A simple and easily customizable InputAccessoryView for making powerful input bars with autocomplete and attachments





  • Autocomplete text with @mention, #hashtag or any other prefix
  • A self-sizing UITextView with an optional fixed height (can be replaced with any other view)
  • Image paste support
  • Autocomplete attributed text highlighting
  • Reactive components that respond to given events
  • Top/Bottom/Left/Right InputStackViews that act as toolbars to place buttons
  • RxSwift/RxCocoa Support with RxExtensions Cocoapod subspec
  • Drop in attachment view for file/photo management
  • Plugin support for your own InputPlugins
  • Compatible with all iPhones and iPads
  • RTL Support

Installation via Swift Package Manager (SPM)

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler. Once you have your Swift package set up, adding InputBarAccessoryView as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/nathantannar4/InputBarAccessoryView.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "5.2.0"))

You can also add it via XCode SPM editor with URL:


To make RxSwift/RxCocoa extensions work you need to explicitly import Rx dependencies.

Installation via CocoaPods

# Swift 5.3
pod 'InputBarAccessoryView'

# Swift 5.0
pod 'InputBarAccessoryView', '5.1.0'

Installation via Carthage

# Swift 5.3
github "nathantannar4/InputBarAccessoryView"

# Swift 5.0
github "nathantannar4/InputBarAccessoryView" "5.1.0"


iOS 12.0+ Swift 5.3

The latest iOS 11 release is v5.1.0

The latest iOS 9 + iOS 10 release is v4.3.3

The latest Swift 5.0 release is v5.1.0

The latest Swift 4.2 release is v4.2.2


Getting Started

See the Example project to see how you can make the iMessage, Slack, Facebook and GitHawk input bars!

Example Usage

Featured In

Add your app to the list of apps using this library and make a pull request.

See Also

iMessage style TypingIndicator for chat apps

Latest Releases


  • Allow setting canBecomeFirstResponder
  • Fix interactive keyboard dismissal lag
  • Add example implemntation of sendButton animation


  • Fixed appendSpaceOnCompletion inserting space at wrong location


  • Added an optional offset in KeyboardManager.bind(tableView:)
  • Change reuseIdentifier from public to open to allow inheritance
  • Fix send button loading indicator for dark mode
  • Fix iOS 14 UIPasteboard system notification with images


  • Drop support for iOS 11 and bump minimum version to iOS 12+
  • Support Swift 5.3 and higher for XCode 12

See CHANGELOG for more details and older releases.

Find a bug? Open an issue!


The layout of the InputBarAccessoryView is made of of 4 InputStackView's and an InputTextView. The padding of the subviews can be easily adjusted by changing the padding and textViewPadding properties. The constraints will automatically be updated.

It is important to note that each of the InputStackView 's to the left and right of the InputTextView are anchored by a width constraint. This way the InputTextView will always fill the space inbetween in addition to providing methods that can easily be called to hide all buttons to the right or left of the InputTextView by setting the width constraint constant to 0. The bottom and top stack views are not height constraint and rely on their intrinsicContentSize

func setLeftStackViewWidthConstant(to newValue: CGFloat, animated: Bool)

func setRightStackViewWidthConstant(to newValue: CGFloat, animated: Bool)

Reactive Hooks

Each InputBarButtonItem has properties that can hold actions that will be executed during various hooks such as the button being touched, the UITextView text changing and more! Thanks to these easy hooks with a few lines of code the items can be easily resized and animated similar to that of the Facebook messenger app.

// MARK: - Hooks
public typealias InputBarButtonItemAction = ((InputBarButtonItem) -> Void)    
private var onTouchUpInsideAction: InputBarButtonItemAction?
private var onKeyboardEditingBeginsAction: InputBarButtonItemAction?
private var onKeyboardEditingEndsAction: InputBarButtonItemAction?
private var onKeyboardSwipeGestureAction: ((InputBarButtonItem, UISwipeGestureRecognizer) -> Void)?
private var onTextViewDidChangeAction: ((InputBarButtonItem, InputTextView) -> Void)?
private var onSelectedAction: InputBarButtonItemAction?
private var onDeselectedAction: InputBarButtonItemAction?
private var onEnabledAction: InputBarButtonItemAction?
private var onDisabledAction: InputBarButtonItemAction?


