published var output = ""
    	private let client: Client
    	init() {
    		let apiKey = "<redacted>"
    		client = Client(apiKey: apiKey)
    	func go() {
    			engine: "davinci-codex",
    			prompt: input,
    			sampling: .temperature(0.0),
    			numberOfTokens: ...256,
    			numberOfCompletions: 1,
    			echo: false,
    			stop: ["//"],
    			presencePenalty: 0.0,
    			frequencyPenalty: 0.0,
    			bestOf: 1
    		) { [self] result in
    			guard case .success(let completions) = result else {
    			let choices = completions.flatMap(\.choices)
    			for choice in choices {
    			output = choices.first?.text ?? ""
    opened by melgu 3
  • Document best practices for using available engines

    Document best practices for using available engines

    Related to #8 and #9

    As discussed in https://github.com/mattt/OpenAI/pull/9#issuecomment-1117913832, there's no way for this library to provide enumeration cases for each of the OpenAI engines available.

    So as an alternative, this PR documents the pattern of extending Engine.ID to provide convenience APIs for any engines used in a codebase.

    extension Engine.ID {
      static var babbageSearchQuery: Self = "babbage-search-query"

    This PR also updates the existing testEngines() to run against a mocked response, and updates the mocked response of GET /v1/engines/ada with new fields.

    opened by mattt 2
  • Adding dedicated contentFilter function

    Adding dedicated contentFilter function

    It was required by OpenAI for a project I've been working on, so I just wanted to simplify usage a little bit. Now there's a contentFilter function that can be called as:

    client.contentFilter(prompt: prompt, completion: { rating in
        switch rating {
        case 0:
        case 1:
            // This means that the text could be talking about a sensitive topic, something political, religious, or talking about a protected class such as race or nationality.
        case 2:
            // This means that the text contains profane language, prejudiced or hateful language, something that could be NSFW, or text that portrays certain groups/people in a harmful manner.
            print("Unexpected result")

    It effectively wraps a completion request instead of implementing a different request, so I think the error handling should be sufficient with the completion of the the completions function with Result<[Completion], Swift.Error>. This is handled with the guard case .success(let completions) = result else { fatalError("\(result)") } within contentFilter, but I'm interested in input as to whether this is an acceptable way of dealing with this.

    Just a note that I rebased my commits to modify a commit name for clarity, in case there were any questions regarding why there were 4 commits made at the same time.

    opened by benhynes 2
  • failure(Alamofire.AFError.sessionDeinitialized)


    When I try the recommended code

    let apiKey: String // required
    let client = Client(apiKey: apiKey)
    let prompt = "Describe the Swift programming language in a few sentences."
    client.completions(engine: "davinci-instruct-beta",
                       prompt: prompt,
                       sampling: .temperature(0.0),
                       numberOfTokens: ...100,
                       numberOfCompletions: 1,
                       stop: ["\n\n"],
                       presencePenalty: 0.0,
                       frequencyPenalty: 0.0,
                       bestOf: 1) { result in
        guard case .success(let completions) = result else { fatalError("\(result)") }
        for choice in completions.flatMap(\.choices) {

    I get the following error:

    TestWithOpenAI/ViewController.swift:31: Fatal error: failure(Alamofire.AFError.sessionDeinitialized)
    2022-05-08 20:08:33.976354-0700 TestWithOpenAI[15129:4948609] TestWithOpenAI/ViewController.swift:31: Fatal error: failure(Alamofire.AFError.sessionDeinitialized)
    opened by scott-lydon 1
  • Some parameters in the client.completion(... etc not passed on to the session call

    Some parameters in the client.completion(... etc not passed on to the session call

    Hi - I want to set the presencePenalty and frequencyPenalty parameters to my own custom values, but they don't seem to be carried forward into the parameters flatmap before the session call.

    The parameters exposed in the high level client method completions that should ideally be carried through in to the URL session call.


    Parameters in client.completion():

     presencePenalty: Double? = nil,
     frequencyPenalty: Double? = nil,
     bestOf: Int? = nil,

    Not used in:

    var parameters: [String: Any?] = [
                "prompt": prompt,
                "max_tokens": numberOfTokens?.upperBound,
                "user": user,
                "n": numberOfCompletions,
                "echo": echo,
                "stop": stop
    /// missing penalty and bestOf parameters ideally added here...

