Type-safe declarative table views.



Build Status Swift 5.1 compatible Carthage compatible CocoaPods compatible Platform iOS License: MIT

TableKit is a super lightweight yet powerful generic library that allows you to build complex table views in a declarative type-safe manner. It hides a complexity of UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate methods behind the scene, so your code will be look clean, easy to read and nice to maintain.


  • Type-safe generic cells
  • Functional programming style friendly
  • The easiest way to map your models or view models to cells
  • Automatic cell registration*
  • Correctly handles autolayout cells with multiline labels
  • Chainable cell actions (select/deselect etc.)
  • Support cells created from code, xib, or storyboard
  • Support different cells height calculation strategies
  • Support portrait and landscape orientations
  • No need to subclass
  • Extensibility

Getting Started

An example app is included demonstrating TableKit's functionality.

Basic usage

Create your rows:

import TableKit

let row1 = TableRow<StringTableViewCell>(item: "1")
let row2 = TableRow<IntTableViewCell>(item: 2)
let row3 = TableRow<UserTableViewCell>(item: User(name: "John Doe", rating: 5))

Put rows into section:

let section = TableSection(rows: [row1, row2, row3])

And setup your table:

let tableDirector = TableDirector(tableView: tableView)
tableDirector += section

Done. Your table is ready. Your cells have to conform to ConfigurableCell protocol:

class StringTableViewCell: UITableViewCell, ConfigurableCell {

    func configure(with string: String) {
        textLabel?.text = string

class UserTableViewCell: UITableViewCell, ConfigurableCell {

    static var estimatedHeight: CGFloat? {
        return 100

    // is not required to be implemented
    // by default reuse id is equal to cell's class name
    static var reuseIdentifier: String {
        return "my id"

    func configure(with user: User) {
        textLabel?.text = user.name
        detailTextLabel?.text = "Rating: \(user.rating)"

You could have as many rows and sections as you need.

Row actions

It nice to have some actions that related to your cells:

let action = TableRowAction<StringTableViewCell>(.click) { (options) in

    // you could access any useful information that relates to the action

    // options.cell - StringTableViewCell?
    // options.item - String
    // options.indexPath - IndexPath
    // options.userInfo - [AnyHashable: Any]?

let row = TableRow<StringTableViewCell>(item: "some", actions: [action])

Or, using nice chaining approach:

let row = TableRow<StringTableViewCell>(item: "some")
    .on(.click) { (options) in
    .on(.shouldHighlight) { (options) -> Bool in
        return false

You could find all available actions here.

Custom row actions

You are able to define your own actions:

struct MyActions {
    static let ButtonClicked = "ButtonClicked"

class MyTableViewCell: UITableViewCell, ConfigurableCell {

    @IBAction func myButtonClicked(sender: UIButton) {
        TableCellAction(key: MyActions.ButtonClicked, sender: self).invoke()

And handle them accordingly:

let myAction = TableRowAction<MyTableViewCell>(.custom(MyActions.ButtonClicked)) { (options) in


Multiple actions with same type

It's also possible to use multiple actions with same type:

let click1 = TableRowAction<StringTableViewCell>(.click) { (options) in }
click1.id = "click1" // optional

let click2 = TableRowAction<StringTableViewCell>(.click) { (options) in }
click2.id = "click2" // optional

let row = TableRow<StringTableViewCell>(item: "some", actions: [click1, click2])

Could be useful in case if you want to separate your logic somehow. Actions will be invoked in order which they were attached.

If you define multiple actions with same type which also return a value, only last return value will be used for table view.

