ButtonClickStyle - This is a Customizable/Designable Button View, with 15 animated click styles, that allows you to design your own buttons from subviews, in storyboard and xib right away.


image image


Platform Version Xcode Swift 5.0 Swift 5.2 License

  • This is a customizable/designable Button View,
  • with 15 animated click styles,
  • that allows you to design your own buttons from subviews,
  • in storyboard and xib right away.

Watch video with examples

▶️ Xcode Create in Storyboard/Xib

▶️ Styling Buttons TableList in iPhone

 Xcode Create Storyboard/Xib


  • Xcode 13+
  • iOS 9.0+
  • Swift 5.5+



ContainerControllerSwift is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ButtonClickStyle'

Swift Package Manager

Select Xcode menu File > Add Packages... and paste in the repository URL, enter.

Follow this doc.


Getting Started

Usage ButtonClickStyleView

Designable Attributes Storyboard/Xib files

  1. Create a UIView that inherits from ButtonClickStyleView

  2. Inside this View, create design your own button from subviews

  3. In Attributes Inspector of Interface Builder, you can immediately select the button click style animType

    • IBDesignable ...... | animType ........ | Number Value | Init Interface Builder
    • ButtonClick.State | animationType | Number Value | Init Programmatiсaly State
    • ButtonClick.State | animationStyle | Style Value | Init Programmatiсaly State


extension ButtonClick {  
  //                          Number Value
  enum Style {                
    case alpha                //  0
    case flash                //  1
    case shadow               //  2
    case shadowColor          //  3
    case color                //  4
    case colorFlat            //  5
    case pulsateNew           //  6
    case pulsate              //  7
    case press                //  8
    case shake                //  9
    case shakeNew             // 10
    case androidClickable     // 11
    case androidClickableDark // 12
    case fave                 // 13
    case glare                // 14
  1. Also you can select specific subviews to animate / or just 1 specific one-view allSubviews

  2. Add animation duration animDuration

  3. Add animation value animValue - meaning means for some types - alpha or power

  • Hide
    .Alpha / .Flash
    Will change alpha for "self.view" from 0.0 to 1.0

  • Add
    .Shadow / .Color / .ColorFlat
    Will change alpha for "add.view" from 0.0 to 1.0

  • Move
    .Pulsate / .Press / .Shake
    Will change the strength of movement for "self.view" from 0.0 to 1.0

  • Tap Gesture
    .Fave / .AndroidClickable
    Will increase bubble radius for "add.view"

  • Loading
    No change for "add.view"

Addition ButtonClickStyleDesignView

Also you can use in special custom Designable ButtonClickStyleDesignView or ButtonClickStyleDesignLabel with bunch of options, adding

  • cornerRadius
  • figure type
  • gradient
  • shadows
  • borders
  • blur
  • etc

Init Programmatically

If initializing programmatically There is a property addViews - allows you to pass views / layers which you definitely want to use in the click animation only

Usage ButtonClick.State

Or initialize through a struct ButtonClick.State

import ButtonClickStyle
import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {
  //MARK: Init Xib/Storyboards
  @IBOutlet var xibButtonClickStyleView: ButtonClickStyleView?
  //MARK: Init Programmaticaly
  var prgmButtonClickStyleView: ButtonClickStyleView?
  var prgmFigureView: UIView!
  var prgmRectangleView: UIView!
  override func viewDidLoad() {
    let figureView = UIView(frame: .init(x: 50, y: 10, width: 80, height: 40))
    figureView.backgroundColor = .systemIndigo
    figureView.layer.cornerRadius = 20
    self.prgmFigureView = figureView
    let rectangleView = UIView(frame: .init(x: 15, y: 50, width: 50, height: 60))
    rectangleView.backgroundColor = .systemPurple
    self.prgmRectangleView = rectangleView
    let state = ButtonClick.State(
      titleText: "Hello",       // debug text button
      allSubviews: true,        // click animation all subviews 
      animationType: 2,         // style 15 
      animationTypeValue: 0.5,  // value - alpha/power move
      animationDuration: nil,   // anim duration
      new: false,               // same styles one of them new 
      color: UIColor.green,     // value color for styles shadowColor/color/colorFlat 
      startClick: true,         // animate on creation
      debugButtonShow: false,   // debug highlight the real button inside
      addBackgrondColor: true   // debug add background color/view
    let btnView = ButtonClickStyleView(
      state: state,
      frame: .init(x: 0, y: 300, width: 240, height: 128),
      radius: 20,
      addViews: [figureView],    // addViews - allows you to pass views / layers which you definitely want to use in the click animation only
      click: { event in
    btnView.backgroundColor = .yellow.withAlphaComponent(0.5)
    self.prgmButtonClickStyleView = btnView

For an already created ButtonView to update the animation type

 self.prgmButtonClickStyleView?.update(animationType: type, allSubviews: true)

Button Click/Action Closure

Add at init programmatically Button Action-Closure event

 let btnView = ButtonClickStyleView(
      state: state, 
      frame: frame,
      click: { event in

Or define Action-Closure after

 self.prgmButtonClickStyleView?.click = { event in



motionrustam@gmail.com 📩 | mrustaa


ButtonClickStyle is released under the MIT license.

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