Nathan Tannar - https://nathantannar.me


Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.

  • Incorrect Behavior of Library?

    Incorrect Behavior of Library?

    I might be wrong, and don't want to sham on all the hard work of the library creator and contributors, but it seems that this project is missing some key functionality of the interactive keyboard + custom inputAccessoryView:

    I ran the example and I noticed:

    • The content inset / visible cells aren't adjusted when the keyboard is shown/hidden as in Facebook/WhatsApp
    • The input accessory view's animation lags when dragging the keyboard up and down

    Am I missing something here?


    opened by royherma 12
  • Set long text to inputTextView height constraint bug

    Set long text to inputTextView height constraint bug

    I am having an issue with the inputBarAccessoryView within an app.

    We need to set a draft message that was previously stored. This is done using:

    inputBar.inputTextView.text = draftMessage

    In our app this causes the inputBarTextView to grow past the top of the screen (going underneath status bar) and the inputBarTextView is left unscrollable so you cannot scroll within it. However, when I reproduced this in the example app, the box doesn't go beyond the maximum height, however, it is still not scrollable, so the same issue has been encountered.

    If you look in the console when this happens, it is due to some conflicting constraints and so the end result in UI depends on which constraints the system decides to break.

    2018-10-22 14:01:14.392632+0100 Example[63316:4832764] [LayoutConstraints] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
    	Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. 
    	Try this: 
    		(1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect; 
    		(2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it. 
        "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x600003df63f0 UIView:0x7fb4e6e4a740.bottom == UILayoutGuide:0x6000027c55e0'UIViewSafeAreaLayoutGuide'.bottom - 6   (active)>",
        "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x600003df63a0 V:|-(0)-[InputBarAccessoryView.InputStackView:0x7fb4e6e55c40]   (active, names: '|':Example.iMessageInputBar:0x7fb4e6e47a40 )>",
        "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x600003df6350 InputBarAccessoryView.InputStackView:0x7fb4e6e55c40.bottom == UIView:0x7fb4e6e4a740.top - 6   (active)>",
        "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x600003dda300 '_UITemporaryLayoutHeight' Example.iMessageInputBar:0x7fb4e6e47a40.height == 0   (active)>",
        "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x600003df5e00 'UIViewSafeAreaLayoutGuide-bottom' V:[UILayoutGuide:0x6000027c55e0'UIViewSafeAreaLayoutGuide']-(0)-|   (active, names: '|':Example.iMessageInputBar:0x7fb4e6e47a40 )>"

    To reproduce in example app, I set long text at the end of viewDidLoad within CommonTableViewController.

    inputBar.inputTextView.text = """

    I pasted about 10 paragraphs of lorum ipsum within the string.

    opened by lordcodes 12
  • InputBarAccessoryView suddenly shows up where it shouldn't after using the power button or taking a screenshot

    InputBarAccessoryView suddenly shows up where it shouldn't after using the power button or taking a screenshot

    I'm using MessageKit. When my chat VC presents a VC as a pagesheet the InputBarAccessoryView goes away, which is good. However if you then power off the device then turn it back on the InputBarAccessoryView is suddenly on screen. Alternatively, when you take a screenshot and then touch the thumbnail in the corner the InputBarAccessoryView shows up too.

    You can easily recreate this yourself. I added a little bit of code to the MessageKit example app. Add the following to ChatViewController.swift's viewDidLoad():

    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
        let vc = UIViewController.init()
        vc.view.backgroundColor = .red
        vc.modalPresentationStyle = .pageSheet //or use .formSheet, .overFullScreen, .overCurrentContext
        self.present(vc, animated: true)

    All it does is showing a plain red VC shortly after the chat is on screen.