You could also remove any action by id:

row.removeAction(forActionId: "action_id")


Cell height calculating strategy

By default TableKit relies on self-sizing cells. In that case you have to provide an estimated height for your cells:

class StringTableViewCell: UITableViewCell, ConfigurableCell {

    // ...

    static var estimatedHeight: CGFloat? {
        return 255

It's enough for most cases. But you may be not happy with this. So you could use a prototype cell to calculate cells heights. To enable this feature simply use this property:

let tableDirector = TableDirector(tableView: tableView, shouldUsePrototypeCellHeightCalculation: true)

It does all dirty work with prototypes for you behind the scene, so you don't have to worry about anything except of your cell configuration:

class ImageTableViewCell: UITableViewCell, ConfigurableCell {

    func configure(with url: NSURL) {
        loadImageAsync(url: url, imageView: imageView)

    override func layoutSubviews() {
        multilineLabel.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = multilineLabel.bounds.size.width

You have to additionally set preferredMaxLayoutWidth for all your multiline labels.

Functional programming

It's never been so easy to deal with table views.

let users = /* some users array */

let click = TableRowAction<UserTableViewCell>(.click) {


let rows = users.filter({ $0.state == .active }).map({ TableRow<UserTableViewCell>(item: $0.name, actions: [click]) })

tableDirector += rows

Done, your table is ready.

Automatic cell registration

TableKit can register your cells in a table view automatically. In case if your reusable cell id matches cell's xib name:


You can also turn off this behaviour:

let tableDirector = TableDirector(tableView: tableView, shouldUseAutomaticCellRegistration: false)

and register your cell manually.



To integrate TableKit into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'TableKit'


Add the line github "maxsokolov/tablekit" to your Cartfile.


Clone the repo and drag files from Sources folder into your Xcode project.


  • iOS 8.0
  • Xcode 9.0


Keep an eye on changes.


TableKit is available under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

  • Can't remove top extra space for grouped tableview

    Can't remove top extra space for grouped tableview


    I have faced for strange behaviour of grouped tableview with TableKit. I can't remove extra top space for grouped table (I use xibs - iOS 10/11).

    I do following:

        func reload(withModels models: [MyModel]) {
            let section = TableSection()
            tableDirector += section
            section.headerHeight = CGFloat.leastNormalMagnitude
            section.footerHeight = CGFloat.leastNormalMagnitude
            for item in models {
                section += TableRow<MyTableViewCell>(item: item)
                        .on(.click, handler: { [weak viewOutput] _ in

    Also I have tried to make subclass of TableDirector and always return CGFloat.leastNormalMagnitude for all sections. It's didn't work also.

    --- But ---- If I implement datasource/delegate manually. It works fine - no any extra space on top.

    extension MyTableDataSource: UITableViewDelegate {
        func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {
            return MyTableViewCell.defaultHeight
        func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> CGFloat {
            return CGFloat.leastNormalMagnitude
        func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForFooterInSection section: Int) -> CGFloat {
            return CGFloat.leastNormalMagnitude
    help wanted 
    opened by SergeMaslyakov 8
  • Append to section - memory leak

    Append to section - memory leak

    @maxsokolov Привет! Во-первых Макс спасибо за отличную библиотеку! Но похоже есть небольшой memory leak, посмотри:

    In English: I have very strange memory leak, it appears when i try append row in sections.

    func reloadData() {
            _ = tableDirector.clear()
            // Row number for selected city (for scrolling)
            var selectedCityRowNumber = 0
            if let cityList = cityList {
                for city in cityList {
                    let isSelected = (selectedCityId == city.id) ? true : false
                    let row = TableRow<SelectDepartureCityScreenTableViewCell>(item: (city, isSelected)).on(.click) { [weak self] data in
                        // Handler on cell clicking
                        self?.output.didTapDepartureCity(withId: data.item.city.id)
                    section.append(row: row)
                    if isSelected {
                        selectedCityRowNumber = section.numberOfRows
                tableDirector += section
                // Scroll to selected number
                let selectedPath = IndexPath(row: selectedCityRowNumber, section: 0)
                tableDirector.tableView?.scrollToRow(at: selectedPath, at: .middle, animated: false)

