A framework for presenting bars and view controllers as popup, much like the look and feel of Apple Music App.



Build Status Carthage compatible Version SwiftPM compatible Mac Catalyst compatible License Platform Swift Version

PBPopupController is a framework for presenting bars and view controllers as popup, much like the look and feel of Apple Music App.



PBPopupController allows to configure a popup bar (like the mini player of Apple Music App), dock it to the bottom bar of a presenting view container controller (like UITabBarController, UINavigationController). The presenting view controller can be any UIViewController subclass.

Each view controller can present a popup bar, docked to a bottom view. For UITabBarController subclasses, the default is the tab bar. For UINavigationController subclasses, the default view is the toolbar. For other classes, the popup bar is presented at the bottom of the screen. View controller subclasses can provide their own bottom bar views.

Once the popup bar is configured (see the properties in the PBPopupBar class) with a style, an image, a title, a sub-title, buttons, effects and colors, you present it with the above view controller providing a required popup content view controller (like the maxi player of Apple Music App).

Once the popup bar is presented with a popup content view controller, the user can swipe or tap the popup bar at any point to present the content view controller. After finishing, the user dismisses this view controller by either swiping or tapping the popup close button porvided by the system.   Popup close buttons styles are labeled chevron for modern style chevron close button and round for iOS 9-style close buttons.

You can also present and dismiss the popup content view controller programmatically.

The popup bar has a prominent style based on the modern Music app look and feel and below and a compact style for iOS 9-style look and feel.. You can change these default values.

The presentation options provided by the framework are listed in the PBPopupPresentationStyle enumeration. They make the presentation look like the behavior of the Apple Music App. For iOS 9, the presentation style was fullScreen by default and for iOS 10 and below, the style was deck. The default is deck. You can change these default values. The custom option allows you to present the controller on a part of the screen.


Swift Package Manager

PBPopupController supports SPM versions 5.1.0 and above. To use SPM, you should use Xcode 11 or above to open your project. Click File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency, enter https://github.com/iDevelopper/PBPopupController. Select the version you’d like to use.


Add the following to your Cartfile:

github "iDevelopper/PBPopupController"

Make sure you follow the Carthage integration instructions here.


Drag the PBPopupController.xcodeproj project to your project, and add PBPopupController.framework to Embedded Binaries in your project target's General tab. Xcode should sort everything else on its own.


PBPopupController is available for installation using the Cocoa dependency manager CocoaPods.

Add the following to your project's Podfile:

pod 'PBPopupController'


  • iOS 11 or later.
  • ARC memory management.


  • Category methods on UIViewController.
  • Handling of rotations.
  • Plays nicely with any child view controllers or parent controllers.
  • Seamless integration of tap and pan gesture recognizers.
  • Delegate methods for getting full state of the controller and implementing your own code hooks for customizing behavior.
  • Data source methods for asking custom popup bar' labels.
  • Full Right-To-Left support.
  • Accessibility support.
  • iOS 13 dark mode support.
  • macOS Catalyst support.
  • iPad look and feel support.

Basic API Description

  • Configuring and presenting a popup bar:
        self.tabBarController?.popupController.delegate = self
        if let popupBar = self.tabBarController?.popupBar {

            popupBar.dataSource = self
            popupBar.image = UIImage(named: "Cover01")
            popupBar.title = "Title"
            popupBar.subtitle = " A subtitle"
            popupBar.accessibilityLabel = "My custom label"
            let popupPlayButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "play-small"), style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(playPauseAction(_:)))
            popupPlayButtonItem.accessibilityLabel = NSLocalizedString("Play", comment: "")
            let popupNextButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "next-small"), style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(nextAction(_:)))
            popupNextButtonItem.accessibilityLabel = NSLocalizedString("Next track", comment: "")
            popupBar.rightBarButtonItems = [popupPlayButtonItem, popupNextButtonItem]
            let popupContentVC = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "PopupContentViewController") as? PopupContentViewController
            self.tabBarController?.presentPopupBar(withPopupContentViewController: popupContentVC, animated: true, completion: {
  • Opening a popup content view controller programmatically:
        self.tabBarController?.openPopup(animated: true, completion: {
  • Closing a popup content view controller programmatically:
        self.tabBarController?.closePopup(animated: true, completion: {
  • Delegate methods for getting state of the controller:
    func popupController(_ popupController: PBPopupController, stateChanged state: PBPopupPresentationState, previousState: PBPopupPresentationState) {
        PBLog("stateChanged state: \(state.description) - previousState: \(previousState.description)")
    func popupController(_ popupController: PBPopupController, didOpen popupContentViewController: UIViewController) {
        PBLog("didOpen - state: \(popupController.popupPresentationState.description)")