    • start the MessageKit example app
    • choose Basic Example (or any other)
    • activate the text field to pop up the keyboard
    • wait for the red VC to pop up
    • press the power button, then turn device back on and unlock (works in simulator too)
    • InputBarAccessoryView is on screen, while it shouldn't
    • instead of using the power button, make a screenshot instead, then touch the thumbnail in the corner of the screen (only works on physical device)

    Notice the issue only occurs if the text field is activated before presenting the VC (step 3)

    ezgif com-gif-maker

    opened by Janneman84 8
  • Attachment Plugin Breaks After Invalidation if TextView size Changed

    Attachment Plugin Breaks After Invalidation if TextView size Changed

    If you are using the attachment plugin and you add an attachment, if the text view container size changes after attaching, then the plugin does not get removed properly when the attachments are removed. I have reproduced this with the sample project's Slack style bar.

    Attach an image, and then type in multiple lines of text, and then remove the image. A large swath of whitespace remains where the attachment plugin was.

    Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 11 - 2019-11-13 at 10 27 05

    opened by mdstone06 8
  • Input Bar appear automatic when dismissal image

    Input Bar appear automatic when dismissal image

    Sorry I not good at English In Chat view controller, I present a ImageView that has dismissal. When i just try dismiss and release, not dismiss completion. inputbar automatic appear. Please help me to prevent inputbar appear ezgif com-optimize

    opened by hhoangna 8
  • Cannot Run example project

    Cannot Run example project

    getting this error No such module 'InputBarAccessoryView'

    there is no pod file in root of example folder

    Also, this error occur

    directory not found for option '-F/Users//Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData//Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/InputBarAccessoryView'

    opened by wind-flow 8
  • Text input maximum number of lines

    Text input maximum number of lines

    How do you set the text input to only grow to a maximum number of lines before it becomes scrollable instead.

    I have seen the ability to set the maximum height of the view, however, this value is automatically set at certain places in the code.

    To set the max height height to 3 lines, I currently have the following.

            inputBar.shouldAutoUpdateMaxTextViewHeight = false
            inputBar.maxTextViewHeight = 70

    However, the maxTextViewHeight can be set back to default by a method for if the view moves to a new window. Not sure when this might happen though.

    Do you know if the above is the best way of achieving this? Or if there is a nicer way?

    opened by lordcodes 8
  • Pop Over View

    Pop Over View

    Hi I am trying to add on a Pop Over view using Apple UIPopoverPresentationController, however when I'm trying to present. It does not cover the input bar and textfield. Anyone can give some suggestion on how should I achieve that?

    question waiting for reply 
    opened by KennethLee95 7
  • InputBarAccessoryView disappeared after swipe dismiss from QuickLook on iOS 13

    InputBarAccessoryView disappeared after swipe dismiss from QuickLook on iOS 13

    We implemented the InputBarAccessoryView in a messaging view controller, it uses Apple's QuickLook to preview images. Once an image is opened in QuickLook, i can swipe dismiss the image or use the Done button to dismiss the image. If i use the swipe dismiss, the inputBarAccessoryView disappears from the messaging view controller, but will slowly animated back to the view controller after 100 seconds; this problem is only reproducible on iOS 13. Tapping the Done button in the QuickLook view doesn't cause this problem. Any suggestion is appreciated, thanks.

    opened by denniscyoung 7
  • Adding custom view overlapping keyboard to be shown on InputBarButtonItem tap

    Adding custom view overlapping keyboard to be shown on InputBarButtonItem tap

    Does InputBarAccessoryView support this? I'm trying to replicate Messenger's / iMessage feature. When you tap images / stickers / something else a view covers the keyboard giving you a selection.

    I've been trying to do it myself by adding the view to the keyboard's window. It works fine when keyboard is already shown. I just get it's frame and add a view to it's window. I'm having trouble getting it to show smoothly from the bottom alongside keyboard when keyboard was not shown yet. I get the frame and animation options from the keyboardWillChangeFrame notification and animate frames but the view keep showing up from the top left corner of the screen. I've been trying to call layoutIfNeeded on keyboard's window but no luck.