    Net result is that you think you are changing certain values in the call to client.completions(), but in reality they aren't getting changed.

    opened by paulostergaard 1
  • Alamofire throws fatal error in SwiftUI

    Alamofire throws fatal error in SwiftUI

    Occurs when executing this code block:

    let apiKey: String = "<<API KEY>>"
    let client = Client(apiKey: apiKey)
    client.completions(engine: .davinci,
                               prompt: prompt,
                               numberOfTokens: ...300,
                               numberOfCompletions: 1,
                               echo: false,
                               stop: ["\n\n"],
                               presencePenalty: 0.1,
                               frequencyPenalty: 0.1,
                               bestOf: 1) { result in
                guard case .success(let completions) = result else { fatalError("\(result)") }
                for choice in completions.flatMap(\.choices) {

    Error: Fatal error: failure(Alamofire.AFError.sessionDeinitialized)

    This is with iOS 14.0 as a deployment target and Xcode 13.0 as a SwiftUI project. The problem seems to be caused when the client is declared within the local namespace of the function. When the declaration is moved out to global namespace, outside of the view struct, the issue is resolved.

    It seems SwiftUI might excessively garbage collect in this situation. It may make sense to add a footnote for SwiftUI to the docs (I'm happy to help contribute).

    opened by benhynes 1
  • Undefined symbol: nominal type descriptor for OpenAI.Completion

    Undefined symbol: nominal type descriptor for OpenAI.Completion

    1. Download OpenAI package.
    2. On the Project level, add OpenAI package into my project through Package Dependencies. OpenAI-main package shows up in the folder Packages; Alamofire 5.4.4 and AnyCodable 0.4.1 show up in Package Dependencies.
    3. On the Target level, add OpenAI product into Build Phases->Dependencies
    4. in my project, code "import OpenAI" in ContentView.swift without errors.
    5. run the build, the errors show:

    Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "nominal type descriptor for OpenAI.Completion.Choice", referenced from: _symbolic Say_____G 6OpenAI10CompletionV6ChoiceV in ContentView.o "nominal type descriptor for OpenAI.Completion", referenced from: _symbolic Say_____G 6OpenAI10CompletionV in ContentView.o "type metadata accessor for OpenAI.Client", referenced from: one-time initialization function for client in ContentView.o ForTest.ContentView.followUpPrompt(prompt: Swift.String) -> () in ContentView.o "OpenAI.Client.completions(engine: OpenAI.Engine.ID, prompt: Swift.String?, sampling: OpenAI.Sampling?, numberOfTokens: Swift.PartialRangeThrough<Swift.Int>?, numberOfCompletions: Swift.Int?, echo: Swift.Bool?, stop: [Swift.String]?, user: Swift.String?, presencePenalty: Swift.Double?, frequencyPenalty: Swift.Double?, bestOf: Swift.Int?, completion: (Swift.Result<[OpenAI.Completion], Swift.Error>) -> ()) -> ()", referenced from: ForTest.ContentView.followUpPrompt(prompt: Swift.String) -> () in ContentView.o "OpenAI.Client.__allocating_init(apiKey: Swift.String, organization: Swift.String?) -> OpenAI.Client", referenced from: one-time initialization function for client in ContentView.o ForTest.ContentView.followUpPrompt(prompt: Swift.String) -> () in ContentView.o ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

    ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

    Undefined symbol: nominal type descriptor for OpenAI.Completion.Choice

    Undefined symbol: nominal type descriptor for OpenAI.Completion

    Undefined symbol: type metadata accessor for OpenAI.Client

    Undefined symbol: OpenAI.Client.completions(engine: OpenAI.Engine.ID, prompt: Swift.String?, sampling: OpenAI.Sampling?, numberOfTokens: Swift.PartialRangeThrough<Swift.Int>?, numberOfCompletions: Swift.Int?, echo: Swift.Bool?, stop: [Swift.String]?, user: Swift.String?, presencePenalty: Swift.Double?, frequencyPenalty: Swift.Double?, bestOf: Swift.Int?, completion: (Swift.Result<[OpenAI.Completion], Swift.Error>) -> ()) -> ()

    Undefined symbol: OpenAI.Client.__allocating_init(apiKey: Swift.String, organization: Swift.String?) -> OpenAI.Client

    opened by truman0505 0
  • Lacking new endpoints

    Lacking new endpoints

    OpenAI API changes

    As OpenAI added new endpoints to their API and plans to deprecate some of the already existing ones, there is a need to take action.

    Namely, this package should include new Edits and Embeddings endpoints.

    Please also note that endpoints Searches, Classifications, Answers and Engines 'are deprecated and will be removed on December 3rd, 2022`. Reference - OpenAI API Reference

    opened by syrekable 0
  • Deprecate engine cases

    Deprecate engine cases

    Made a few changes here. Please let me know if any of these could be reworked. -Deprecated the enum cases, which produces some warnings in the package. I haven't figured out how to "deprecate in the future." -After re-reading OpenAI's documentation, it seems like Completion should be used with the newer Instruct Series, and the other methods should be used with the older Base Series. I've streamlined the readme to reflect this. -I also moved the extension suggestion higher in the readme so it's more noticeable.

    opened by zcutlerf 0
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