    на section.append вылазит memory leak: screenshot at aug 16 02-16-48

    Как не пробовал, не могу от него избавится, есть идеи? Чуть чуть другой текст вылазит если без создания section'a делать например tableDirector += row Или отдельно создавать TableRowAction , и потом заносить его в конструктор TableRow, утечка остается просто текст утечки немного меняется

    opened by denisenkoaj 8
  • Missing header view using AutoLayout

    Missing header view using AutoLayout

    I've created a UITableViewHeaderFooterView subclass, with just a simple label for now to test things out. I've pinned the label to the edges using constraints (all in code). Then, when creating my sections in my view controller, I create a new header view, configure it with the data it needs to set some text in the label and use that as the header view in the section initializer. However, when I run the app, the header doesn't show up. If I add break points, I can see that the view is created and the correct text is set, it just isn't visible... Do I need to manually specify the height of the header? It can't use AutoLayout to figure that out for me?

    opened by danmartyn 6
  • Updated Swift tools version and added missing requirements

    Updated Swift tools version and added missing requirements

    I've been using TableKit in all my projects with CocoaPods (thank you!) but recently tried to use it in a new project with SwiftPM in Xcode 11 beta 7 and it wouldn't work.

    I'm still getting this error and don't know how to fix it (the error message says the requirement it can't match is 2.9.0..<3.0.0, which makes no sense because there is a 2.9.0 tag and Xcode is recognising that as the latest version automatically). I've tried using version 2.8.0 as well, but get the same error.

    However, with the changes I've made to Package.swift in this PR, Xcode will add the package if I use the hash of the last commit. So I think these changes did need to be made to update the package file, but there's an outstanding issue with tags that I'm not sure about.

    opened by bellebethcooper 5
  • Add support for sending custom actions from cells

    Add support for sending custom actions from cells

    So we don't have to use delegate approach for cells.


    class StringTableViewCell: UITableViewCell, ConfigurableCell {
      @IBAction func sendTapped(sender: UIButton) {

    Action in controller:

    let action = TableRowAction<String, StringTableViewCell>(.custom("send")) { (data) in

    Maybe it is stupid idea, but seems reasonable to me. Let me know what you think.

    opened by zdnk 5
  • [QUESTION] Scrolling is relatively glitchy

    [QUESTION] Scrolling is relatively glitchy

    I noticed that while scrolling through a UIView with a lot of cells, the line seperators flicker and it doesn't look to smooth. Would it be possible to make scrolling smoother?

    opened by avi2k4 4
  • willDisplayHeaderView and willDisplayFooterView

    willDisplayHeaderView and willDisplayFooterView

    Hi, I noticed that there is no way to get callbacks for willDisplayHeaderView and willDisplayFooterView. Is there any plans to add this and/or suggestion on how I can access those?

    Thanks, Sushant

    opened by sushant-is-here 3
  • [ВОПРОС] Как перезагружать секции при постраничной загрузке

    [ВОПРОС] Как перезагружать секции при постраничной загрузке

    Привет, Макс! Спасибо за твою работу. Подскажи, как сделать перезагрузки секций при постраничной загрузке. Когда делаю: tableDirector.clear() .... add section .... add rows

    tableDirector += section

    То таблица скроллится в начало.

    opened by tmbiOS 3
  • Improve Generic parameters

    Improve Generic parameters

    Hi there In #42 where an interesting improvement by reusing CellType.ItemType generic. Would you add this one into repo? Can I help you with PR for that? May be @noxt want to make it first?

    opened by OdNairy 3
  • Row update and reorder animation

    Row update and reorder animation

    Hi, you created great way for work with UITableView, but I have some questions: How update some data in row with animation? How reorder row with animation?


    opened by AnisovAleksey 3
  • Table Sections - How to customize them?

    Table Sections - How to customize them?