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by jakubwarchol 7
  • Library crashes app when adding an attachment when an AttachmentManager dataSource is defined

    Library crashes app when adding an attachment when an AttachmentManager dataSource is defined

    Describe the bug My app crashes on iOS 15.5 when adding attachments when an AttachmentManager dataSource is defined

    To Reproduce Add the following code to the CommonTableViewController.swift file After line 29:

    		manager.dataSource = self

    After line 250

    extension CommonTableViewController: AttachmentManagerDataSource {
    	func attachmentManager(_ manager: AttachmentManager, cellFor attachment: AttachmentManager.Attachment, at index: Int) -> AttachmentCell {
    		let indexPath = IndexPath(row: index, section: 0)
    		// Only images are supported by default
    		switch attachment {
    		case .image(let image):
    			guard let cell = manager.attachmentView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: ImageAttachmentCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as? ImageAttachmentCell else {
    			cell.attachment = attachment
    			cell.indexPath = indexPath
    			cell.manager = manager
    			cell.imageView.image = image
    			return cell
    			return manager.attachmentView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: AttachmentCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as! AttachmentCell

    Compile and run the example app. Select the Slack row in the InputAccessoryView section Tap on the photo library button Select a photo App crashes at line 205 in AttachmentManager.swift file with a "Fatal error: Index out of range"

    Expected behavior I expected the photo to be added as an attachment

    Screenshots None


    • What version of InputBarAccessoryView are you using? 5.5
    • What version of iOS are you running on? 15.5
    • What version of Swift are you running on? 5.5
    • What device(s) are you testing on? Are these simulators? On a Simulator
    • Is the issue you're experiencing reproducable in the example app? Yes

    Additional context Replace line 205 with the following code:

            if indexPath.row == attachments.count && showAddAttachmentCell {
                return nil
            let attachment = attachments[indexPath.row]
            if let customSize = self.dataSource?.attachmentManager(self, sizeFor: attachment, at: indexPath.row){
    waiting for reply 
    opened by sgraesser17 6
  • Layout issues on iPad when using pagesheets

    Layout issues on iPad when using pagesheets

    I just updated to MessageKit 4.0. My chats are shown on a pagesheet VC. When the keyboard shows on iPad the input bar goes up way too much. This is on an iOS 16.0 simulator:

    Simulator Screen Shot - iPad Air (5th generation) - 2022-09-30 at 12 37 09

    It used to work fine on older versions.

    opened by Janneman84 8
  • The inputBarAccessoryView is shown along with the UIAlertController, when presented as `.actionSheet`.

    The inputBarAccessoryView is shown along with the UIAlertController, when presented as `.actionSheet`.

    Describe the bug The inputBarAccessoryView is shown along with the UIAlertController, when presented as .actionSheet, works fine for .alert.

    To Reproduce Steps/code to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Open up the example project from MessageKit.
    2. Go to Advanced Example.
    3. Tap on the InputBarAccessoryView's text view to open the keyboard.
    4. When the keyboard is open, tap on the camera icon.

    Expected behavior The keyboard is hidden and the action sheet is presented.



    • What version of InputBarAccessoryView are you using? 5.4.0
    • What version of iOS are you running on? - iOS 16.0 Beta
    • What version of Swift are you running on? - Swift 5.7
    • What device(s) are you testing on? Are these simulators? - Yes, the iOS simulator for iPhone 13 Pro.
    • Is the issue you're experiencing reproducible in the example app? - The example app from the MessageKit, yes.

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here. The issue happens with iOS 16 only. Works fine with the latest iOS 15.

    opened by chauhan130 5
  • MessageInputBar hides and reappears slowly when QLPreviewController is dismissed using the swipe gesture.

    MessageInputBar hides and reappears slowly when QLPreviewController is dismissed using the swipe gesture.

    Describe the bug When QLPreviewController is dismissed using the swipe gesture, MessageInputBar hides and reappears slowly.

    To Reproduce

    1. Tap on the keyboard
    2. Present a photo using QLPreviewController ( modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen )
    3. dismiss QLPreviewController by swipe gesture
    func presentQLPreviewController() {
        let controller = QLPreviewController()
        controller.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
        controller.dataSource = self
        self.present(controller, animated: true)

    Expected behavior InputBarAccessoryView should show immediately.