  • PBPopupBar dataSource methods for providing label instances (such as MarqueeLabel):
    lazy var label: MarqueeLabel = {
        let marqueeLabel = MarqueeLabel(frame: .zero, rate: 15, fadeLength: 10)
        marqueeLabel.leadingBuffer = 0.0
        marqueeLabel.trailingBuffer = 5.0
        marqueeLabel.animationDelay = 1.0
        marqueeLabel.type = .continuous
        return marqueeLabel


    func titleLabel(for popupBar: PBPopupBar) -> UILabel? {
        return self.label
    func subtitleLabel(for popupBar: PBPopupBar) -> UILabel? {
        return self.sublabel

Managing the status bar

Since iOSS 13, the status bar is not animated correctly by Apple. So, you can set the properties:

popupPreferredStatusBarStyle for the preferred status bar style of the popup content view controller, containerPreferredStatusBarStyle for preferred status bar style of the container view controller.

When you override the preferredStatusBarStyle variable in your popup content view controller, return container.popupController.popupStatusBarStyle:

    override public var preferredStatusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyle {
        guard let containerVC = self.popupContainerViewController else {return.default}
        guard let popupContentView = containerVC.popupContentView else {return .default}
        if popupContentView.popupPresentationStyle != .deck {
            return .default
        return containerVC.popupController.popupStatusBarStyle

API Documentation

You can find the docs here. Documentation is generated with jazzy and hosted on GitHub-Pages.

Special Mention

A Special Thank to Leo Natan.

This code was inspired on his excellent framework LNPopupController.


Patrick BODET aka iDevelopper


PBPopupController is available under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file for more information.

Please tell me when you use this controller in your project!


Patrick Bodet aka iDevelopper

  • Incorrect tab bar height when user partially swipes up miniplayerview, let's go, and then changes orientation

    Incorrect tab bar height when user partially swipes up miniplayerview, let's go, and then changes orientation

    I'm noticing that if a user were to slightly pull up the miniplayer, let go, and then change orientation from portrait to landscape mode, the tab bar is incorrect.

    This becomes much more obvious when the user pull the minibar from the bottom, it reaches an open state, user changes orientation, and then user pulls the playerview down so it becomes a miniplayer again.

    Changing orientation back and forth twice seems to bring everything back to normal but it would be nice for users to not have to do that for it to work.

    I've been looking inside PBPopupInteractivePresentationController.swift to see if the source of this bug is here, but to no avail. Is there a place you can suggest I take a look? I don't want to just dump this issue on you; I can certainly help :)

    opened by aguzmanballen 17
  • Popup  layout is skewed.

    Popup layout is skewed.

    Thank you for amazing library. It's been pretty helpful for me!!

    But when I get back app after background, the layout is skewed like a Photo. IMG_4289

    I’m using a code as specified in the documentation like below Do I need to write anything else? Thanks!

    self.tabBarController?.popupController.delegate = self

        if let popupBar = self.tabBarController?.popupBar {
            popupBar.dataSource = self
            popupBar.image = UIImage(named: "Cover01")
            popupBar.title = "Title"
            popupBar.subtitle = " A subtitle"
            popupBar.accessibilityLabel = "My custom label"
            let popupPlayButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "play-small"), style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(playPauseAction(_:)))
            popupPlayButtonItem.accessibilityLabel = NSLocalizedString("Play", comment: "")
            let popupNextButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "next-small"), style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(nextAction(_:)))
            popupNextButtonItem.accessibilityLabel = NSLocalizedString("Next track", comment: "")
            popupBar.rightBarButtonItems = [popupPlayButtonItem, popupNextButtonItem]
            let popupContentVC = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "PopupContentViewController") as? PopupContentViewController
            self.tabBarController?.presentPopupBar(withPopupContentViewController: popupContentVC, animated: true, completion: {


    opened by YugoMatsuda 14
  • Buttons in the PopupBar do not respond when navigating back

    Buttons in the PopupBar do not respond when navigating back

    When using the PBPopupControllerSample app, I encountered one navigation issue.

 On MainTableViewController I click on a cell in the table "NavigationController"

    When I move forward a few ViewControllers by clicking on the "Next" cell (pushNext) and clicking on the song cell (presentPopupBar), the PBPopupBar appears.

    On this ViewController where the presentPopupBar was executed, I can interact with the playPauseAction and nextAction buttons that are located on the called PBPopupBar.