    Hi! Congratulations for the library, really cool and useful! I need to create custom section cells, but the question is : how can I do it? I see the TableSection has a headerView property, but I'd like to know how can I customize the info inside my custom section cell and how can I reuse the section header cell.

    opened by andrealufino 3
  • How to activate canMove, canMoveTo for sorting drag & drop rows

    How to activate canMove, canMoveTo for sorting drag & drop rows

    Please tell me how to activate the ability to sort cells or sections in a table using TableKit

    Do not work:

    let row = TableRow<BudgetSettingsTableViewCell>(item: item)
    let canMove = TableRowAction<BudgetSettingsTableViewCell>(.canMove)  { options in
                    return true
    let caneMoveTo = TableRowAction<BudgetSettingsTableViewCell>(.canMoveTo) { [weak self] (options) in
    opened by Datastore24Kirill 0
  • Подскажи пожалуйста, как организовать получение данных из ячеек

    Подскажи пожалуйста, как организовать получение данных из ячеек

    Задачка: организовать получение данных из ячеек с сохранением типизации и без тайп-кастинга. Пример прикладной задачи: Есть n ячеек с разными полями ввода и интерактива с пользователем. В необходимый момент времени, нужно собрать данные из ячеек и сохранить в БД.

    opened by NeonGloss 7
  • Context menu improvements

    Context menu improvements

    Hi! I really like your framework and I found a case where it doesn't quite work. I use it for creating chat and I needed to create a context menu for the message bubble. But in this version of the framework this cannot be done. I add some methods from UITableViewDelegate to select view from cell which will be used by the context menu.

    Added methods from UITableViewDelegate:

    • previewForHighlightingContextMenuWithConfiguration
    • previewForDismissingContextMenuWithConfiguration

    Some code example how to use new functionality:

    let row = TableRow<MessageTableViewCell>(item: message)
      .on(.showContextMenu) { item -> UIContextMenuConfiguration in
          // Here you need to path indexPath to identifier.
          return UIContextMenuConfiguration(identifier: item.indexPath as NSIndexPath, previewProvider: nil) { _ in
              let copyAction = UIAction(title: R.string.chat.copy(), image: R.image.messageCopy())
              let deleteAction = UIAction(title: R.string.chat.delete(), image: R.image.messageDelete(), attributes: .destructive) 
              return UIMenu(children: [copyAction, deleteAction])
      // !New methods!
      .on(.previewForHighlightingContextMenu) { item -> UITargetedPreview in
          // Choosing view to use in contextMenu
          let view = cell.messageBackgroundView ?? UIView()
          // Choosing parameters
          let parameters = UIPreviewParameters()
          parameters.backgroundColor = .clear
          parameters.visiblePath = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: view.bounds, cornerRadius: 10))
          return UITargetedPreview(view: view, parameters: parameters)
      .on(.previewForDismissingContextMenu) { item -> UITargetedPreview in
          let view = cell.messageBackgroundView ?? UIView()
          // Choosing parameters
          let parameters = UIPreviewParameters()
          parameters.backgroundColor = .clear
          parameters.visiblePath = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: view.bounds, cornerRadius: 10))
          return UITargetedPreview(view: view, parameters: parameters)
    opened by ddanilyuk 0
  • Replace UITableViewRowAction with UIContextualAction, up iphoneos_deployment_target to 9.0

    Replace UITableViewRowAction with UIContextualAction, up iphoneos_deployment_target to 9.0


    • UITablewViewRowAction is deprecated. Replace it with UIContextualAction
    • Up IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET to 9.0 with new Xcode
    • Update .gitignore for SPM
    opened by Loupehope 0
  • Dynamic section header and footer views

    Dynamic section header and footer views

    Hey! I made this change in my fork because I had a large dataset with many sections. Creating sections and their header views at once caused a performance and memory problem, so I added the ability to have a callback to generate the header/footer when needed. This also allows the client to cache header/footer views and reuse them.

    opened by mrojas 0
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