    Screenshots issue


    • What version of InputBarAccessoryView are you using? - 6.1.0
    • What version of iOS are you running on? - iOS 15.5
    • What version of Swift are you running on? - Swift 5
    • What device(s) are you testing on? Are these simulators? - iPhone / iPad
    • Is the issue you're experiencing reproducable in the example app? - Yes
    opened by Zulqarnayn 0
  • InputBarButtonItems stacked horizontally in top stack

    InputBarButtonItems stacked horizontally in top stack

    Hi, thanks for your work. I wanted to ask how could I achieve what is in the attached image below (WhatsApp input bar top stack for status reply). I also attached what I have achieved so far with below code.

    func configInputbarForReply(title: String?, subtitle: String?, image: UIImage?) { let attributed = NSMutableAttributedString(string: title ?? "", attributes: [.font : UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 13, weight: .semibold), .foregroundColor: UIColor(named: kblackOnWhiteColor)!]) let attributedTextMessage = NSMutableAttributedString(string: subtitle ?? "", attributes: [.font : UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12, weight: .regular), .foregroundColor: UIColor(named: kblackOnWhiteColor)!]) if self.traitCollection.userInterfaceStyle == .dark { self.postSampleImageButton.backgroundColor = .systemGray5 self.postCaptionButtonLabel.backgroundColor = .systemGray5 self.replierNameButtonLabel.backgroundColor = .systemGray5 } else { self.postSampleImageButton.backgroundColor = .systemGray2 self.postCaptionButtonLabel.backgroundColor = .systemGray2 self.replierNameButtonLabel.backgroundColor = .systemGray2 }

        self.postSampleImageButton.setSize(CGSize(width: 50, height: 50), animated: false)
        self.postSampleImageButton.contentHorizontalAlignment = .fill
        self.postSampleImageButton.contentVerticalAlignment = .fill
        self.postSampleImageButton.contentEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 10, left: ScreenSize.Width - 40, bottom: 8, right: 20)
        self.postSampleImageButton.image = UIImage(named: "appLogo")?.withRoundedCorners(radius: 5)
        self.postSampleImageButton.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
        self.replierNameButtonLabel.setAttributedTitle(attributed, for: .normal)
        self.postCaptionButtonLabel.setAttributedTitle(attributedTextMessage, for: .normal)
        self.postCaptionButtonLabel.titleLabel?.numberOfLines = 1
        self.postCaptionButtonLabel.titleLabel?.lineBreakMode = .byTruncatingTail
        self.postCaptionButtonLabel.setTitleColor(UIColor(named: kBLACKONWHITECOLOR), for: .normal)
        self.postCaptionButtonLabel.contentHorizontalAlignment = .left
        self.postCaptionButtonLabel.contentEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 10, left: 10, bottom: 15, right: 20)
        self.replierNameButtonLabel.contentHorizontalAlignment = .left
        if image != nil {
            self.replierNameButtonLabel.contentEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 5, left: 10, bottom: 8, right: 20)
            self.inputBar.setStackViewItems([self.postSampleImageButton, self.replierNameButtonLabel, self.postCaptionButtonLabel], forStack: .top, animated: true)
        } else {
            self.replierNameButtonLabel.contentEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 20, left: 10, bottom: 20, right: 20)
            self.inputBar.setStackViewItems([self.replierNameButtonLabel, self.postCaptionButtonLabel], forStack: .top, animated: true)
        inputBar.isHidden = false


    Screen Shot 2022-04-29 at 1 26 31 AM

    opened by ElrB 0
  • Cannot interact with custom button in subviewed in top stack view

    Cannot interact with custom button in subviewed in top stack view

    Hi, Is there a way to interact with the custom view in the top stack view. I have multiple buttons horizontally stacked within a UIView which is inside the top stack view. However, I am not able to tap any of the buttons.

    opened by iUsmanN 0
  • Doc/Implementation Inconsistent

    Doc/Implementation Inconsistent

    The inline docs for InputStackView state

    A UIStackView that's intended for holding InputItems

    Important Notes

    1. Default alignment is .fill
    2. Default distribution is .fill
    3. The distribution property needs to be based on its arranged subviews intrinsicContentSize so it is not recommended to change it

    but the setup function sets the alignment to .bottom

        open func setup() {
            translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
            distribution = .fill
            alignment = .bottom