    But if I navigate back a few ViewControllers in navigation, then the playPauseAction and nextAction buttons in the PBPopupBar won't call their respective methods.

    If, however, if I move forward several ViewControllers (pushNext), I can interact with the playPauseAction and nextAction buttons and call the methods

    Can you please tell me why this might happen?

    opened by balabon7 6
  • Memory Leak

    Memory Leak

    Greetings, thanks again for your work. I noticed a strange ARC behavior, after I used TabBarController with PopupBar, I make another Root controller, I have a TabBarController with all the controllers in my memory

    Problems to be found in

    presentPopupBar(withPopupContentViewController: demoViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

    What do you advise? I am currently working on a solution

    opened by Terens777 6
  • No visual effect of Modal Page Sheet

    No visual effect of Modal Page Sheet

    Hello Patrick. I implemented a project (PGPopupSample) using PBPopupController.

    But when I call func presentPopupBar() and present the PopupContentViewController, then the controller below it was not animated as a stack. (There's just an influx one on one)


    And here is how it looks in your PBPopupControllerSample application:


    I tried changing popupContentView.popupPresentationStyle but it didn't change anything in my case.

    What do you think could be the reason?

    Below I have provided a simple project that reproduces this issue:


    opened by balabon7 3
  • How to dismiss popup with my own custom button action

    How to dismiss popup with my own custom button action

    I tried with self.popupContentViewController.closePopup(animated: true)but it always comes nil, I have used the same way how it was described in PBPopupLeakTest.zip file project u have shared on https://github.com/iDevelopper/PBPopupController/issues/3

    opened by dev-abdul02 2
  • It is not possible to use a custom controller

    It is not possible to use a custom controller

      func presentCustomPopup() {
            if let containerVC = self.containerController {
                let customYTBar = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "CustomPopupBarViewController") as! CustomPopupBarViewController
                customYTBar.view.backgroundColor = .clear
                containerVC.popupController.dataSource = self
                containerVC.popupBar.isTranslucent = false
                containerVC.popupBar.inheritsVisualStyleFromBottomBar = false
                containerVC.popupBar.customPopupBarViewController = customYTBar
                containerVC.popupContentView.popupCloseButtonStyle = .round
                containerVC.popupContentView.popupEffectView.effect = nil
                let popupContentController = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "PopupContentViewController") as! PopupContentViewController
                containerVC.popupBar.image = customYTBar.imageView.image
                containerVC.popupBar.title = customYTBar.titleLabel.text
                containerVC.popupBar.subtitle = customYTBar.subtitleLabel.text
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    containerVC.presentPopupBar(withPopupContentViewController: popupContentController, animated: true) {
                        PBLog("Custom Popup Bar Presented")

    after called this in DemoChildViewController in you Test project, crashed app

    Log: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSGenericException', reason: 'Unable to activate constraint with anchors <NSLayoutYAxisAnchor:0x600001a66840 "PBPopupController.PBPopupBar:0x7fec54a7afe0.top"> and <NSLayoutYAxisAnchor:0x600001a67040 "UIView:0x7fec54a785e0.top"> because they have no common ancestor. Does the constraint or its anchors reference items in different view hierarchies? That's illegal.'

    opened by Terens777 2
  • Scroll view gesture conflicts

    Scroll view gesture conflicts

    If add any scrollable controller as popup(table view, scroll view) gestures will conflict. I have troubles with adding UISlider to cell of table view. The solution is to activate dismissing popup swipe down gesture wile scroll view scrolled to the very top.

    opened by salminalex 2
  • Mysterious black bar appears over SwiftUI subviews.

    Mysterious black bar appears over SwiftUI subviews.


    I have an app with 4 ViewControllers in a UITabbar. ViewController 1 is a regular UIKit view. No problems. The remaining ViewControllers contain SwiftUI views (making use of UIHostingController) and whenever those views come into focus, a black bar appears and grows larger with each successive appearance of that view. I tried different types of PBPopup bar / controller combinations but no luck. The black bar does not appear in the view heirerarchy debugger. Additionally this issue does not occur if you go through and view all the SwiftUI tabs. It only happens when the PBPopupController has been instantiated before the SwiftUI views. Any insight into this or help would be greatly appreciated. I've attached some images to aid in the description.

    view 1: image

    first appearance (the black bar appears). image

    end result (different tab with the same problem): image

    Best Regards, Samir

    opened by samirsd 1
  • access custom docking viewcontroller property. (help wanted)

    access custom docking viewcontroller property. (help wanted)

    opened by ghimireprashant 1
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