    I'm uncertain as to which was intended.

    opened by mredig 1
  • 6.2.0(Oct 25, 2022)

  • 6.1.1(Oct 12, 2022)

  • 6.1.0(May 16, 2022)

    • https://github.com/nathantannar4/InputBarAccessoryView/pull/230: Added additionalInputViewBottomConstraintConstant to KeyboardManager as a way for providing additional bottom constraint constant offset for inputAccessoryView. Example implementation can be found in AdditionalBottomSpaceExampleViewController
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 6.0.0(May 5, 2022)

    iOS 12 has been around for a while, but with upcoming WWDC, we are ready to let this version go and rest in peace forever. The same could be said about CocoaPods - what used to be the major and most important thing on iOS for developing apps with 3rd party libraries - has been replaced by natively supported way called Swift Package Manager.

    Sit tibi terra levis.


    • Breaking change: Drop iOS 12 support
    • Breaking change: Drop CocoaPods support & RxSwift extension (it was available only via CocoaPods)
    • KeyboardManager will not update position of inputAccessoryView from interactive dismiss panGesture when the keyboard is floating
    • Update docs
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 5.5.0(Apr 28, 2022)

    • Update SPM tools to Swift 5.5
    • Added new optional delegate method for custom attachments size
    • Added new animations for left/right stack view constraints
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 5.4.0(Sep 10, 2021)

    • Make sure framework is ready for XCode 13
    • Fix availability in AppExtensions
    • Fix Package.swift to support iOS 12+ only
    • Reset cachedNotification when keyboard is programmatically dismissed
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 5.3.1(Mar 30, 2021)

  • 5.3.0(Mar 8, 2021)

  • 5.2.3(Jan 6, 2021)

  • 5.2.2(Nov 13, 2020)

    • Added an optional offset in KeyboardManager.bind(tableView:)
    • Change reuseIdentifier from public to open to allow inheritance
    • Fix send button loading indicator for dark mode
    • Fix iOS 14 UIPasteboard system notification with images
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 5.2.1(Oct 5, 2020)

  • 5.2.0(Sep 16, 2020)

  • 5.1.0(Aug 27, 2020)

    • Added support for smooth height transitions when the text view expands, set shouldAnimateTextDidChangeLayout to true
    • Fixed accessibility of HorizontalEdgePadding initializers and a typo in its filename
    • Added support for Dark Mode on iOS 13+
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 5.0.0(Aug 5, 2020)

    • Drop support for iOS 9 and iOS 10 #117
    • Remove RxSwift/RxCocoa from SPM #128
    • Fix image paste logic #126
    • Fixed Getting started preview and hashtag typo #93
    • Update documentation for setStackViewItems #82
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.3.3(Aug 5, 2020)

Nathan Tannar
Accessibility Software Engineer @apple working on SwiftUI and Catalyst. Taking a break from open-source work
Nathan Tannar
A simple and easily customizable InputAccessoryView for making powerful input bars with autocomplete and attachments

InputBarAccessoryView Features Autocomplete text with @mention, #hashtag or any other prefix A self-sizing UITextView with an optional fixed height (c

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Andrew Aquino 199 Jan 2, 2023
Varnam Input Method Engine for macOS. Easily type Indian languages on macOS

VarnamIME for macOS Easily type Indian languages on macOS using Varnam transliteration engine. Built at FOSSUnited's FOSSHack21. This project is a har

Varnamproject 11 Sep 7, 2022
In-app notification in Swift, with customizable buttons and input text field.

Notie Undistracted in-app notification in Swift, with added buttons and input box. Installation CocoaPods To integrate Notie into your Xcode project u

Thi Doãn 85 Aug 8, 2020
SwiftUI library to create fully customizable input stepper.

SwiftUI-InputStepper Swift package for creating numerical input stepper. An example of input stepper created with this library It supports long press

Mateusz Budnik 4 Nov 2, 2022